The moment he was being stared at, Emlyn was momentarily at a loss, vaguely aware that he had asked something he shouldn’t have.

Why are you looking at me like that. Can’t I have a Sanguine friend? Should I try to explain… No, what’s wrong with being a Sanguine? I’m a Sanguine; there’s wrong with admitting that! Us Sanguine have a long history, long lives, and rich heritage. It’s a lofty race! None of you are especially amazing either. What was just traded was only a Sequence 6 item at best! After a few thoughts, Emlyn White raised his chin and proudly added, “Yes, I am a pure Sanguine.”

No one asked him if he was… Mr. Moon is lacking some self-confidence, which resulted in him reacting a little excessively… Audrey read Emlyn’s performance.

He’s really a Sanguine… Fors asked out of curiosity, “Mr. Moon, do you Sanguine mimic humans and give aristocratic titles like duke, viscount, earl, and baron to label different powerhouses of different standing?”

“No, it’s you humans who mimicked us Sanguine!” Emlyn sat up straight. “Long before the Cataclysm, long before the Second Epoch, our Sanguine already had these aristocratic titles. Those who have yet to fully control their strength are underage Sanguine, and as for me, I’m considered an adult. Going one step further, one will gain the title of baron and the progression leads all the way to duke. Above duke would be positions such as queen and prince. Back then, you humans were still under the rule of the Giant King’s Court, so it’s impossible for you to invent aristocratic titles!”

The moment his voice fell, the nearby Derrick blurted out, “There are no such records in the history of our City of Silver.

“The categorization of the Sanguine was determined by the appearance of the Blasphemy Slate. Prior to that, it was very vague and ambiguous. There were only titles such as the different family clans’ head or leaders of a territory. Standing atop all is the Ancestor, Lilith. After that, it strictly followed the potion system, named after the different Sequence names.”

Emlyn replied scornfully, “The history of our Sanguine was written with our long lives. It’s not something that can be overturned by the random records of some small, ordinary City of Silver.”

Wait, they keep mentioning the City of Silver. Where exactly is it? Why haven’t I heard of it… After the retort, Emlyn realized that he had apparently overlooked something important.

“Our City of Silver doesn’t make up history. Our records come from ancient books that can be verified or from the ruins of other cities,” Derrick emphasized, somewhat aggrieved.

If no one stops them, then I think they can argue about this matter until the end of the gathering… Although Little Sun is honest, sincere and reserved, he has a very stubborn and persistent personality. On the other hand, Mr. Moon seems to care especially about the history of the Sanguine… Audrey did her daily observations as a Telepathist with piqued interest.

At this moment, Alger interrupted the discussion between The Sun and The Moon.

“I know how to raise the strength of a Sanguine.”

Emlyn’s attention was diverted.

“Uh, Mr. Hanged Man, what payment do you need? I can use some of the lost history our Sanguine has in exchange.”

Alger revealed a smile.

“No, we’re all members of the Tarot Club. This kind of information exchange is free of charge.”

noble man… Emlyn inwardly

you for your

advance, but it has be in correspondence—the correct type. The various Churches have done a certain amount of experimentation, and the results have proven that this method is feasible. However, I am unable to

potions are from my kinsmen!”

with absolutes. For example, I have a clue about the characteristics left behind by a Sanguine baron. He died in a sudden conflict and didn’t have time to find his successor. As for you, you can use the potion method to receive this inheritance and prevent the power of the Sanguine from


Emlyn suddenly felt that Mr. Hanged

“Between 4,000 and 5,000 pounds. I won’t

the great pirate before, but he believed that as long as the price wasn’t outrageous, the pirate would accept it. To a pirate, selling something would mean profit as it didn’t take much

“5,000 pounds?” Emlyn exclaimed.

all my dolls! Emlyn’s first reaction was to give up such a

as he said indifferently with a smile, “I know this

breathed a sigh of

all the members, “Lady and gentlemen, do you have any news regarding the fruit of the Tree of Elders and the

Emlyn answered without

to a particular detective’s purchase of Beyonder ingredients; therefore, at every Sanguine gathering, he would pay attention to such

exuberant pressing, he continued on, “The price of the fruit of the Tree of Elders is between

to pay me an extra fifty, no—one hundred pounds.

Emlyn learned from Sherlock Moriarty. He felt that this was very good and

chose to accept as soon as

think it was necessary. She was afraid that the deal was

me, the most important thing is to advance to Sequence 7… Emperor Roselle once said that any problem that can be solved with money

Year Ball, she had received control of her fortune worth 40,000 pounds. She just needed to hire

received gifts of more than 20,000 pounds in jewelry, horses, hounds, paintings, etc. Most of them

didn’t have much.

her own request to be kept anonymous, so there was no reward. For this, the great aristocratic banker

to aim for Sequence 7. She could still only use

Next month, I can pay 2,000 pounds to Mr. Fool’s adorer… I won’t be tight

failed to react before asking,

faint smile, “By making

very proactive in obtaining The Fool’s consent, conjuring

goatskin parchments, he stared at them in a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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