Emlyn was similarly confused. Words like “Rose Redemption,””Angel of Fate,” and “destroying the repeated cycle of fate” were beyond his understanding. He only felt that he could understand every word, but had no idea what they meant when placed together.

Could it be that the young Sun had just escaped the pursuit of an angel? Emlyn guessed from the small amount of information he could understand.

After Derrick thanked Mr. Fool, The Hanged Man shifted his position slightly, leaned slightly towards him, and kicked off from Miss Justice’s question. He said in a normal tone, “What was the exact sequence of events?”

Derrick didn’t hide anything and honestly replied, “Miss Justice, Mr. Hanged Man, Miss Magician, and Mr. World, thank you for your concern, and thank you for the suggestions you previously gave me. In my sixth exploration, I tried…”

He described his actions and the corresponding results, highlighting the matter that the little boy, Jack, came from Enmat Harbor and the details of the Rose Redemption murals.

Enmat Harbor… That strange little boy, Jack, is really from the Loen Kingdom. In other words, the Forsaken Land of the Gods, where the City of Silver is, is somehow connected to the Northern and Southern continents in some way. As long as one finds the right place, they’ll be able to enter… Klein seemed to be listening leisurely, but he had made a judgment in his mind.

Enmat Harbor was located to the east of Tingen City and was one of the most famous seaports in the central region of the Loen Kingdom. Together with Pritz Harbor to the south, they supported the resupply of more than half of Backlund’s goods.

The Spirit Medium, Ma’am Daly, had once “settled” there, and Mr. Z of the Aurora Order seems to be there as well… Klein recalled something from the past.

The same judgment also appeared in the minds of Alger, Audrey, and Fors. Towards this, some of them had pure excitement, others filled with curiosity and worry, fearing that the all-consuming darkness around the City of Silver would continue to spread, eventually enveloping both the Northern and Southern Continent and the five seas.

“The Chief told me that he recalled some unverified content recorded in some ancient books, based on matters that had happened and my warning. Rumor has it that when the Lord that created everything, the omnipotent and omniscient God had ‘His’ attention on this piece of land, he had several angels surrounding him. And there were eight leaders of the angels, powerful beings that were closest to god’s throne. Among them included the son of God.” Derrick recalled Demon Hunter Colin’s words and slowly said, “He suspected that Amon is the Angel of Time among the Kings of Angels, and the mural depicted the Angel of Fate, Tail Devourer Ouroboros.

Eight Kings of Angels? The eight Kings of Angels who are closest to the Creator’s throne? Audrey was inexplicably excited when she heard this.

She couldn’t help but curiously ask, “Mr. Sun, what are the titles of the other six Kings of Angels and their names?”

“The Chief didn’t say, nor did I dare to ask…” Derrick replied, ashamed.

I really want to know the answer… Audrey subconsciously looked towards the end of the long bronze table, looking longingly at Mr. Fool who was shrouded in gray fog, hoping to get the appropriate answer.

She had already decided on the price she was willing to pay.

I don’t know either… Klein controlled the twitching of

could barely guess who two of the

Redemption. According to that mural, the Angel of Fate, Ouroboros, is likely one of the leaders of Rose Redemption. Both basically have equivalent standing, which is to say that the Medici family possesses a King of Angels, but it cannot be

control of the Hunter pathway, which is the Red Priest pathway. That

Amon is one of them, being Angel of Time. Then Adam might not be one, but I can’t confirm “His” title… As for the other four Kings of Angels, I can’t guess who they are…

its enemy, making it at odds against

Dragon of Imagination, Ankewelt, was taken back by the Creator. Logically speaking, it’s not impossible for the Lord that created everything to give a portion of the authority to a King of Angels by “His” throne. And from the description and guesses from Roselle’s diary, the Twilight Hermit Order likely has a Spectator, which has the strength at the level of an angel in the Visionary pathway or even higher. The two can form a correspondence… Hermes is a person who had experienced that piece of history… As these thoughts flashed through his mind, Klein smiled and said, “You will come into

it out, I’ll sell

with a slight sense

had a

before the Cataclysm can no longer be referenced. At the end of the Third Epoch and the beginning of the Fourth Epoch, there were only the six orthodox gods. Together with Amon and the Tail Devourer, aren’t there eight? ‘They’

that his thoughts were blasphemous actions that could be punished by fire, but he was also unable to contain

this, Emlyn could only respond

blank expression. Although the Sanguine had a long history and life span, so they knew quite a bit about the history before the Cataclysm, they were

of how the City of Silver, Chief Colin, destroyed the repeated cycles of fate, Klein was thinking

Sequence 1 Snake

Mr. A and his subordinates. However, the two Snakes of Mercury are fighting

aren’t high. Rose Redemption has quite a number of demigods and even angels. There’s no need to let the Tail Devourer restart his life as

Fate. The latter is still active in the

expressed his gratitude once again. As for Audrey and company, despite listening to the repeated events a second time, it still left them shivering down to their

powers. It’s all thanks to the help Mr. Fool gave! Audrey sincerely praised the Tarot Club’s master from the bottom of her

cycles of life were close to a miracle that

Derrick looked opposite him and sincerely said, “Miss Magician, due to some unexpected circumstances on our return to the City of Silver, despite it having been resolved, we have slowed down. It will prevent us from returning to the City of Silver on time. Your Spirit Eater’s stomach pouch will require another day

I’ve prepared enough gold,” Fors said as she let out

Miss Justice and had received 1,000

praised and approved. Dorian told her that the 800 pounds offer had been made in order to give her about 100 pounds in “labor fees.” As such, the extra 200 pounds would be a bonus for her. In other words, she had earned 300 pounds. Together with her original savings, she now had a total of 650 pounds, which was enough to buy the stomach pouch of a Spirit

a lot and revealed a lot of

weeks to digest the rest of the potion. I’m not in a hurry…Looking diagonally across the table, Fors said, “Mr. Hanged Man, there’s news of the Dragon-Eyed Sea

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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