The lobby of the Pritz Harbor Ticket Company was rather spacious, with seven ticketing windows, but there were already a dozen or so people lined up in front of each.

Klein took a glance and didn’t directly go to the one with the fewest people. Instead, he took two steps to the right and arrived in front of an erected brown board.

There were many pieces of white paper pasted on the wooden board, announcing all the information about the recent week’s passenger ships, including their destinations, the ports they passed, and the prices of the different cabins.

Before Klein could take a closer look, a staff member came over and drew a red circle on the second-class cabin of one line, marking it with a single phrase: “Sold out.”

“So popular…” Klein sighed.

“Of course, Pritz Harbor is the kingdom’s largest port. Countless people pass through here to the Southern Continent and the colonial islands to seek out opportunities,” a middle-aged man who was standing next to the wooden board replied in a clearly boastful manner.

He was wearing a black bonnet and a black-and-white checkered uniform similar to that of the police, but he had no epaulets. All he had was a seagull badge hanging from his chest—exactly identical to the logo of the Pritz Harbor Ticket Company.

The middle-aged man’s face, hands, and all of his exposed skin were bronze in color and rather rough. It was as if he had been exposed to the sea breeze and the sun for many years to the point of giving people the feeling that he had salt in his wrinkles.

Find the guard in the lobby if there’s a dispute… This should be the guard… Klein remembered the things he had to pay attention to at the door. He didn’t mind that the other party had taken the initiative to talk to him. He smiled and said, “You seem to understand this port very well?”

Hearing this question, the middle-aged man replied quite smugly, “I was once a sailor with the kingdom’s navy, and their main base was located at Pritz Harbor’s Oak Island. I served for fifteen years and spent a long time in the sea around here. If it wasn’t for East Balam’s war destroying my health, then I could be a sailor for another ten years! I know this port as well as I know my wife’s body! ”

A little cultured but also a little vulgar… Klein casually chatted with him, having the intention of asking about news on the sea.

“You became a guard here after retiring?”

“No, I was crammed into a night school for two whole years as a student and as a gatekeeper. Holy Lord of Storms, can you imagine the scene of someone my age reciting with a bunch of teenagers? And they know and remember words faster than I do!” The guard showed an expression that showed how unbearable it was to reflect on the past.

As he spoke, he patted his thigh and sighed.

“Unfortunately, my knees can’t stand wet weather; otherwise, I would be a part-time teacher at night. Those kids will make you feel young, but I won’t deny that it’s because I want to earn more money. When you have a wife and four children, you have to realize that you have to support your family.”

Sir, you talk a little too much… Maybe that’s why the ticket company hired you as a guard… Klein smiled and didn’t continue with the man’s topic.

“I just saw the things to take note of at the door and found that canned wolf-fish are not permitted to be opened here. Frankly speaking, I’ve never heard of such a thing.”


food that’s popular in places like the east coast of Feysac and the Gargas Archipelago. It’s wolf-fish pickled in salt, but it retains the blood, and the

out to be a food of unknown origins… Klein laughed and said, “But I don’t think anyone would specially eat canned food while waiting in

don’t understand that feeling. Perhaps, one day you will.” The guard showed a look of lingering fear. “There was once a barbarian from the north who came here to buy a ticket. As there were already many people lined up in front, causing the hall to look like a barrel filled with fish, he became very anxious, so he opened a can of wolf-fish. In less than ten seconds, only he and a few

is a biological weapon… An ordinary version of my Biological Poison

and a new point to take note of was added

of barbarians are even worse than that of curly-haired baboons!” The guard chuckled. “When I was a sailor, there was a rumor at sea that a group of pirates controlled a merchant ship from Rolls. Ah, that’s a city on the east coast of Feysac. In short, the pirates eagerly opened their spoils, but who knew that they were barrels filled to the brim with wolf-fish. Can you guess the outcome?

story.” Klein tried

the pieces of paper on the wooden board and searched

on this week. It came out to be the 5th and 8th. And among the passenger ships that headed to the Rorsted

and the prices are about the same: four pounds for third-class, ten pounds for second-class, and thirty-five pounds for first-class… People who depend on the sea for survival more or less believe in the Lord of the Storms. Even in countries like Intis and Feysac, there are fishermen and crew who secretly believe in this forbidden deity, in a bid to be safe out at sea… The name Saint Havre

in a rush to make a decision,

you know anything about the White

The guard immediately smiled.

White Agate is a steam-powered ship, but it

Navy. The king has always claimed that he obtained the title of Emperor in Balam. Heh, in the Imperial Navy, no matter how outstanding or excellent the average person is, he can at most

the navy and ended up joining the White Agate where he slowly became Captain

cabin. That way, you’ll have rooms for three to four servants, an attendant who has received etiquette lessons, an appointed chef who has excellent culinary skills, a quiet restaurant where you can enjoy the scenery, a special room for smoking cigars, and a place where you can gather

detailed explanation, Klein couldn’t

his expression, the guard smiled

drinks and ask me to help him promote the first-class cabins. But you can rest assured that everything I say

it’s a problem with money… Klein silently

mind, he asked after some deliberation, “Sir, what advice do

modified his image slightly to make himself seem


in the queue turned

spiritual intuition, Klein instinctively

his thirties wearing a black top hat. He had a boorish face, weather-beaten wrinkles, a strong but not

adventurer? Klein and the man looked

term adventurer. In my opinion, this is equivalent to a fugitive, a sea

Uh, you have to remember three

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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