After sending out the telegram and cleaning up the desk, White Shark Hamilton relaxed completely. He was finally in the mood and had the ability to think about the details of what had happened to him.

The first question that popped into his mind was: What about the bouncers outside?

He propped himself up with both hands and walked heavily to the door. When he opened it to take a look, he found that several of his men were standing there unsteadily, telling each other jokes involving women.

Hamilton’s anger rushed to his head, but he soon calmed down. The muscles on his face twitched slightly as he pounded on the open door.


The bouncers were startled and instinctively turned to look at the door.



Seeing who was making the sound, they hurriedly stood there and stammered.

White Shark took a deep breath and asked, “Did you see anyone enter my room?”

“Yes, Lardero. He said that there was a situation downstairs.” The bouncers were confused by the question. “Boss, you were the one who let him in…”

As soon as they finished talking, they suddenly thought of other explanations and asked, “Boss, was something inside stolen?”

Hamilton’s expression sank, and he shook his head.

“Don’t doze off!”

Thud! He drew back and closed the door, leaving the few bouncers puzzled as they exchanged looks, suspecting that their boss was drunk.

In the room, the tall and fat Hamilton frowned and started pacing back and forth.

“Lardero, Lardero, they saw Lardero… That guy, that guy, can he change into someone else’s appearance?” As a collaborator who helped pirates sell their loot and gather intelligence, White Shark Hamilton was no stranger to all sorts of sea rumors. The first thing he thought of was the former Pirate Admiral Qilangos who was said to be capable of turning into anyone.

However, he quickly made more connections.

It might not be this mystical ability. If it’s really close to the description in the rumors, illusions, cues, and mental manipulation can all do similar things.

Hmm, there’s something amiss. That fellow appeared refined and gentle on the outside, but he’s inwardly mad and has terrifying strength. With the character he showcased, he should’ve knocked unconscious or killed anyone who had seen him, before strolling to the door and very politely knocking on the door!

as to not leave behind too much information or exposing secrets related to his Sequence, then he could’ve

for this

or disguising his strength?

this, Hamilton suddenly stopped and put all the

disguise! His strength is demonstrated by relying on some

that must

The focus of his mystical item isn’t in this domain… In order to successfully enter my room, he was willing to lower his head and address me as “boss” because he was purely relying on the mystical item. He wasn’t too confident about

is because he obtained such a powerful mystical item. With his elevated ambition, he wants to capture and kill some pirates to make a fortune. Once he knew that I’m serving Silver Coin Viper Oder and Admiral of Blood’s intelligence officer, Old Quinn, to the point of being involved with the Queen Mystic, he

radio transceiver again and flipped through the passcodes and added a telegram

being targeted by a hunter, because everything that had happened was a result of the inflated ambition of a young man who simply had a fortuitous encounter. He also

not crazy, and even a

item that might allow one to change their appearance and create illusions. In consideration of the sense of horror, the latter

who doesn’t have much experience. He specializes

knows a thing or two about me, and he doesn’t look like an outsider

Tap. Tap . Hamilton stopped his finger and leaned back in satisfaction, his chair creaking under his

his mouth curled up a little, as though he had already seen the ending of

with a very low Sequence despite possessing a powerful mystical item at sea. Many greedy sharks would rush

time comes, I’ll no longer have to

sky, the harbor was rather quiet. After leaving the Flying Fish & Wine, Klein made a detour in the distance. He first walked quickly before moving slowly,

sure that no one was following him, he turned his face back to Gehrman Sparrow as he passed through the shadows. He stuffed the hem of his

them on the bridge of his nose. It gave him a coldness despite

began to rely on the stars to

out a soft chuckle. Amidst the cold wind, he leisurely thought, I hope White Shark isn’t that foolish and

And this person, on the other hand, knew a lot about Damir Harbor and White Shark. He had a tempting mystical item on him which had messed with his mind,

a hard time finding them. If he could get more accurate information from White Shark, he could of course go straight to them. If that didn’t work, his identity could be used as a bait to lure some

it was discovered that White Shark could contact Old Quinn, the intelligence officer of Admiral of Blood, Klein’s plan was completed. His acquisition of the passcodes and the frequency spectrum had allowed him to monitor the corresponding situation and grasp the target’s movement. Then, by interfering with the divination

their communications… It’s basically impossible to buy it at sea… I’ll have to use The World’s identity to get Miss Justice or Miss Magician to buy one in Backlund. I’ll receive the delivery via a sacrificial

sight, he quickened his pace a little and found that

officially met, he said in

and rather familiar with Damir Harbor… Klein smiled and replied, “I

that his

smiled, was polite, and knew when to advance or retreat.

father interrupted, “Mr. Cleves, who is

Sparrow,” Cleves introduced in a

smile, Klein

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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