Discovering a pirate who was worth 3,000 pounds board the ship in disguise, Klein immediately felt wary. He smiled to Denton and Donna who were beside him and said, “I’ve got a friend.”

He calmly walked towards the Rear Admiral Iceberg’s fourth boatswain, locking his eyes on the other party.

The smile on Blazing Danitz froze when he saw the young adventurer, with crazy blood flowing through his veins, slowly approach. He suddenly had a thought, Run! Run as fast as you can! Do your best to escape! Even if I have to use Beyonder powers and expose my identity, I have to flee immediately!

In his eyes, the reserved and stern adventurer was a genuine monster draped in human skin!

Just as Danitz was about to make his move, he suddenly calmed down because he remembered what happened last night: the adventurer hadn’t attacked him and had allowed him to leave!

That is to say, he doesn’t necessarily have the hostile intention of hunting me down. He can be reasoned with to resolve this crisis… Directly running away would only lead to conflict… Thoughts ran through Blazing Danitz’s mind. Relying on his rich experience, he forcefully controlled his legs and appeared to wait in place.

Klein walked over, one step at a time, and smiled.

“Good morning, we meet again.”

That gentle and courteous smile of his made Danitz shudder for some inexplicable reason. He pursed his lips and said, “Good morning.”

Klein maintained his persona, his expression turning cold.

“What are you doing on the ship?”

“Heading to the Rorsted Archipelago,” Blazing Danitz, who was also considered a famous pirate, answered honestly.

“Why are you heading there?” Klein calmly asked.

Danitz forced a smile and said, “Waiting for our Captain’s orders. Perhaps there will be a mission arranged for me.”

He’s probably going to chase me off the ship. In any case, there’s a potential risk to have a pirate board a ship… After he finished speaking, Danitz speculated about the possible developments.

For him, this was considered a pretty good result. At most, he would waste a ticket.

Klein fell silent, so silent that Danitz’s hair stood on end.

It was a full five or six seconds before he spoke again.

“Which cabin do you live in?”

“First-class, Room 312.” Danitz raised the ticket in his hand to eye level.

He didn’t dare to look down for fear that the enemy would seize the opportunity to launch a surprise attack.

Klein nodded indiscernibly.

“Is there a servant room?”

“Yes,” Blazing Danitz subconsciously answered, but his heart was at a loss. He had no idea why the man was posing such a question at him.

Then, he heard the man say to him in a flat tone like he was speaking to a subordinate,

“You’ll sleep there.”

in the servant’s room? Aren’t you going to chase me off

him and said one word

in the negotiations… Dogsh*t. I hate this kind of arrogant, cold person who doesn’t say much. They always only say a word or two, or even just an utterance, leaving me to guess the rest! I-if I’m really not his match, then I wouldn’t even mix with such company! Why did I previously think that his temper matched my tastes? I must’ve

“Fine.” He exhaled helplessly.

your cabin.” Klein maintained the perfect Gehrman

the monster draped in human skin to the cabin. They went

quick look and found the

about thirty square meters and was connected to a master bedroom and three servant rooms. It

suitcase and glanced at the

bedroom going to be left empty just like

he finished speaking,

mine.” Klein smiled

watch over me… Danitz

in the room and said while pointing to the door, “Come with me

little lost,

adventurer and famous pirate duo soon arrived at the second-class cabins and found

enter. He pointed inside and said to Danitz, “Tidy the things on the desk and put them

things? You want me to help tidy

of an eye, he felt a surge of anger rush to the top

Iceberg’s fourth boatswain, a famous pirate with a bounty of

my reputation won’t allow me to accept

cold look when he saw that Blazing Danitz was standing motionless like

Danitz’s body suddenly trembled.

took a deep breath and replied with a smile which looked worse

entered the cabin that didn’t have a very high ceiling, swiftly putting the items that were scattered outside into the

things in order,

he carried

always had the impulse to sneak attack the man’s back, but in the

swallowed his saliva,


inwardly, swearing that he would definitely not forget what had happened today. He vowed to let the man before him have a taste of something similar in the

will definitely help me! he thought with

chair. Instead, he randomly chose a hard wooden chair to sit down

his hands together, and said to Blazing Danitz, “Tell me about

of them,” Danitz replied,

afraid to move, like a

curled his lips up and said, “Do it in


“Have a seat.”

of relief, Danitz

the man wasn’t too bad; he was


the open sea and moved at a speed of 13

talk, was finally permitted to stop. He took his ticket and led Klein to the first-class dining

violinists playing in the corner and barriers separating the tables

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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