After the talk about the legends of treasures that had inspired generations of adventurers to go to sea came to an end, the cook had also finished roasting the flesh of the murloc’s belly.

They were white after being cooked, charred a little black, and covered with tiny brown particles that glistened with a moist, oily glow.

The repeated smearing of seasonings had already seeped into the texture of the meat, effusing it with a tantalizing visual effect.

“Desi grilled fish, it’s different from how you usually eat it.” Elland pointed at the white porcelain plate the cook lowered.

Donna held her fork and knife and eagerly said, “I love honey-roasted fish!

“But this is also very appetizing.”

Honey-roasted fish… How much honey would that take… If I have a chance to try it, the taste should be pretty good… Klein allowed his imagination to run wild.

With a chef, there was no need for them to serve themselves. They could only look on expectantly as pieces of fish were sliced, placed on different plates, and served in front of them.

Klein was very serious when it came to tasting delicacies, so he was in no hurry to deal with the fish. Instead, he took a sip of black tea and used the slightly sour liquid to clear his mouth of any remaining flavors.

After doing all of this, he forked a piece of fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

In a split-second, he felt the slightly stimulating flavors of fennel, basil, and other spices. They were sufficient enough to help him open up one taste bud after another.

Immediately after, the delicious juices of the meat, the slightly astringent taste of the sea salt and the refreshing, sour, and sweet taste of lemon all burst out at the same time, filling his oral cavity and making his mouth water.

As he chewed, the last bit of the fish meat’s stubbornness was broken off one by one after having its fat roasted out of it, fully presenting the splendor of the meat, as well as its faint sweetness.

Swallowing the fish in his mouth, Klein recalled a delicacy program he had watched in his previous life and chose the evaluation line that matched what he just felt: “The layered flavors are very clear, excellent!”

“Haha, your tone and words make you sound like a gourmet,” Elland joked.

Donna waved her fork and echoed, “Uncle, perhaps you should write a column in the newspaper about different restaurants and different cuisines.”

Eh, why didn’t I think of this idea… This is a good job that can earn me money, as well as allowing me to taste delicacies! The only problem is that an obese man can’t be a flexible clown… Use the great art of spewing vomit? What a waste of food! Klein seriously considered Donna’s suggestion.

“To a beautiful night!”

When there was very little food left, Elland poured himself some more of the Sonia blood wine and raised his glass with a ruddy face.

Klein and the others echoed in similarly good moods, “To a beautiful night.”

They drank the rest of the liquids from their glasses and watched the waiter clear the table and clean the deck.

talked for a while more amidst the cold wind, talking about the mermaids

Aside from the possibility of encountering these creatures on the sea route from the Gargas Archipelago to the depths of the Sonia Sea, there was a certain chance of discovering it in dangerous seas

this at least points me in a possible direction…

Denton, it’s time to go back. You’ll have to get up early tomorrow and have breakfast with your

stood up

have a

had been captivated by the

patted his shoulder, and said, “Before you ask this question, you need at least five years of combat training and studying. I

lit up, and

years, the adult you probably won’t want to be an adventurer who can find himself buried at the bottom of the sea at any time… Cleves’s handling of the situation was very shrewd. He didn’t immediately refuse him, but rather he gave him hope and let time wash away his interest. This prevents

the cabin, Cleves handed two five-pound

“Your payment.”

just received 150 pounds from

anything,” Klein

his pale blue eyes and said in a

amused, but he finally


appear as though he was dissatisfied with the price and was attempting to get more, making it possible that he would attack them at any time.

away and said flatly, “This is a rule of the

Cecile, Donna, and

mission and job of this difficulty, then I would’ve long made a fortune with my job as a private detective… Klein gave a self-deprecating laugh and turned his head to look

still shone quietly and gently in

of the sea, different monsters… I’ve finally found the slight feeling of being an adventurer. Klein turned around and walked to the edge of the ship. Bathing in the crimson veil, he admired the waves that were

his face, and the vast, endless ocean caught his eye, opening

felt the urge to sing, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn’t

time, I should read through his poems so as to not look like illiterate… Klein lampooned as he looked

“What a beautiful night.”

lost, the

wall’s cracks filled with weeds, Derrick found himself in

him, Demon Hunter Colin’s eyes suddenly wore a lost look as he raised his hand to press on his right

the team members were filled with joy and relief

a difficult exploration, having a home waiting for them was the happiest

his head to

Backlund, the White family.

to his parents and asked, “If I wanted to delve into the history of us Sanguine, who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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