What has “me receiving the mission the day before yesterday” have to do with when I find him? If I didn’t need to spend a day waiting for the Snake of Fate, Will Auceptin, to locate me, I could’ve done so 24 hours earlier… That’s what professionalism is! Klein answered calmly, “You can choose not to hear what I have to say.”

Darkwill choked back the words he had prepared as his facial muscles twitched.

“Go ahead and say it.”

Klein described flatly, “I received intel that Roy King has been captured by the military and is presently imprisoned in the governor-general’s office.”

News I received from Arrodes… he added inwardly.

“For real?” Darkwill couldn’t hold back again as he widened his eyes and blurted out a retort.

Klein nodded indiscernibly and said, “My information source is sufficiently reliable.”

“But I have no way of confirming it…” Darkwill said in hesitation.

“This is because it involves an important Sealed Artifact of the Life School of Thought,” Klein said directly.

Darkwill immediately jumped in fright as he took two steps back and looked around warily, afraid that someone had heard what Klein had just said.

Can this sort of thing be said out on the street? He knows that we’re from the Life School of Thought, and he knows that Old Man is involved in an important Sealed Artifact… I only learned of that from my last communication with him… Darkwill gradually began to believe the adventurer in front of him.

Klein swept a glance at the owl who swooped down and landed on the chubby Apothecary’s shoulder.

“You can make your payment.”

“I can’t confirm it. I can’t just believe what you say, right…” Darkwill said stubbornly.

Then, he saw the eyes of the adventurer in front of him turn abnormally cold.

He trembled and hurriedly said, “Alright. I’ll barely count it as you completing the mission.”

Unwillingly, he took out a wad of cash from a secret pocket in his witchdoctor robes and handed Klein 100 pounds in change.

Although he was a Beyonder, the physical enhancements he obtained from his job as an Apothecary and Beast Tamer wasn’t enough to play a role in direct combat. He wasn’t necessarily able to defeat an ordinary person with a revolver. As for the Beyonder pet he reared, it was also a fellow without any combat powers. Faced with an experienced and resourceful adventurer who was also likely a Beyonder, both he and the owl together wasn’t necessarily his match. All he could do was act as he said.

that amount of money… he lamented

were pirates, sailors, and adventurers. There were all sorts of people, and the official organizations were more relaxed on enforcing the rules. He could sell certain banned medicine without anyone coming to knock at his door. For the past two months, just

well. The savings he had had primarily been expended when advancing to Beast Tamer. Later, he reared a pet and, with great difficulty, bought the

received the cash and, while counting it, verified their authenticity before putting

from the

mumbled, he returned inside his herb store. Once inside, he dragged a brown suitcase and quickly stuffed all sorts of clothes and cash which had been folded

out the notes and coins of different denominations from the cash register, stuffed them into his pocket, and took the fake identification documents he had spent

ingredients he hadn’t finished

resisting his aching heart. He went

Old Man has been caught… He’s been caught… he sat in the carriage and repeated

the carriage, he rushed into the lobby and queued up for the liner to East

Phew… Darkwill kept taking a few deep breaths as he closely followed

out of here,” he

inched forward, Darkwill

occasionally turned twisted before quickly

left in front of him, Darkwill paused

carried his suitcase, and walked out the ticketing

saving his teacher, Roy King. He believed that it wasn’t something that

someone to help… If even the Life School of Thought can’t do it, it will be useless even if I get the entire Tarot Club to help. So there’s no need for me to worry for him. The military in Bayam has a demigod… Of course, he might not be in the governor-general’s office and might be

perks… I should prepare a pencil next time. I neglected a problem. A paper crane is only this big. Using a fountain pen will quickly leave it without space to write… That will make me unable to contact Will Auceptin and end up just waiting passively. And I can’t keep the paper crane on me all day. In a few days, I’ll send it back to the

made a prepayment, making him responsible for the 5 soli in

to a different district and came to Otum Street, which was close to Amyris Leaf Bar. He stayed in an inn called Tiana. He got a clean and simple room which cost him

his image. He slumped into a reclining chair and decided to daze off and take a nap for the next two hours before going above the

Backlund, the White family.

in front of him at the altar, and he seemed to be

uniqueness flowing within it, so as to confirm that it was the inheritance from

isn’t difficult at this stage, Emlyn thought with

Above the Fog Sea, a fleet was tearing

flagship was a gigantic sailboat which hung a unique flag on it. It depicted an eyelash-less eye with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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