The Rorsted Archipelago was the Loen Kingdom’s governing branch in the central areas of the Sonia Sea. Similarly, it was a key diocese of the Church of Storms. It had a high-ranking deacon, who was part of the Council of Cardinals, permanently stationed here.

Of course, even a pirate at the level of admiral might not be able to stir such a powerful figure into action, much less when it dealt with a second mate and boatswain. As a result, it was left to Deacon Cordoba Roye who happily accepted the order and led two Mandated Punisher teams to activate Sealed Artifacts 2-37 and 2-166. They lay in ambush at a distance from 15 Amyris Avenue in order to be absolutely safe.

From Cordoba Roye’s perspective, a team of Mandated Punishers with two Sealed Artifacts was enough to deal with the group of pirates consisting of Steel and Blazing Danitz, but the latter’s intention of keeping an eye of his pursuers’ whereabouts caused him to worry. Instinctively, he felt that there was a problem, so he called for an additional team of Mandated Punishers.

Actually, just having 2-37 is sufficient… While they waited, Cordoba Roye suddenly sighed.

In his opinion, this Sealed Artifact would be the nightmare of Steel, Blazing, and company.

He closed his eyes and the corresponding information appeared in his mind.

“Number: 37.

“Name: Dream of Eternity.

“Danger Grade: 2. Dangerous. It has to be used with care and moderation. It can only be applied for operations that require three or more people, a deacon, or diocese bishop.

“Security classification: Bishop, Team Captain, and above.

“Sealing Method: Place in boiling water.

“Description: It has the appearance of a heart. It’s black in color, feels ice-cold to the touch, and is filled with holes, often making a sound like a flute.

“This item originates from a primitive tribe in West Balam of the Southern Continent. They have spirit warlocks as their leaders and are nocturnal.

“A Loen army company conquered the tribe, received the object they revered on the altar, and in the week that followed, there were cases of soldiers acting abnormally, going mad, committing suicide, and so on.

“Research shows that as long as one comes into contact with this item, they will enter a long dream. If not woken up by someone else, one will forever remain in that illusory world. On the surface, they would appear frustrated, fearful, and confused. One’s mental and biological states will gradually change.

“The researchers who were awakened were still unable to tell the difference between reality and dreams for a long time, which led to a series of tragic events, including, but not limited to, expressing love to their superiors, kissing the mouth of a venomous snake, suffering from depression, undressing and running naked, and attempting to bathe in boiling water… If they weren’t transferred to another city, the only possible outcomes would be madness and suicide.

“This item can be used, causing all creatures within the target’s surroundings to fall into the same dream… The user can choose the target to a certain extent and excluded companions… The effective radius is a maximum of fifty meters. Beyond that would burden the user tremendously, dealing severe mental damage… The user will enter a state of being unable to distinguish reality from dreams after the matter, and will have to leave the city where 2-37 is located for any chance of recovery.

“Many examples (see Appendix) show that even without contact, this item can affect the surrounding population greatly unless it’s placed in boiling water…

Nightmare from the Evernight pathway, but it’s more

and the temperature of the boiling water to drop. He soon had an abnormal reaction, and he was suspected

“Example 2…”

his thoughts churned, Cordoba Roye suddenly saw Blazing Danitz, the Golden Dream’s fourth boatswain, come

with his hand, signaling the Mandated Punishers to open the golden box engraved with numerous symbols and magic labels before taking out Sealed Artifact 2-37 which was soaked in boiling

box contained another Sealed

and to a certain extent, it could change the weather, producing

infected with the characteristics of life, and it would also piously believe in the Eternal Blazing Sun. Within the Mandated Punishers, a table

Mandated Punishers had turned the table into a pile of firewood, and they had lit it using

one and dashing towards 15 Amyris Avenue, Cordoba Roye didn’t hesitate to press his right hand down, ordering the team member

fish scale immediately appeared on the surface of that member’s palm, and he directly grabbed the Sealed Artifact that resembled a pitch-black heart,

rang out, and dense darkness enveloped the house at 15

Smith remained the same. It was still the bare, unfurnished living

ran over with all their might, fired, and used their own abilities to successfully injure Blazing and capture the famous pirate who had a bounty of 3,000

in the real world, they were sitting with their legs up, or swimming with their arms outstretched, or using

15 Amyris Avenue. The other Mandated Punisher team members were divided into two groups and began encircling the

lit, as if the sun was rising. Holy pure water dripped down like rain. It

Maveti and the others saw the Mandated Punishers

the Church of Storms!” Maveti growled as mania flashed in his

looked at Calm Squall and sincerely praised him, “Fortunately, we

donkey like Blazing Danitz to cooperate with the Church of Storms,” Squall said calmly. “Perhaps, the injured him was already captured

as they were about to leave, they saw something protruding from the shadows outside the house at 15 Amyris Avenue. Something was sticking to the

Steel Maveti recalled the scenes of his

man who had tried to escape with his magical

a moment before coming to a

traps to use against us; however,

this is an opportunity!” Blood Brambles Hendry glanced at the Mandated Punishers who had stormed the house. “As long as we seize this minute, we’ll be able to kill

Maveti’s hopes were momentarily raised as his

other two Beyonders, “Take my zombies and puppets and guard this position. Once the Mandated Punishers are here, use them to

jumped off the Flying

peacock-blue carpet made a turn

on guard against the surroundings. I’m worried that Danitz has other

on Hendry’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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