
The gold coin quietly flipped up, tumbled down, and firmly lay in the palm of Klein’s hand.

Lowering his head to glance if it was heads or tails, Klein spun his heel and smoothly turned into a quiet, dark alley.

The wind by the sea was cold and strong, and it caused a convection in the area, propelling his coat up without him realizing it and causing his half top hat to almost fall off.

Suddenly, Klein stopped, turned around, and said in a deep voice, “Come out.”

His eyes were sharp as he stared at the shadow around the corner.

After four or five seconds of silence, a figure emerged from the shadows. He chuckled and said, “Very sharp.”

It was a man in a black cloak, approximately thirty years of age, and his eyebrows were charred yellow while his dark blue eyes were bright. His face wasn’t too chiseled, as though he was from the area south of Intis, Lenburg, and Segar.

As soon as he saw him, a picture flashed in Klein’s mind.

As he entered the Flying Fish & Wine, he had professionally looked around for anyone he needed to pay attention to.

The answer at the time was no. The man had been drinking like a sailor and watching curiously from the side. He was no different from the other guests, and his appearance wasn’t distinctive, but his black cloak had left a certain impression on Klein, allowing him to recognize the person who tailed him in an instant.

“What do you want?” Klein, who was maintaining his persona, bent down slightly, like a huge feline ready to pounce.

The man in the black cloak laughed once again.

“The fighting technique and handling method that you displayed just now was very consistent with my taste. I chased after you to ask if you’re interested in joining us

“Although that guy named Logan was indeed pretending to be an informant of Ludwell, White Shark Hamilton does have connections with many pirates. He’s a character with a shady background, so he’ll definitely take your act of beating up one of his men at the bar to heart. There will definitely be problems for you in the future, and I can help you resolve this problem.

“You’re an adventurer, so it’s necessary for you to have dreams of treasure. As for us, we’re people who banded together in a bid to seek treasure such as the Specter Empire, Solomon’s inheritance, the secret of the Fountain of Unaging, the Death’s Key, the Sunken Laurel, and Roselle’s Treasure while traveling the Five Seas. Today, although we haven’t accomplished any of our main goals, we’ve found many missing pirate ships. Heh heh, what I said does sound like what that rat had said, right?”

He cleared his throat and said, “Frankly speaking, we’re a band of pirates formed from a group of adventurers, but we only plunder merchant and passenger ships when we’re especially poor, and we don’t harm the innocent. Our main focus is on finding treasures, and we often reap harvests. And I kid you not, I once slept on a bed formed of gold coins. If we run into any other pirate ships, just showing them our prowess wins us some compensation.

“By the way, our Captain has decreed that before we recruit new people, we have to explain our creed and remuneration.”

Creed? Your captain is a little interesting… Klein deliberately softened his tension to see if the enemy would take the opportunity to attack.

The black-cloaked man smiled in a relaxed manner.

“What I said previously was our creed, and now, let me talk about the remuneration.”

fellow is quite confident… Although he wasn’t a Spectator, Klein could tell that he was very confident and that he

obtain riches from plundering, they’ll be distributed according to our ranks. Under normal circumstances, when our luck is still pretty good, the lowest ranking sailor can earn about two to three hundred pounds a year. I heard that this would make one a member of the middle-class on land? Heh heh, if we find the Sunken Laurel, all of us will become tycoons!” the black-cloaked man casually introduced. “According to our ranks, we

he suddenly cursed

missed a good chance of finding the

Klein found it

intensity from the man’s description, reminding him of the humorous Somali pirate

“As an adventurer, are you still chasing after

you join us, you’ll have

coughed and said, “I forgot to introduce

expression turned solemn, no longer looking

Edwards’s subordinate, fourth boatswain of the Golden Dream, Blazing

waited patiently for the look of panic and fear

looking refined and

man standing in the dark alley had turned into an indescribable, hungry

his fists; his body no longer as relaxed as it had been earlier. He was so tense that he

he was facing an abyss


Blazing Danitz’s dignity made him scorn to answer this

soon as he finished speaking, he felt the man retract his gaze, the hunger to gnaw on his

a black coat and a silk half top hat turn around and walk to the other end of the alley. He stopped when he

1 Sea Wall Avenue, but he spends most of his time on the second floor of the Flying Fish & Wine. It’s no different

did Danitz

terrifying fellow…”

his thoughts and muttered to himself, I have to inform Captain that

outside, but he has a heart like a lunatic’s.

return to the hotel for some sleep. He planned to wait

for what would happen to White Shark,

quiet street, Klein stood in the shadows, looking

Hunger had been sealed by Mr. Azik, its thirst

produce any problems, but when he had the urge to kill someone, the corresponding influence he would receive was

that Danitz was a famous pirate on the bounty list, killing intent instantly rose inwardly out of his yearning desire, causing Creeping

self-control in this aspect. From his words, he was able to judge that he wasn’t a pirate who was riddled with sin, so he easily

coin and performed two divinations. First, he divined if Blazing Danitz was lying, and second, if

first revelation showed that there was no need for Blazing Danitz to lie, and the

the gold coin, pressed down his hat, and while doing

appearance—blond hair, blue eyes,

shirt so that it was no longer stuffed into

a cane, began sweating. His lips were dry as he identified the direction and headed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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