The standoff was between a brawny man in a blue white-striped shirt, a symbol of the navy. Despite the weather being at near zero temperatures, he had his arms bare.

He held a dagger against the throat of the man opposite him, but his glabella was being pointed at by an ancient musket, one which could’ve been placed in a museum.

The musket’s owner was also more than 1.8 meters tall, with strong muscles and an oily face. He had shaved his hair, and with a sea eagle tattoo, he cursed, “Dogsh*t Navy sailor!

“No one in Damir Harbor would dare slander me as a pirate’s informant!”

The Navy sailor didn’t yield to him, and both sides fully illustrated the rich profanities of the sea.

Klein observed for a few seconds, then he walked around the edge to Captain Elland, who had a straight sword at his waist and a hidden musket on his body. He asked in a calm and casual manner, “What happened?”

“A quarrel between two drunkards. In Damir Harbor and in the surrounding waters, there’s always been such rumors that Sea Eagle Logan is in service of the master of the Black Tulip. The Navy sailor had mentioned this a moment ago, and Sea Eagle just happened to hear that.”

The master of the Black Tulip? Isn’t that Admiral Hell Ludwell? Klein turned and sat down on the high stool in front of the bar counter. He tapped the wooden countertop.

“One glass of Southville beer.”

“Six pence.” A bronze-skinned bartender with pearly-white teeth wiped the cups as he said with zero passion.

When it comes to continental specialties, the prices are much higher than Backlund and Tingen… Klein fished out a handful of copper pence, counted six pence and gave it to him.

At this moment, Logan and the Navy sailor were stopped by the bar’s bouncer. After they each spoke harshly to each other, they retreated to different corners.

Perhaps it was due to him losing his dignity, the Navy sailor hurriedly left after about ten seconds. The atmosphere in the bar became lively once again.

“Want to play some cards?” Captain Elland pointed to the stairs by the side of the bar.

“No.” Klein’s main purpose for coming was to gather information.

Elland subconsciously wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but his cold and sharp demeanor stopped him. He could only pull back his hand and pretend to adjust his dark red coat and remind him, “Don’t get the women here.”

Klein nodded, picked up the glass of Southville beer, and took a swig.

“Also, don’t trust anyone here. Only a small portion of what they say is true.” Elland carried his Lanti Proof and stepped onto the stairs that led to the second floor.

Klein turned his head to glance at him and asked without a change in expression, “Including you?”

“… Perhaps.” Elland was taken aback at first before he laughed out loud. “At least my reminder just now was real. Oh, and me being a man is true as well!”

Not necessarily… There’s a potion called Witch in this world… Klein looked away, drinking slowly and listening to the surrounding drinkers boasting.

three minutes later, a short, thin man sat down

look like an adventurer.” He tilted


could say that,” Klein

you’re a hunter, a hunter that chases after bounties and riches.” The short man looked

sealed at the bottom of the sea… Using the power of Faceless,

a huge, ancient ghost ship full

from it, and we don’t want to be robbed of our wealth, so we’ve decided to hire our own armed merchant ships to wait in that area,

to speak, he fumbled for

no one will, but after the fifteen friends who read through

sort of thing? While Klein was considering whether to appraise the letters, from the corner of his eye, he saw that Sea Eagle

threw him into the open space in the middle of the bar, where

head, sat in the same position as Woody

of our Damir Harbor. They always do things that ruin

friendly. If you have anything you want to

an upright person, and I have nothing to do with Admiral

Klein’s expression didn’t change as he calmly

Sea Eagle Logan slammed the bar top and said to the bartender, “Give me a plate of special cured meat. I’ll be

cold expression, pushed open the door and entered the kitchen. Soon, he brought out a plate

Sea Eagle Logan, and he instead looked straight at

head to the side, smiling warmly as he raised his arm to show his muscles. “Everyone just heard

didn’t realize what had happened. It was only when the bartender urged him a second time that he realized

thrown out, those drunkards didn’t

just rob you?” Logan was a little stunned

after, he saw a fist expanding before


left fist landed on Sea Eagle Logan’s chin, knocking

a push of his right palm, Klein nimbly left his chair and approached Logan’s

his knees jerked upward, slamming

his head, his eyes bulging while his mouth hung

drew his gun, shoved the revolver into the man’s mouth, and pulled

I am…”

it, striking the side of Logan’s face with the

teeth fell out one after another, and his mouth

and a pain that exceeded his limits, his eyes rolled back,

and pulled a handful of loose bills and coins

with just a glance, Klein threw them on the bar and calmly said, “Keep the

as he shouted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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