As soon he stepped onto the deck and before he could enter the cabin, Klein saw a figure moving through the crowd towards him through the corner of his eye.

He looked over his shoulder with an air of indifference but hidden vigilance, and he saw a man in his thirties wearing a black half top hat and a windbreaker of the same color.

The other party had a weathered face, looking boorish but extremely masculine. His light blue eyes didn’t contain a smile, as if they were immersed in many past events.

He looks a little familiar… Right, he’s that guy I noticed at the ticket office yesterday. He seems to be an adventurer as well… He’s actually wearing a windbreaker at sea in January. He’s quite strong… While lifting his cane with ease and pointing diagonally downwards, Klein said with a smile, “Good morning, we meet again.”

It was like he was greeting an old friend.

The boorish man, however, wasn’t surprised. He stopped and nodded in a somewhat reserved manner, saying, “Cleves, a former adventurer.

“Mate, are you in the same trade?”

“I thought you knew yesterday. Gehrman Sparrow,” Klein responded with a smile.

He didn’t pass his cane to his left hand, because he didn’t intend to shake Cleves’s hand.

“I can tell.” Cleves maintained two seconds of silence and said, “Being an adventurer isn’t a beautiful profession. I’ve already switched careers and have become a bodyguard. This time, I’m accompanying my employer’s family to the capital of the Rorsted Archipelago.”

He half-turned and pointed to another spot on the deck.

Klein traced where he was pointing and saw nearly ten people gathered together. They were led by a plump middle-aged gentleman with ruddy cheeks and spirited eyes. On his double-breasted suit, Klein could see the gold chain from his pocket watch and a jeweled collar brooch.

Next to him was a lady in a wide-brimmed hat, her face completely hidden by the dark-blue muslin that hung down, and her figure wasn’t too bad.

Standing in front of the couple were two children. The younger one was a boy who wasn’t even ten years old. He was wearing a child’s version of a tailcoat. The older one was 15 or 16 years old and was a lively and energetic teenage girl. Her looks couldn’t be considered outstanding, but her pair of brown eyes were quite bright and intelligent. Her faint freckles and puffy dress added to her playfulness.

Around them were three people carrying suitcases and all sorts of items—a man and two women, all dressed as servants. One of the maids had brownish skin, clearly of Southern Continent heritage.

The bodyguards protecting the seven people were a man and a woman. They were dressed simply and neatly in white shirts, light sweaters, black coats, dark trousers, and sturdy leather boots.

The two bodyguards deliberately didn’t hide the outlines created made by the gun holsters by their waists. They didn’t relax as they inspected the approaching passersby. Their eyes were sharp and they were composed.

“Three servants and three bodyguards?” Klein asked casually.

This is quite an extravagant setup, which means that their employer is a rich person… Instinctively, he made his judgment.

“Yes.” Cleves nodded.

word, he quickly turned around and walked towards his


was stunned. He didn’t know why Cleves had specially come to greet him

television dramas he had seen in his previous

little wary of me, or should I say of someone who claims to be an adventurer while not looking like someone to mess with, so he introduced himself in advance to indicate his identity and what his job is. It’s to tell me to not have any plans regarding his employer’s family. In short, “you do what you do, I do what I do, and we stay out of each other’s business”… Is this the tacit understanding between

creak, he pushed open the wooden

fit a bed, a table, and a cupboard. There weren’t even any

was that it came with windows, The wharf’s sunlight shone in, illuminating the table and bedside with pure golden

If someone urgently needs one, then they can provide a wooden toilet, but one must pay the cleaning fee of three pence each time… I have to be grateful that after the White Agate was renovated, it has many metal pipelines laid.

his necessities and placed them

on the edge of the bed which wasn’t too high, and he listened to the

the window at the sea and gradually withdrew his thoughts. He began to think about the most important thing

Creator’s descent ritual and the powerful Mr. A, the decision to give up trying to escape and attempt a sabotage act had allowed his potion to be

you are ultimately yourself.” This is the principle which Nimblewright Master Rosago was made to remember… I originally imagined that “yourself” refers to my original identity, but from the looks

came up with an

spirit of one’s identity, to

on Earth, Zhou Mingrui had worn a lot of facades, which formed a social persona. In a sense,

become someone else, I take over their identity. In order to not be discovered, I have to disguise myself socially, which is the same as wearing

taken down, there will be none left. What kind of “yourself” does a Faceless see at

the deeper meaning

my fear, and challenge the impossible without reasons stemming from society, am

to be explored

this thought, Klein changed his position,

everything that had happened before,

from my predicament, but why didn’t I feel any signs

the Faceless potion,

this is closer to the use of Beyonder powers

a disguise on a deeper level. Is it being a true substitute for a person, becoming that person on a social level? Only when his relatives and friends are unable to find him for a long period

with the Faceless potion is because I had previously disguised myself as

ultimately yourself… The second principle is to have a disguise

that person in a societal sense is quite evil

me that I have to find those kinds of people who have died in a foreign

drew up an initial direction

more difficult it is to act… He sighed, took out his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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