Preordering a mystical item? Alger was stunned for a second before he realized what Miss Justice was talking about.

The limits of his mind were widened, and he felt that there was room for exploitation.

In a particular sense, the Beyonder characteristic The World has entrusted to me has been sold. There is a definite destination to the item… I can easily simplify the process and make things benefit me more easily. That is to say, I don’t have to sell it to the Artisan again. Instead, I should choose to entrust the work. This way, I don’t have to worry about whether the characteristic can be sold. I can receive the commission from The World and also obtain more profit from Miss Justice’s side. The only capital I need to put up is the fabrication fees for entrusting the job. Of course, I have to consider if the Artisan will be willing to promise to take the risk…

Many thoughts flashed through his mind as he quickly weighed the pros and cons and finally came to a decision.

“No problem, I’ll take care of this matter.” He looked at Miss Justice and felt that she was emitting a blinding light of gold.

Even after joining the Church of Storms and drifting out at sea for so many years, he had never encountered someone like that anywhere else.

There were plenty of sea merchants, and even more wealthy people, but none of them really didn’t care about money.

Has Miss Justice’s financial situation improved to this extent? Klein was shocked too.

For a moment, he wanted to speak out to urge her to pay the 2,000 pounds she owed to his adorer as soon as possible, but, considering that he had already agreed to Miss Justice postponing her repayment until February or March, he could only keep silent and not ruin his image as The Fool.

At the very least, the money for the Faceless Beyonder characteristic would be available soon. The speed only depends on how Mr. Hanged Man contacts that particular Artisan and the speed at which the Artisan can produce the mystical item… Unfortunately, I can only rely on Mr. Hanged Man to contact an Artisan for the time being. Otherwise, I can directly sell the special characteristic to Miss Justice without having to pay a commission… With this in mind, Klein’s mood became mixed.

After finalizing a big deal, Alger heaved a silent sigh of relief, feeling his financial situation slowly improve.

After thinking for a few seconds, he asked, “Ladies and gentlemen, which one of you has a way or item to make everyone on board a ship sleep at the same time?”

The reason why Alger still hasn’t gone to that primitive island to hunt down the Blue Shadow Falcon was that he hadn’t thought of a method of leaving the Blue Avenger, as well as the ten or so sailors and crew members of the Church without garnering any suspicion.

Let everyone on a boat fall into a deep sleep? The first thing Klein thought of was the Biological Poison Bottle, but the effect of this thing was completely uncontrollable, so he was afraid that the outcome wouldn’t look too good.

Then, he remembered the Nightmare soul in Creeping Hunger. Making people fall into a deep sleep and dragging them into dreams were specialties of this Beyonder job.

But the problem lies in the fact that a Nightmare is unable to make that many people fall asleep at the same time. The limit to its influence doesn’t exceed ten. To satisfy Mr. Hanged Man’s request, it needs to be a Sequence 5 of the corresponding pathway or even that of a demigod… Klein struck down the thought and didn’t let The World speak.

At the same time, Audrey, Fors, and Derrick either shook their heads in response or answered with “no.”

ask. Perhaps us Sanguine have some

the future, I can convince him by targeting this angle… Alger noticed this and


Klein quickly got The World

keep an eye out on the remnant spirituality of ancient wraiths and a pair of

to purchase. He didn’t think it was necessary

added, feeling somewhat embarrassed, “Mr. World, the method for removing the mental corruption of a Beyonder characteristic

said, he

I’ll make a list of the commonly seen

owed others and every promise he made without fulfilling them in mind. These plagued him to the point

problem,” the gloomy World indifferently

a hurry. He hadn’t finished concluding his Faceless principles, and his digestion of

would act as an adventurer and a traveler as he worked his

process, he would inquire more about mermaids in detail. After knowing that the Church of the Goddess reared such spiritual creatures and that they possessed High-Sequence potion formulas of the Seer pathway, Klein kept feeling worried about

period of time was long enough for The Sun to obtain a potion formula, gather the corresponding ingredients, and ascend to the Sequence 7 Solar

gathering, the Tarot Club members entered the period for free

the ends of her

a result of those cultists’ bid to awaken the Primordial

set by you, what

experienced Klein maintained

problem hasn’t been discovered yet, but there are enough clues. I hope the members of the

yet? Mr. Fool has made his adorer give the Churches and the military a certain amount of clues? Audrey was

your answer.” She sincerely

Backlund still in danger?” Fors

World to chuckle and say, “Mr. Hanged Man, I

who was involved in the escape of many slaves

skin, of Southern Continent descent, Backlund accent, and the

Alger recalled for two seconds before saying, “Where is he? What’s his present identity? Also, Mr. World,

the mission of the Church of Storms, and purchasing clues was

his living expenses, controlled The World to

who was loyal to the royal family. I don’t know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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