A Beyonder was allowed to leave the fleet? Without Danitz’s deliberate explanation, Klein easily understood why he found it strange.

In a Nighthawks team, even the civilian staff would experience strict restrictions. Even a normal resignation would require them to sign a life-long confidentiality agreement. They weren’t allowed to leave the Nighthawks team’s area that they originally belonged to, and once they were approved to move to another city, they had to immediately register at the local Evernight Church.

From such rules, it could be seen how the officials treated Beyonders powers and related matters. A Beyonder who had drunk a potion wouldn’t be able to leave their organization so easily.

Klein clearly remembered that Miss Justice initially had the means and channels to become a Beyonder, but she didn’t attempt them. The reason given was that she didn’t want to lose her freedom.

Similar thoughts ran through his mind, but they didn’t become words, because the polite but cold Gehrman Sparrow wouldn’t be interested in such rumors.

“So what?” Klein looked at the tableware on the table and calmly asked.

Do you know how to make conversation!? Blazing Danitz secretly drew a breath and squeezed out a smile.

“Haha, I just found it strange. We all suspected that he had joined MI9, and that he was using his identity as a captain to monitor the sea routes.”

It’s possible… Klein picked up a glass of water and took a sip.

The dishes he ordered were served one by one according to their type. The restaurant even gave him two complimentary cups of sweet, bubbling, and light gold pre-meal wine.

Klein stopped talking and concentrated on enjoying the food, feeling that it was indeed much better than the second-class dining room.

The melodious tunes of a violin resonated amidst the sounds produced from the slight contact between the cutlery and plates. The blue and open sea outside the window rippled quietly, and everything seemed perfect.

As Klein was about to be served dessert, a crewman came stomping in and ran to the table where Elland was sitting.

“Captain, there’s a pirate ship!” He didn’t suppress his voice.

Most of the passengers were shocked and stopped eating.

Klein looked up, looking across him at Danitz with his eyes dark and cold.

Blazing Danitz stiffened for a second, then he smiled bitterly. He lowered his voice and said, “If I were to say that this has nothing to do with me, will you believe me?”

Klein’s eyelids twitched as he slowly smiled.


Guess? You son of a b*tch! Danitz was so furious that he almost cursed.

He maintained his smile and said, “Your wisdom is enough to judge everything.”

At that moment, Elland quickly asked about the situation. He stood up and said to the panicking first-class passengers, “There’s only one pirate ship. We have enough power to deal with it.

manner and await the arrival of good news. Believe me, the damage caused by chaos far exceeds whatever damage those pirates can do. I don’t wish to hear rumors in the future

the support of the crew, Donna and the others left the dining room and

to temporarily take over the White Agate and try to keep it safe from harm,” Danitz commented inside room 312 as he closed the door,

throw out an olive branch and talk about creeds and remuneration after finding a suitable

ship with

in his pocket and

distance for two seconds, he said, “Red Skull. A small-medium band

Johnson with a bounty of 900 pounds. The first mate is One-Eyed Anderson with

an important reference

would be easy to have innocents die if he allowed the pirates to board

back. “They’re qualified to participate in distinguished gatherings between pirates.

worth 3,000 pounds… Klein’s asked without a

ship is placed under control, there will be sailors standing on the observation deck, using

this dangerous fellow was a new adventurer, and it was very likely that this was his first

famous bounty hunter? A member of a

captain and the first mate use their binoculars to observe us?” Klein originally wanted

to keep track of

his powerful strength, he definitely would’ve allowed the Red Skull pirates to

at Danitz before

“That’s good.”

that! Danitz suddenly panicked and summoned the

wig,” Klein calmly

Danitz was puzzled as he slowly removed

a special bottle of extract from his secret pocket and

eyebrows and

he had prepared before advancing to Faceless. He

needed it anymore, he had been

he was really attacked, physically.

bottle, Klein opened the window

and look outside,” he pointed directly behind the window and said to Blazing

walked over in a daze and stood firmly behind the

there in an eye-catching manner.

want to do?” Danitz blurted

revealed his amiable smile

Iceberg’s fourth boatswain holds sufficient weight to persuade them to

Danitz subconsciously rejected

discovered him. Either Blazing Danitz had been captured, and there was a very terrifying powerhouse on the ship, or

way I’m hung up decides which thought they

smiled even more

along with, really—as long

indescribable sense of hunger. He felt as if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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