The sky was dark outside the window, but it wasn’t the dark fog which Klein was used to. The sea waves rolled in, blowing away all the smog and making the clouds line up in various shapes, reflecting the reddish-gold sunlight.

This was Pritz Harbor, the largest and busiest port in the Loen Kingdom.

Wearing a light vest and white shirt, Klein stood by the window and watched the outside world for a while until his pocket watch urged him to return to the mahogany table.

In the warmth of the fireplace, he picked up a black, round fountain pen, unfolded a letter, and slowly wrote:

Dear Mr. Azik,

Forgive me for not writing to you until today, but for the past few days, I’ve been wandering in Backlund, immersed in the devastation that has been inflicted on this great city by the events of the past few days. If we were ordinary people, perhaps we would’ve been covered with white cloth and carried to the crematorium, eventually settling in a tiny niche…

I’ve waited for quite a while and finally found an opportunity to retrieve what belongs to me. This includes the Card of Blasphemy I promised you. In addition, there’s another item which I will get the messenger to bring to you as well; it’s a copper whistle that can summon a messenger. It comes from a chance encounter of mine, regarding an elder who crawled out of his coffin. I’m sure you’re puzzled having read this, as the description I used similarly points to you. This is what puzzles me.

… This is exactly what happened. I suspect that the original owner of the copper whistle is a member of the Numinous Episcopate that tries to revive Death. Furthermore, his level isn’t low. Perhaps you’ll be able to tell something from this copper whistle…

Before leaving Backlund, I will write to the Machinery Hivemind to describe the massive underground ruin where you fought Ince Zangwill. I hope that they will be able to figure out the truth with the help of this information.

After going through a roundabout and indirect test, I’ve confirmed that they do not have any enmity towards you and me for the time being. If you’re in trouble, perhaps you can try seeking their help.

Finally, I have one more question. Is there any way to remove the residual mental corruption of a Beyonder characteristic that has already solidified?

… I am about to set sail. I wish you a smooth journey in finding your memories and a safe journey for myself as well.

Your student and friend,

Klein Moretti.

Putting down the pen and reading it once more, Klein folded the letter and stuffed it into the envelope along with the Dark Emperor card and the copper whistle left behind by the suspected Numinous Episcopate member.

When he was done, he picked up the copper whistle Mr. Azik had given him and summoned the messenger by blowing into it.

eye sockets burning with black

placed the letter into the messenger’s

his head to take a look, before quickly disintegrating into bones and drilled into the ground like a

his right molar

pale yellow identification card. This was a necessary item required for official purchases of any

he had specially gone to Sharron and obtained

that of a bounty hunter, a lunatic who was eager to go on an adventure at sea to get rich. In accordance with

of evil…” Klein whispered, putting away a series of documents

the curtains, took four steps

Tarot Gathering, so Klein quickly retrieved Creeping Hunger

every twisted, illusory soul. He attempted to release

fog, it didn’t dare to act rashly. It allowed the soul

a blurry face. His twisted and painful feelings seemed to dissipate quite

His figure gradually turned dim, almost plummeting beneath the gray

any additional rituals prepared; thus, he extended his spirituality and stabilized the man before

“Apart from those kept by the Church of the Evernight Goddess, they can only be found by sailing

to sea. However, he somehow died at the hands of Rear Admiral Hurricane Qilangos in the end… The Church of the Goddess rears quite a number of mermaids? Klein suddenly asked in realization, “Which organization did you belong to? Or should I say, where did your potion formula come

It was only two

Secret Order. I belong to the Secret

Klein hesitated for a moment before asking,

but then he shouted with a sharp


increasingly thin, almost on

afraid of him? More accurately, I should use “Him”… Klein quickly asked about another

left the words: “The Church of the Evernight Goddess…

repeated the words. The Cathedral of Serenity was the

wonder how many secrets the various Churches have kept buried and hidden…Sighing, Klein let the dark green glue-like substance, that had formed on the surface of his glove, slide onto the surface of the

dark green background, from time to time,

before nodding indiscernibly. He muttered to himself, “I’ll use The World later to

above the gray fog, he didn’t return there so as to not provoke them

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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