
The bartender fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

White Shark Hamilton snorted and didn’t say anything. He turned around and walked towards the second floor, stepping on the creaking wooden stairs.

After the excitement was over, the drunkards dispersed one by one. Unaffected, Captain Elland and the others returned upstairs to continue playing cards.

Klein took the opportunity to follow.

He returned to Flying Fish & Wine, not to deal with White Shark who didn’t pose any threat to him but rather to simply get more information from the owner of the bar, who was connected to many pirate factions. After all, he had named his new identity Gehrman, which secretly implied hunting pirates whose hands were stained with blood. He planned on using their souls, flesh, and Beyonder characteristics to replace the souls in Creeping Hunger who were awaiting their release.

There was no gas in Damir Harbor, and the corridor on the second floor was relatively dark. The brass candle stands that were inlaid into each wall flickered and dimmed.

Klein observed the surroundings as he wiped his face, silently transforming into one of the bouncers on the first floor.

He used Illusion Creation to compensate for his mismatched attire.

After finishing his preparations, he walked towards the room that his spiritual intuition identified as belonging to White Shark Hamilton.

He first passed the card room, but he didn’t attract anyone’s attention.

He stopped in front of the bouncers who were guarding the corridor and said in a low voice, “There’s something going on downstairs again.”

“Holy Lord of Storms, what’s happening tonight?” A bouncer sighed.

“I hope those beautiful people don’t get hurt,” another guard said worriedly.

He was referring to the whores who got their business in the bar.

“They’re fine.” Klein stepped past the bouncers and knocked on White Shark’s door.

“Who is it?” Hamilton warily asked.

“Boss, it’s me. Something happened downstairs again!” Klein remembered the information he gleaned while watching the commotion and deliberately hoarsened his voice.

“Damn it!” Hamilton bellowed, “Come in and explain to me what happened!”

Klein turned the doorknob and walked in.

he dispelled the illusion, and the muscles on his face rapidly squirmed, returning to his previous identity—a new

he immediately opened his mouth

scales surfaced on the

and a strong instinctive fear

the stranger standing by the door was a demon that had been starved for many days, repeatedly examining his flesh and soul with an ice-cold, craving look

of a sudden, White Shark Hamilton was gripped by an extreme panic, and he

walked to the sofa and sat down. He politely

we talk

relaxed all of a

for help as he asked with beads of

hunter,” Klein answered casually, “I heard that you’re connected to a number of pirate factions. I would like to know their respective

not…” White Shark Hamilton subconsciously

felt the extreme hunger again, and he felt as if the man’s

deliberated over his persona and said with a gentlemanly smile, “You have

is to answer frankly. The second is to be

Hamilton had heard of similar rumors. He swallowed hard and asked,

“I’m a hunter, so I’m chasing

with an indescribable madness, and he couldn’t help but blurt out, “Are… Are you

all of them have been

could be bribed at any moment and you’ll be shot in the back! The pirates will gather information in advance and surround your ship. Can you protect all the passengers? Can you survive a cannon bombardment? On

heart in one breath, he saw the man,

them all killed, and then

with many pirates, but it’s a passive relationship. They need to sell the cash, jewelry, and goods that they plundered in exchange for alcohol, food, fresh water, weapons, and women’s comfort. This has to happen through me, but I can only wait here for them. I don’t know where their ships pass

else?” Klein asked

at all. As a

Hamilton’s throat moved, without immediately giving an affirmative or

the half top hat. The gentleman’s eyes were calm and reserved, as

surface before

and placed

gathering information for them. If there’s any urgent information, I’ll use the radio transceiver they gave me to

afraid that the man possessed unique Beyonder powers that could determine if he was speaking the truth

transceiver?” Klein, who had succeeded in laying his


wireless telegraph? The pirates possess such advanced technology? Klein could vaguely guess what the radio

place in the commercial world. The Berserk Sea, which separated the Northern and Southern Continents with its constant thunder and lightning, the chaotic magnetic field, and violent storms, made only a few sea routes accessible. Even if one was equipped with wireless telegraphs, they were almost useless. Similarly, the weather in the Fog Sea and the Sonia Sea

there’s an enhanced model that can solve some of those problems?Klein watched as White Shark pried open the floor plank in

some documents and bills, a revolver, a new type of half-arm gun, and

and the information he had gathered previously,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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