In the information provided by The Sun, there were detailed examples of some typical subsidiary gods, but most of the information didn’t provide their true names, only their titles. These included the God of Beauty and the Goddess of Life who were subsidiaries to Vampire Ancestor, Lilith; the Goddess of Misfortune and the God of the Dead who were subsidiaries to Annihilation Demonic Wolf, Flegrea; the God of Luck and the Queen of Calamity who were subsidiaries to Elf King, Soniathrym, and so on and so forth.

Queen of Calamity… Klein suddenly thought of the Book of Calamity and the golden wine cup he had taken from the ruins of the high elf. The name Cohinem and the word “Calamity” was engraved on it in Elvish.

This caused him to make the connection that Cohinem was the Elf King’s subsidiary—Queen of Calamity!

Unfortunately, I can’t directly seek confirmation with Little Sun. I’ll have to wait for further information from him… Klein sighed silently.

At the same time, he made some theories about the fact that these titles didn’t correspond with their true names.

The City of Silver was originally the Kingdom of Silver that came under the Giant King’s Court’s rule. Other than having sufficient understanding of its own forces and enemies, the information regarding the other ancient gods will only come from legends and rumors, and they aren’t that detailed. Compared to the simple and easy to understand titles, a god’s true name can consist of complicated and difficult words to remember which can make it harder for them to be spread.

The information provided to Klein when he turned over the page confirmed his theory. However, it gave him new doubts.

The dragons also had a Dragon of Wisdom which was the equivalent of a god in the City of Silver, called Herabergen, and under Giant King Aurmir, there was also “His” eldest son, the God of Dawn, Badheilbrunn, and “His” queen, the Goddess of Harvest.

Why doesn’t the Goddess of Harvest have a real name? Isn’t “She” the queen of the Giant King’s Court? The City of Silver should have records of it… These so-called subsidiary gods are equal to the angels or King of Angels of later times? Yes, the Sequence 2 of their pathway, and Sequence 1’s of the other pathways? Klein suppressed his perplexion and inferred the truth from the information recorded in the Card of Blasphemy—within the same pathway, if there was a Sequence 0, then there wouldn’t be a Sequence 1, and if there was no Sequence 0, then there would be at most three Sequence 1’s.

However, Klein didn’t dare to base his judgment on this. After all, his knowledge was partial, and he didn’t even know if there were any preconditions for the Sequence 0 and Sequence 1, which was derived from the Law of Beyonder Characteristics Conservation and Indestructibility.

I’ll assume this for the time being… Klein leaned back, letting the information in his hands disappear, smiling as he said, “You may begin.”

At this point, Alger was still seriously examining himself.

After considering how to communicate properly, he used the technique of being in the other person’s shoes. He started from the point of view of The Hermit, who was suspected of being Admiral of Stars, to see what exactly he had exposed.

Mr. Fool’s protects every member’s true identity with a blurred and distorted image, but this method doesn’t affect the representation of colors. Dark brown colors can be difficult to distinguish, but bright colors are easily grasped. At the very least, I can tell that Miss Justice is blonde with bright green eyes…

And for me, the most obvious thing I can’t hide is my dark blue hair. But this doesn’t say anything. It’s not a problem to say that dark blue hair is a common mutation in Beyonders within the Sailor pathway, but the converse isn’t true. This is because such traits are hereditary. On Sonia Island and in the Berserk Sea around Desi Bay, they were places where elves originally gathered. Many humans with traces of elvish blood will also have dark blue hair. Heh, it’s the same for districts where there are a certain number of Church of Storms Beyonders…

Ignoring any other trait, it’s difficult for The Hermit to determine any further information based on the situation.

Just as Alger heaved a sigh of relief, he caught sight of the Storm robe he was wearing.

but he was also the bishop of the sailors. He often needed to wear the corresponding clothes to celebrate

didn’t show his devotion in his daily actions, there might come a day when he would be

been drifting out at sea for a long time, as prolonged acting as pirates might one day turn them into real pirates. In any case, the Lord of Storms has

details of one’s clothing clearly. This isn’t a problem… However, I still have to pay attention in the future. During Tarot Gatherings, I should change into a set of ordinary clothes… Although I can’t be sure, I still have to treat her as a

Emlyn, which was

you obtain the inheritance of that

the last sentence… Alger’s body instantly

The Hermit’s eyes swept over The Hanged Man

turned his head to The Moon and asked, “Have you

Emlyn raised his

the three-month maturity was up before he went to the bank to withdraw the money, but he soon discovered that he

or hesitation. He was filled with expectation and desire, wishing that he could get his hands

giving up by selling the

many situations, an acceptance draft could be used as a

the week. Finally, let’s confirm the price: 4,500 pounds. Is that alright?” Seeing that

cleared his

“Can it be cheaper?”

up to me to decide, but I can try to acquire it for you at a lower price. Also, don’t forget my commission. Let’s lower it. How

“Alright.” Emlyn exhaled quietly.

very powerful vampire, an underaged or a recently matured one…

Man and Mr. Moon had been concluded in a few sentences, Audrey

two, I’ll contact the members of the Psychology Alchemists in East Chester County and tell them that I’ve become a Psychology Alchemists member. I’ll exchange my contribution points for the subsequent potion formula. There’s no need to make a request to purchase it here for the time being… Once I find out what ingredients are needed, I can ask for everyone’s help… There’s no need to buy any mystical items for

looked at the gloomy man at the

to the characteristic left

buying it for Susie… she silently added in

she had another slightly mischievous idea, which was to find an excuse for Mr. Fool to turn over the Dark Emperor

regarding Roselle’s diary. And from how her reaction was extraordinarily excessive before she quickly hid it, it was quite possible that she knew about the Cards of Blasphemy; therefore,

to sound out Ma’am Hermit, but that this was a way of showing responsibility

the Card of Blasphemy, “He” definitely would’ve flipped it open himself. If “He” didn’t want to do so, then any attempts would be against his will… Audrey nodded solemnly but almost

“If you’re certain that you want it, then I will give it to you as

price is 1,800

more appropriate to charge 1,200 to 1,500 pounds for a Psychiatrist’s Beyonder characteristic, but Klein had raised the premium slightly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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