Hermes? That’s an ancient powerhouse… Klein frowned slightly.

With his solid knowledge of mysticism, he was well aware of the era in which the old gentleman who had created the language of ancient Hermes had been active.

That is during the Second Epoch when the giants ruled the land and the dragons soared through the skies. In a particular sense, he appeared before the God of Combat and the Earth Mother in human history. In other words, even Little Sun, who didn’t know the seven gods before joining the Tarot Club, would likely know of the name Hermes. Yes, I should find a chance to confirm this using The World…

That old gentleman had personally experienced the period when early humans tested the potions themselves, slowly seeking the thorny path of the powers of a Beyonder, one step at a time. He had used Jotun and Dragonese as blueprints, and standing on the shoulders of the pioneers, he created a Beyonder language that belongs to humans. He probably saw the first Blasphemy Slate!

He actually survived until the time of Emperor Roselle, and he might even be alive until now! This is a living fossil of human mysticism! Klein felt a surge of emotions. On the other hand, he felt the terror of the Twilight Hermit Order.

It even had Hermes as one of its members!

As for the other secret organizations, or even internally to the seven Churches, they will often use ancient Hermes to perform sacrificial rites and rituals!

The Twilight Hermit Order is really high-end, grand, and of a high level… Klein couldn’t help but sigh inwardly.

What he envied most wasn’t the existence of Hermes, a legend who lived throughout human history, among the Twilight Hermit Order, but the fact that they possessed the second Blasphemy Slate.

This is simply cheating! Klein sighed at the thought of how the Tarot Club only had one out of the twenty-one Cards of Blasphemy.

He turned his focus back to the paper and continued to read the remaining entries of the diary.

“Heavens! The old man sitting next to me who looks so ordinary and nothing special was actually Hermes. He lived from the dark Second Epoch all the way to the Beyonder decline of the Fifth Epoch!

“I made the right choice joining this organization!

“I can see my bright future, not using three exclamation marks to describe my feelings right now just isn’t enough!!!

these undying old bastards, are all gathered together because they believe in the opinion that

must be people among them who passionately believe in those ideals, purely waiting for the original Creator to awaken, hoping for the progress of history to develop to that node as predicted. Heh

person who called for the gathering said that the members of this gathering had their differences and had to vote for me to join, barely allowing me to join after a majority vote of two-thirds, but

reaches the level of an angel? ‘He’ had created a secret psychological cue in me through my verbal promise without me realizing it. And that they’re confident enough to discover the hidden malice of

thinking about it makes me

the outside world, it will be immediately noticed. They even gave me a few examples of former members who were eliminated… Writing on paper or

me think. Let me think. Sequence 2 of the Spectator pathway is Discerner

have a preliminary suspect, the person

0 of the Spectator

the level of a true god. Otherwise, there’s no need to hide behind the scenes. Of course, they might have divine items at the Sequence 0 level or the

too much into it back then. Amidst my shock, I asked about a few other matters, such as why the term ‘authority’ is used in the description of deities. Old Mister Hermes gave an interesting

Klein realized that the diary page had already

page, but he quickly turned back because the following page didn’t connect to the previous page

answer? Is it on the next page of the original diary, or was he too lazy to write it because it’s too long? Or he felt that there’s no need to jot it down in the diary? Klein was so

course, he didn’t show any signs of emotion on

of Imagination. I thought it would be Dragon… Visionary adheres more to what

the name of the potion, I find it quite

the diary gave me a fright. I thought they had the gray fog or the mysterious space above

which was about a

the organization’s name couldn’t be spoken, he basically confirmed that the mysterious organization was equal to

and Sequence 2 names of the Spectator pathway. Although they wouldn’t

Miss Justice would ask the relevant question at any time… Her curiosity had always been strong… Forcing

Dark Emperor card, which Mr.

he exchanged items with some existence? Audrey blinked, trying to guess the

to the first theory, because without the help of Mr. Fool, “His” adorers wouldn’t necessarily be able to destroy the

popular double-breasted frock coat, and he had been near Red Rose Manor at the time. I should be able to lock onto a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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