Looking up at the wall clock and seeing that it was past eight o’clock, Alger put down his glass mug of alcohol and pushed his way through the drunkards into the street.

As the Rorsted Archipelago was rich in coal, Bayam was like the mainland cities of Backlund and Pritz Harbor. Its streets were lined with tall black lamp posts, and the light of the burning gas effused through the metal grille, illuminating the relatively clean streets.

Alger pulled off his headscarf and slowly turned into a side alley. At a dead-end in the alley, he could smell the scent of urine mixed with alcohol. Although the Amyris Leaf Bar had a bathroom, it clearly wasn’t enough for the customers during peak periods. Some of the drunks who couldn’t hold it in could only find a secluded place to relieve themselves.

The red moonlight penetrated the clouds and shone into the alley. While Alger was still considering whether he should put on a more convincing act, a firm and pervading voice came from behind him.

“Did you purposely leak the information about Blazing to us?”

He’s not stupid… Alger muttered to himself as he slowly turned around, as though preparing for a surprise attack.

Seven or eight steps away, he saw a figure leaning against the wall.

The figure was about 1.78 meters in height, and it wore a boat-shaped hat. Its face was thin and sharp, and it wore a look of aggression.

He had a lock of black hair hanging down, half obscuring the dark green eyes on his left side, which softened his own coldness.

Even though there was often quite a difference between a wanted poster and the person in question, many famous pirates didn’t even don disguises as they wandered the city. As an insider of the Church, Alger had seen many almost photographic portraits drawn with rituals and had participated in pirate conventions. He was still able to successfully link the person in front of him to a name on the bounty notices.

He didn’t express this point and deliberately hesitated before asking, “Calm Squall?”

He was the chief helper of Steel Maviti, a Beyonder who was good at controlling his emotions and thinking calmly, but he was also inhumane and had a 1,500 pounds reward offered for him. The man pulled at his black windbreaker and revealed an empty smile.

“Can I deny that?

“Well… probably not, just like how you can’t deny that you deliberately mentioned Blazing to Oamaru. He’s not someone who enjoys using his brain, the complete opposite of me.”

“I’ve never thought of lying. I only wish to obtain some payment for the news you received from me. Between Blazing, who’s alone, and Steel, who has so many helpers, anyone with a brain would know which to choose. Of course, I wish that you keep it a secret. I don’t want to be pursued by Vice Admiral Iceberg,” Alger replied frankly.

Squall nodded his head leisurely and said, “Tell me the specifics.”

I mentioned before. I bumped into and recognized Blazing at the Gold Coin Casino. He entrusted me to take note of Steel’s whereabouts. Heh heh, it seems like he wishes to launch a counterattack,” Alger said with a scoff. “We agreed upon a point of contact.

trap. Don’t you understand that? Blazing might very well have found helpers, which is

me to judge whether it’s a trap or not. 500 pounds. Less than that, and I’d rather pretend that nothing has happened.” Alger attempted to argue on the

you when we capture Blazing with the intelligence you provided or have his spirit channeled. Don’t worry. Food, alcohol, and a bed will all be free. Regardless, you

me not being too dangerous, the possibility of them choosing temporary detention is much higher than silencing me… However, I’ve also made preparations for a worst-case scenario. As long as I’m not too careless, escaping isn’t a problem… Alger deliberately acted like he was in

it exceeds two days.” At some point in time, a sharp scalpel had appeared in

the corresponding communication methods, Squall didn’t speak further. He

ship.” The door was opened by an old man with hair that had

the intelligence officer of the

to rumors. What you imagine to be fake

the gas wall light, but he carried a silver candle lamp in his

and also provide you with alcohol and food,” Old Quinn said

Alger took the initiative to walk to the low bed in the

Quinn closed the heavy stone door and

away, checking repeatedly to

a Loen enclave in Bayam.

on a sofa in the living room, waiting for him. The

were thick, his skin swarthy. His hair was curled up

trembled, exuding vibes of tremendous strength. However, his entire

Squall nodded.

is a problem, he definitely won’t be able to leave that place alive. I think he

Squall revealed a

still have to be wary of any accidents. This might be a trap set up

any ideas?” Maveti asked

saw was a pirate lying on a couch. He was wearing a brown local

Maveti’s deputy of this round of operations. He was the captain of the sixth ship which was lost in the battle with Vice Admiral Dusk, “Blood Brambles” Hendry.

has a plan.” Hendry used his straw hat to

and said, “Didn’t that adventurer, John Smith, send Mordor to join us undercover? Let’s deliberately leak the news to him, making him think that we’re still waiting for help and that we can only take action the day after tomorrow

can find a spot to watch the show. If there are any accidents, they’ll be the ones bearing the brunt of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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