After a brief moment of consideration, The Hermit Cattleya made the choice that benefited her the most. She said without betraying her emotions, “I’ll make a decision after seeing what the commonly seen monsters are around the City of Silver.”

Another person who gains something without risking anything of her own… Are the people who spend too much time at sea good at fleecing others? Or is Little Sun in such a state that makes it impossible to resist fleecing him… Klein instinctively excluded himself from the group of seafarers.

“Alright.” Under Justice and company’s scrutiny, Derrick didn’t hesitate to agree to Ma’am Hermit’s request.

He recalled the content and conjured it, recording the most commonly seen monsters around the City of Silver into a list. However, it wasn’t as detailed as before, and there were quite a few missing. After all, the Sun pathway’s improvement in regards to his memory was rather limited. A few days had passed.

Cattleya received the piece of information and read through it in a serious manner.

The more she scanned through it, the more alarmed she became. This was because the types of monsters had far exceeded her expectations by nearly a hundred times!

Most of the names used were ancient names. If not for her being a Moses Ascetic Order member who had been pursued by knowledge, and having reached Sequence 5, making her experienced and knowledgeable, there was no way she could’ve known what these names would really be referring to.

But even so, there were still a few monsters she had never heard of. They were like shadows who would never reveal themselves in dreams or imaginations, forever lurking in the depths of the darkness.

Where exactly is the City of Silver? Why are there so many monsters? Ten seconds later, Cattleya raised her head without a change in expression. She said with a staid tone, “Use the history of your City of Silver in exchange.”

“Alright.” Derrick’s eyes lit up as he seemed to see hope in advancing.

He soon conjured the historical materials of the City of Silver with the help of Mr. Fool. Having had ample experience, he knew that even more complete and detailed information was worth more than the fruit of a Radiance Spirit Pact Tree; hence, he retained some of what he knew.

Cattleya knew that she wasn’t Mr. Fool, so it was impossible for her to let the members patiently wait for her to finish reading. Therefore, she casually flipped through it. After confirming its value, she deliberated and asked, “How should I hand over the fruit of the Radiance Spirit Pact Tree to you?”

Just as she said that, she suddenly thought of something. With a guess, she looked to the end of the long bronze table.

“Mr. Fool, is it done by a sacrificial ritual?”

This left Audrey, who had prepared the answer, to be clearly stunned. She swallowed the words that she was about to say.

done via a sacrificial and bestowment ritual! Audrey controlled her minute facial expressions as


impossible for a pirate admiral, a Sequence 5 powerhouse of the Mystery Pryer pathway, to not know how a sacrifice was made. This was even something they were good at. Furthermore, she knew

a conversation

show any abnormalities, her heart was in no way calm. From her casual flipping of

have a sun, resulting in a state of eternal darkness and high- and low-frequency lightning. Matters like how strange and terrifying monsters hid in the darkness when there was no light, and how they survived

powerhouse at sea who was knowledgeable and had acquired many secrets, she instantly

this line of

Forsaken Land of the

the figure she looked up to surfaced in Cattleya’s mind once again. A sentence filled with an emotive

been searching for the Forsaken Land of the Gods back when he was alive. He said that


Tarot Club because The Moon, Justice, and The Sun were of low Sequences. She believed that with Mr. Fool having awoken only recently, he was obviously unable to pull members of significant strength. However,

nurtured to be able to reach higher ranks in their respective circles without being suspected. This will allow them to play a more important role… As for me,

had all confirmed their respective transactions. As for The Hermit Cattleya, she was still observing. Out of caution, she didn’t rashly open her mouth to expose more information about

making a request to buy the Sequence 5 Ocean Songster’s potion formula so that he could make the subsequent preparations, but with the addition of The Hermit, he became especially wary. He gave up on his decision at the

would be able to obtain the Astrologer potion formula and a certain amount of ingredients from her teacher soon, she hadn’t prioritized her purchases yet, so all

mystical item to make up for her relatively showy Trickmaster powers that were lacking in strength, as well as how her Apprentice powers were only good for passing through walls and opening doors.

pounds. For a member of the middle-class, that was

require one to two thousand pounds… Fors languidly sat there,

to scan his surroundings before hoarsely saying, “I need a

commonly seen items in the mysterious world. As long as he purchased them at different occasions, he wouldn’t garner suspicion from anyone. Therefore, Klein only requested for the eyes of a six-winged

at The World and said without rushing, “300 pounds, or the

noticed that the previous transactions were

imminent advancement, and how he would soon obtain the method for removing the mental corruption of a Beyonder characteristic, I would’ve even consulted her on this problem… Klein thought as he made


completed, the palace that resembled a giant’s residence fell silent for more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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