“Fountain of Unaging? Will you really gain eternal youth if you drink it?” Donna widened her eyes and asked curiously.

She didn’t have any feelings of anticipation, because she was still young enough.

Elland didn’t answer at once, and instead, he forked a piece of fried murloc rib meat, tore into it in two bites, and took a sip of Sonia wine.

The sweet and smooth taste has completely nullified the cloyed taste of fried oil…His eyes were half-closed, and he looked like a gourmet.

After pondering for a few seconds, he slowly answered Donna’s question, “I don’t know if there’s a Fountain of Unaging, nor am I certain if the King of Immortality, Agalito, drank its waters. I only know one thing, and that is, that when I was very young, I heard the legend of this pirate king. It’s just like how King of the Five Seas, Nast, seems to live forever.”

“Their beards must be very long, extending beyond than their chests!” Denton gave his opinion.

“In fact, the King of the Five Seas, Nast, has a beard that only reaches below his neck. He sits on the deck, draped in a black splendid robe with silver ends. He wears a crown that’s two times taller than his head and overlooks everything like a deity…” Elland’s tone gradually lowered as though his memories had entered a quagmire, and he was unable to extricate himself.

“Uncle Captain, have you ever met the King of the Five Seas?” Donna asked excitedly.

This was the most legendary pirate. His name traveled through the sea, and even the children of the port cities knew his name.

Whole generations of people grew up listening to stories about him!

In a sense, many people view Nast as the true pirate king… I remember one of the conditions for advancement for Dark Emperor is to equate one’s name with “emperor,” entrenching it deep in the hearts of the people… Is this an early or simplified version of an attempt? I wonder what Sequence the King of the Five Seas is at now… Although Klein was focused on sampling the murloc meat, his mind whirled as a result of the group’s discussion.

Faced with Donna’s question, Elland said with a sigh, “At that time, I was still very young and serving on the William V. Once, our fleet tried to cross the Strait of Calamity in the Berserk Sea and encountered the Dark Emperor’s ship there.

“In those few minutes, everyone, including the fleet Captain, lost the will to fight. Fortunately, Nast didn’t give the order to attack us.”

“Very cool!” the boy Denton cheered, his eyes shining.

Elland didn’t continue the topic. He smiled and said, “As for King of Immortality, Agalito, I’ve never met him in real life. I only know that his bounty notice depicts a pale middle-aged man. How pale? Let me give an example you can understand. It’s like he’s been dead for some time, a corpse which is just beginning to rot.”

this analogy, they subconsciously looked at the badly mutilated murloc’s corpse

diverted the topic and said, “Let’s continue the stories about treasure. Ranked third is the inheritance of the Solomon Empire. In the Fourth Epoch, when that massive empire was dissolved

the Solomon Empire’s inheritance. No one knows if he’s a descendant of the real Dark Emperor,” Cecile added

shore of the Northern Continent?” Donna thought back to her

“Right,” Cleves responded simply.

Fog Sea; to its east was the Sonia Sea, south was the Berserk Sea, and north was the North Sea. The east and west sides of the Southern Continent were similar to the Northern Continent, while south of it was the Polar Sea. Together, they formed the

mountain range and the inland Midseashire. Its eastern face was the Sonia Sea, and it stretched

have much interest in the faraway treasure, so she

all their treasures onto it. Funny enough, their escape was of no use. Although the predetermined passengers and crew didn’t fail to arrive at

sail by them silently in a foggy night. It’s been called the Specter Empire, and it appears across the Sonia Sea. Heh, this is the conclusion from all those stories.” Elland looked up at the red moon hanging high

we will see it pass us by tomorrow night, no—tonight! Donna thought with anticipation and

the rest of his food, drank his black tea, and listened with interest to what Elland had to

Rumor has it that at the bottom of the Fog Sea, there’s a civilization with intelligent creatures. Around that patch of sea, seafarers and adventurers often find special items which all point to the Newins of ancient times. However, the members of this civilization have yet to appear. It’s like it has been lost to this world.” Elland drank the remaining of his Sonia blood wine and said, “That is an inheritance left behind by a civilization. The

for two seconds, Elland put down

fact, the treasure I look forward to the most is one which has more accounts than legends, the Sunken Laurel. More than a century ago, it carried gold, jewelry, and various valuable items that the kingdom obtained from East Balam. As it steered away from the sea route, it sunk in an unknown area somewhere between the Berserk Sea and Sonia Sea. It hasn’t been

said that the items onboard are worth millions

of pounds?” The number caused Donna to blurt

for many years, she had

rich person,

pounds? As a member of the National Atmospheric Pollution Council, a major shareholder in the Coim Company, Mrs. Mary, who allowed me to join the Quelaag Club for free, is only worth a few hundred thousand pounds, and even so, she’s rich enough even in the circle of aristocrats and merchants. She’s a popular divorced lady, and there are even aristocratic children who proposed to her… Klein quickly found a target

sighed with a

a captain anymore. I’ll head to Backlund and become a philanthropist. I’ll purchase land and donate

manage to get your hands on the treasure, the titles of viscount and even earl

helpers, plant large tracts of wheat, build vineyards, make wine for myself… Also, I want to have a room where I can sunbathe; have leisurely moving cows, sheep, and horses; and have bread from my own

laughed when he

do you know how much a manor like this is

Cecile shook her

buy a thousand of those manors!” Elland used exact

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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