Above the deck, there was an extra layer of asbestos beneath the grill to prevent the coal sparks from being blown out by the wind and scorching the surface of the ship.

The fat cook, wearing an apron and a tall white hat invented by Roselle, used a fine brush to constantly apply a seasoning created from a secret recipe—basil, fennel, sea salt, pepper, and lemon juice—to the long, white strips of fish, and frequently flipped them over to ensure that both sides were evenly heated.

The flesh of the murloc’s belly was fatty, dripping with drops of oil and causing the coal beneath the iron mesh to sizzle and flare up.

An enticing aroma began to fill the air, and Klein inhaled again and again.

In front of him was a round table and a chair. On top of the table was a unique looking bottle of wine. The wine was golden red in color and seemed slightly sticky as it swirled about.

“Sonia blood wine is brewed from the sugar-wood juice found in the surrounding areas of Golden Spring. It tastes like thin honey mixed with blood. It’s sweet and smooth, but it’s very easy to get drunk on. If you fancy any lady and want to treat her to a drink, you can consider this. It will make her drink more without realizing it. Haha, that’s under the premise that you’re able to handle the amount of alcohol she’s drinking.” Noticing Klein’s scrutiny, Captain Elland Kag introduced in a half-joking manner.

As expected of a former boatswain, he’s accomplished when it comes to self-deprecation… Klein sat down and maintained a cold attitude as he asked, “A qualified adventurer wouldn’t indulge in alcohol.”

Cleves, who was beside him, nodded.

“Only when they return home will adventurers allow themselves to drink.”

“What a pity.” Elland turned to look at Donna and Denton who were staring curiously at the blood wine. He laughed and said, “This isn’t something that underaged children should experience.”

“I’ve had it before, it tastes really good!” Donna retorted immediately. “It’s just… It’s just that I fell asleep without realizing it and slept an entire afternoon…”

“I remember that you drank two cups that time!” the little gentlemen, Denton, said enviously.

Elland didn’t satisfy their cravings and instead ordered a cup of sweet iced tea for each of the siblings and casually explained, “There are a lot of Southerners on this ship.”

Denton retracted his disappointed gaze and looked at the murloc which had its valuable materials taken away. He said rather innocently, “Actually… Actually, it’s not that scary. It’s just a bigger, uglier fish with four limbs!”

Donna shot a glance at her younger brother.

“Congratulations, you’ve finally recognized the essence of it.”

She then looked eagerly at Cleves and Elland.

“Uncle, Uncle, are there many of these monsters in the sea?”

Murlocs didn’t possess Beyonder powers which were beyond one’s imagination. In the eyes of ordinary people, they were akin to ferocious beasts at sea or a living example of legendary monsters.

chuckled and said, “No, in the main sea route and the surrounding seas, there are very few monsters like

certainly wouldn’t be the captain of

of sense! Klein secretly cheered

his observation, the Beyonder ingredient from a murloc was its bladder. That azure aqueous light made one feel like

the black tea which a sailor had just delivered. He first smelled it before taking

deep into the ocean, which is often shrouded in fog or storms, will

have the upper body of a human while their bottom half is that of a snake. They have six

on the

can spit out juices that can corrode a lot of people, terrifying sea monsters that can flip a boat with a gentle blow, mermaids with intoxicating songs that make one unwilling to leave, blue giant dragons

Klein’s expression

exclaimed, fascinated with a

he curiously asked, “Uncle, you’re an

moment and then

we chanced upon one, a single murloc. After an intense fight,

experience of his in Tingen City; it was also his first encounter with an

helped to eliminate a mutated Sailor at the request of Swain, the old owner of the Evil

and sharp expression on his face couldn’t help

counted the number of people who had been involved in

discovered that only three people had taken action to kill the

response, Elland said with a

“Yes,” Klein answered frankly.

there any casualties?” Elland

Klein shook his head.

“A few minor injuries”

encounter and you only took five people to finish a murloc… All of you are very powerful.” Cleves gave

companion, Cecile, nodded to

but she and Cleves both knew very well that without the pre-prepared bait, the hallucinatory effects of the pepper granules and the subsequent fatigue, the murloc’s fatal weakness of mint cream, and the two borrowed rifles, it was impossible to

very powerful.” Elland

8… Klein said with a half-smile and a half-sigh, “At that time, I was still very young, and I didn’t even have

very young!” Donna nodded her head

what you said… Klein keenly noticed that Captain Elland had

several crew members had brought over a large ceramic plate. On top of it were pieces of meat that had been fried to a golden hue. The basil leaves were sprinkled with color,

his glass of Sonia blood wine

beautiful night. May the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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