“Honorable Arrodes, my second question is: ‘How did Sherlock Moriarty escape from the ruins?’” Ikanser’s mood was a lot more relaxed than before.

The surface of the silver mirror shimmered, rapidly outlining Sherlock Moriarty leaning his back against the wall, his fists clenching and tightening.

Then, Ikanser Bernard and the surrounding Machinery Hivemind deacons and captains saw the private detective’s exaggerated smile before turning around and dashing out with his gun drawn.

At this moment, under the influence of the composed scene, they all felt an inexplicable sense of sadness and excitement.

The image in the mirror jumped, revealing Sherlock Moriarty wielding his revolver as he shot at the altar to no avail. The scene of those disintegrating bullets caused everyone present to be a little worried.

Then, Sherlock Moriarty threw out a brass key, and the altar showed signs of instability due to corruption.

With the erupting air blast, Mr. A fell to the ground and Sherlock Moriarty pathetically fled out of the temple building.

At this point, the image changed to have the slightly turbid Tussock River as the main background. Sherlock Moriarty and Mr. A floated in the water, looking up into the sky where there were no clouds or fog.

Almost instantly, Mr. A. became transparent and disappeared, leaving only Sherlock Moriarty looking around in astonishment.

“… The Church of Evernight’s reinforcements?” Ikanser said with a frown. “Unfortunately, he didn’t mention what appeared in his letter. We have no way of guessing. Was he trying to sell this secret for a good price, or was he simply affected by it and lost the relevant memories? Also, his experience of escaping from the underground ruins doesn’t show anything. It seems like the corresponding clues have been concealed at the same time…”

He analyzed it quickly, in procedural sentences, and then without too great a psychological burden, he chose to answer with reciprocity instead of taking a risk.

Arrodes doesn’t seem to be in the mood to be a prankster today. I can make the most of it… In his self-consolation, Ikanser saw bloody words appear on the surface of the mirror.

With a skip of his heartbeat, he had a bad premonition, suspecting that Arrodes had already recovered to his usual “state.”

The blood-like words wiggled and quickly formed into a question:

“Who was the person you gave your all to while trying your best to win the favor of, only to end up being abandoned?”

With his head buzzing, Ikanser’s face drained of all its color before flushing red.

The question pierced a deep wound in him while leaving him at a loss as to what to do.

If I mention who he is, then his reputation would be ruined before tonight… I’ve already become a kind of “legend” in some sense… Ikanser swallowed his saliva with great difficulty and bitterly said, “I choose punishment.”

of lightning immediately descended. However, it was different from before. It was

the head, causing his hair to

violently like shaking dice, as though he had

muttered to himself, “A Grade

did the key that Sherlock Moriarty used to

is going to

Hivemind deacons and captains looked at each other. For a moment,

ship’s hold seemed to be the only sound left in the world. The sea at night

and opened his eyes. He saw the wooden

told him that there was

rendezvous? He tilted his head to listen,

on his gloves, and

a gold coin,

took out the revolver

walked out

away from the industrial pollution, the crimson moon

arrived at the area where there was a

former adventurer,

hiding in the shadows of the cabin about a dozen meters away from this gentleman. One of them was a companion of Cleves, the female bodyguard in the black coat, and

outer coats. It was obvious

but they still squatted there full of energy and vigor, looking at Cleves with their

hide and seek?

causing Cleves and the others to turn

the expressions of some bounty hunters he knew

Sparrow’s unique identity of being

private job, a hunt that came by accident, but one

Hunt? Klein’s interest

hunter of a game he had played

Hunger, he pointed at the shadow next to

the boy and the girl and said, without changing his tone, “Cecile wasn’t careful enough and ended up waking Donna and Denton up.

called Donna wrinkled her nose when she heard her name mentioned. She curiously looked up and asked Klein, “Uncle,

than you! Klein said in amusement, “No, you can’t use the word ‘also.’ Strictly speaking, I’m the only

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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