Morning of the 31st December, at the Harvest Church south of the Bridge.

Emlyn White stood in a kitchen wearing his priest robes, occasionally tossing different herbs into a large iron pot and stirring them to a certain extent.

After all the pre-prepared ingredients were tossed in, he waited patiently for another ten minutes. Then, he scooped up the ink-black liquid with a metal ladle and poured it into a glass cup and glass bottle beside him.

48, 49, 50… Emlyn glanced at the empty pot and counted the medicine he had brewed.

After confirming the quantity, he picked up a large tray and brought the bottles of dark green liquid to the hall.

In the hall, more than half of the pews had been removed, and the floor was covered with tattered blankets. Lying within them were victims of the plague who were either in deep sleep or groaning in pain.

Emlyn and Father Utravsky worked together, each carrying some of the medicine, distributing it from two ends.

The first person in the queue was a middle-aged man with a sallow complexion. He hurriedly propped himself up halfway, received the medicine, and drank it.

He handed back the bottle and said to Emlyn in gratitude, “Father White, thank you very much. I feel much better and have some strength again!”

Emlyn lifted his chin and replied disdainfully, “This is only an extremely trivial matter that isn’t worth being grateful for. All of you are truly ignorant.”

With that, he sped up the distribution of the potions.

After ten minutes or so, he returned to the altar of Earth Mother and complained to Father Utravsky, “You should get two more volunteers!”

Father Utravsky didn’t respond. He looked at the patients and said with a gentle smile, “They should be completely healed in two or three days.”

“How do you know?” Emlyn turned his head in surprise.

Father Utravsky looked down at him benevolently and said, “Herbal medicine is one of the domains of the Earth Mother. As ‘Her’ believer, I do know some of the basics even if I’m not part of the Earth pathway.”

Emlyn tsked.

“I’m not interested in religion and know little about it.”

Although I’ve been copying Earth Mother’s bible in the recent months… he inwardly added in a slightly resentful tone before saying, “Father, I didn’t expect you to accept nonbelievers in the faith. Among them, only two or three of them are believers of the Earth Mother.”

Father Utravsky smiled without minding what he said.

“They are also lives, innocent lives.”

Emlyn paused for a few seconds, exhaled, and said, “Father, I’ve already found a way to resolve the psychological cue. Perhaps I will leave this place soon.”

Wait, why did I mention this? I was actually moved by him. What if he locks me up in the basement again? Emlyn suddenly turned nervous.

Father Utravsky’s expression remained unchanged as he looked down and said to Emlyn, “Actually, you didn’t need to seek out solutions. In a little while, the psychological cue will be automatically removed, and you will be free to choose whether to come to the cathedral.”

become the Mother’s, no—Earth Mother’s devout

said, feeling somewhat surprised, “I didn’t compel you

to the cathedral every day, hoping

only effect of the psychological cue was to make me return to the cathedral?”

Father Utravsky nodded frankly.



back at the altar, looking at the Earth Mother’s Sacred Emblem of Life,

the 31st December. 2 Daffodil Street,

took off his hat and coat,

second class tickets for the steam locomotive to

the dining room with several newspapers in front of her, worriedly said, “Benson, the air in Backlund is terrible. Tens of thousands of people have died from the poison

passed the report submitted by the National Atmospheric Pollution Council. There will be legislation to regulate the emission of smoke and wastewater, so a


employees from Backlund recruiting people. They said that due to the smog and plague, the factories there are suffering a shortage in manpower, so they’re willing to promise that the working hours and minimum wage will be

it’s impossible?” Melissa

more and more people flock to Backlund, it will be impossible unless both Houses pass the corresponding laws directly.” Benson spread his hands and pointed to

forks and knives, three

for beer, two

the evening of

to the nines, Audrey stood inside a lounge, waiting for the start of the New Year’s Party. However, one couldn’t see the excitement, exuberance, and joy on her face despite the fact that she was about to become

was a newspaper.

died in the fog, and the subsequent plague took the lives of

help but

on the door and said in unison, “Your beauty surpasses

She then walked out of the lounge and entered the party’s hall, under the company

walked all the way up to the front of the dais and, under the gaze of many, handed her white, muslin-gloved

her to the edge of the dais as they faced

a dark period in Backlund’s history, we still have a gem that can illuminate the entire city. Her wisdom, her beauty, her character,

formally introduce her to

“Lady Audrey Hall.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

window, the fireworks

Audrey officially came of age and was presented to

the afternoon of 3rd

of East Borough, in a

found the graves of Old

the word, but rather a niche where an

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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