The red moon hung high in the sky as Klein walked over to Donna and Denton and squatted down beside them.

Cecile, the female comrade of Cleves, let out a sigh of relief. She picked up the rifle on the deck, bent down, and quickly walked in another direction. She opened up a distance of about ten meters from the peppered pig’s organs.

“Uncle, is it starting?…” The mischievous, freckled teenage girl, Donna, suddenly felt a little nervous. However, her face was filled with curiosity and anticipation.

Klein raised his left index finger to his mouth, motioning for the two young ones to be quiet.

At times like this, he couldn’t help but thank Roselle. It was because of the efforts of this transmigration senior that some of his habitual gestures had become common body language in the Northern Continent, so it wouldn’t lead to misunderstandings.

It was said that in the early part of the Fifth Epoch, this “don’t talk” gesture was an insult in Loen. But in certain parts of the Southern Continent, it means “kiss me”…Klein’s mind was a little distracted for a moment.

Donna and Denton didn’t dare to say anything else. They just squatted there quietly, watching with rapt attention as Cleves prepared for the battle.

The former adventurer picked up a rod and threw the thread with some pig organs hanging from it over the side of the ship.

With a splash, the bait entered the water.

Calmly dispersing the remaining organs, Cleves wielded his weapon and retreated, step by step, to hide in the shadows opposite Cecile. The two of them formed an angle of about 60 degrees to the side of the ship where the rod was being supported.

Leaning his trident and other weapons, he raised his rifle and tried to take in the feeling of aiming.

The deck had completely quietened down, leaving only the operating sound of the steam engine and the crashing of waves against the ship.

As the minutes ticked by, Donna and Denton couldn’t help but switch from squatting to sitting, with their backs against the planks of the cabin, trying to soothe the paralysis in their legs.

At that moment, they saw the rod on the side of the boat sink a little.

The muffled sound of friction rapidly grew closer and closer. Suddenly, a figure jumped onto the deck.

It was a monster bathed in crimson moonlight. Its entire body was covered in dark green scales, and there was a green slime flowing around it.

It didn’t have much in common with humans. It was like a giant fish that had grown four strong limbs, and there was obvious webbing in the cracks of its limbs.

The murloc was more than 1.9 meters tall, with round eyes and gills on its cheeks. It looked like demons from legends, making Donna cover her mouth to prevent herself from screaming.

At the same time, she covered the mouth of her brother, Denton, as well.

Good thinking… Klein smiled to himself as he carefully examined the murloc.

Unlike the Sailor Rampager he had seen before, real murlocs didn’t have human-like brains. They were pure monsters.

The murloc vigilantly scanned the surroundings before squatting down. It picked up the scattered pig organs, quickly stuffed them into its mouth, and produced clear chewing sounds.

The light in its mainly white eyes gradually faded, as if it had fallen into a dream.

It’s of low intellect… Klein shook his head and made his judgment.


a bullet flew out from the rifle. It instantly struck the murloc’s chest, causing its scales to shatter

itself at Cleves, who was hidden in the shadows. It was as

this moment, Cecile, who was in


struck the murloc’s ribs, causing many scales to scatter

pepper granules, became visibly sluggish. It stopped, unsure of

Cecile a chance to calmly

again and pulled

Bang! Bang!

pain caused the

dodging the follow-up shots, and closed in on Cleves

the rifle in his hand and picked up

of dodging, he leaped forward and rolled to the side of the murloc. The trident in his hand ruthlessly

bringing with it a gust of wind. It forcefully threw the trident along with

again, but instead, took large strides to the


to blossom again, but it still didn’t make it become

suitable spot. It

it had jumped was obviously not enough, so it could only land


of the damage and tried to flip over the side of the

Klein took out his

a loud bang came from

into a bloody hole, and one could vaguely see a pale gelatinous

of the deck, trying

a few seconds, the poison took effect and


wearing a thick dark red coat and white slacks. He was wearing the

that was a relic of the times as white

knew the man. He was the captain

corners of his mouth, Elland walked towards Cleves and said with a

me for watching by the side all

up. He

“This is your ship.

the right to share

a smile, “The next resupply of water and food is in two days

to me at a cheaper price; the difference

solution.” Cleves and Cecile exchanged glances and agreed to Elland’s request. “For

of 150 to 200 pounds. Considering the other parts with spirituality, 130 pounds is indeed cheap… However, this is the only thing Cleves and Cecile can do. This is Elland’s ship, and he had a large group of armed sailors and crew to help him. If the negotiations break down, they could sink everyone here into the sea within minutes… Of course, that’s under the premise that I don’t involve myself… Yes, it can be seen that Cleves and Cecile aren’t Beyonders, at least not Beyonders of the combat and


then did Cecile


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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