
Klein thought for a moment that he was mistaken.

However, the blurring caused by the rays of light wasn’t that serious. Being familiar with Leonard, he was able to quickly confirm his previous judgment.

In the time it took to take a breath, Leonard disappeared, the light dispersed, and the valley returned to its midwinter silence. The scene which Klein saw in the dream shattered as a result.

He opened his eyes and placed the badge he had obtained from Lanevus on the surface of the long bronze table.

Is it really Leonard, or a Faceless disguised as Leonard? Klein considered and flipped a gold coin.

His spirituality had told him through the medium that it was Leonard Mitchell, his teammate from the Tingen Nighthawks team!

Is he the “investigator” sent by the Church of the Goddess for the gathering, or is he risking his life to find an opportunity to find the revenge target while keeping the Nighthawks in the dark? Klein muttered to himself in suspicion. It was hard to make an accurate judgment.

And without any leads, his divination couldn’t provide him with any revelations.

After a few seconds of silence, Klein gave a self-deprecating smile as he drew a crimson moon on his chest.

“I wish him the best of luck. May the Goddess watch over him.”

Klein no longer bothered with the problem, and he planned on understanding more about the gathering before deciding whether or not to participate in the future or to warn Leonard Mitchell anonymously.

Backlund, in a secret room in the basement of the Steam Cathedral.

Ikanser took off his hat, pressed down his fluffy but not soft hair, and sat in the first seat on the left.

Then, he took out the ancient silver mirror of Arrodes from an inner custom-made pocket in his clothes and placed it in front of him.

To his right, across him, and diagonally across him, were the Machinery Hivemind deacons and captains, all of whom had been summoned by the member of the Divine Council, the Archbishop of Backlund, Horamick Haydn, for a meeting.

white-robed archbishop looked like an ordinary

arrived, he looked around and softly said, “Let’s start with Ikanser. Tell me in sequence about the investigation over the

his hair while flipping through the thick document file, and he reported in a concise manner, “Your Grace, we were in charge of Sherlock Moriarty. After a careful investigation, and with the aid of Beyonder means, we confirmed that he was

to him by the prince, but there

Ikanser suddenly felt a little worried because Sherlock Moriarty was also an informant for the Machinery Hivemind, and his expenses here were likely to be

to report, “Our conclusion is that he’s considered an innocent party and that there is no hidden plot behind him. He once keenly noticed the danger of Red Rose Manor, but that is a typical example of coming to the correct conclusion from an incorrect

matter, but he was lucky enough. He mentioned that the descendant of Death happened to be monitoring the vicinity of Red Rose Manor at the time; hence, he was rescued from the perilous situation when the meteorite fell. The signs at the scene are ample proof of how terrifying that strike was. It’s

whether or not he knew the former archbishop and the Grade 0 Sealed Artifact, no one was concerned about it, because he was with Azik Eggers for some time. It was

orthodox churches constantly shared information of the rough

Sherlock Moriarty fled into the forest, he didn’t immediately escape far away. Instead, he stayed on the spot and prayed to someone. Second, it’s still unknown when he and Azik Eggers got to know each other. Third, it’s still unknown how he escaped the underground ruins. It’s unlikely that he could’ve done so with his strength. And in this process, he had even destroyed the

to the

to the recount and


Moriarty is a

hadn’t stopped the ritual in time, and if he had been frightened at that moment and had chosen to

in God and his friendliness towards us. As long as there isn’t too much of a problem with him, then we can pretend that we don’t know anything

were to get in touch with Azik Eggers. But the effects and speed can be different. In such a critical situation,

he immediately reported the portion he was responsible for. “… We haven’t found the underground ruin which Sherlock Moriarty


by us, the Nighthawks, and the Mandated Punishers. However, I suspect that they still have

At the time of the incident, Sherlock Moriarty mentioned that Trissy was heading to Backlund, but no one has seen her ever since. According to Sherlock Moriarty, she was a key figure and was renamed

used to capture the Demoness of Despair and the butler, Funkel. Results via divination tell me that they’re still

the deacons and captains reported on their findings while

of silence, he opened his eyes and slowly said,

revelations. The Church has a Saint who is good at

investigation of the royal family’s High-Sequence Beyonders, it can be tabled. There’s no need to worry. They’ve

and report it to the Evernight

Moriarty escaped the ruins, as well as when he got to know Azik

his colleagues before gritting his teeth and said, “Yes, Your

about to spread from just a few Machinery Hiveminds teams that he was in charge of to all the Beyonders of the Church of the God of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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