The method for separating a Rampager’s mental corruption from a Beyonder characteristic… The Hermit Cattleya shot a glance at The World and guessed that he might’ve obtained one to two Beyonder characteristics that a Rampager left behind. In addition, one of them likely involved the advancement characteristic for The World or someone close to him.

This was a very easy inference since if one didn’t use a Beyonder characteristic as the main ingredient of a potion, the mental corruption of a Rampager in it didn’t matter if it was made into a mystical item. At worst, the negative side effects would be extremely strong, making it equivalent to a Sealed Artifact, but that didn’t mean that there was no way of using it.

After adjusting his emotions, Klein controlled The World to answer hoarsely, “Write it on a piece of paper and pass it to me.”

With that said, Klein originally wished to encourage Little Sun for being a trustworthy person, but upon considering how The World’s image was that of a gloomy and reserved person who didn’t say anything else unless he had ulterior motives. He instantly fell into a slight dilemma.

No, there’s an ulterior motive… By letting Little Sun maintain his principles, it will make things a lot easier in the future. To put it simply, it will be easier to fleece him… Of course, I’ll have to suffer the damage from his honesty and uprightness as a result… The World is an experienced and shrewd Beyonder in the eyes of Miss Justice, Mr. Hanged Man, and the others. They likely wouldn’t notice any problems… Klein’s mind raced as he made The World let out a deep laugh.

“You’re really a trustworthy person. Your character is worthy of praise.”

The Hanged Man pricked up his brows and took the initiative to say to Derrick, “I’m also interested in the knowledge regarding this. What can I use to trade for this information?”

He planned to do the transaction if it wasn’t too expensive, and he would give up if it exceeded his expectations. After all, he didn’t have any use for it at the moment.

Having been praised, Derrick was still lost in his joy. After two seconds of thought, he said with abnormal sincerity, “Mr. Hanged Man, there’s no need. You’ve often been giving me suggestions in the past when I was faced with trials. Just treat it as a way of showing my appreciation.”

… If The World is a real person and was drinking, he definitely would’ve spewed out all the water in his mouth. Thankfully, he’s neither drinking, nor is he real. Klein mustered all the Beyonder powers of a Clown to ensure his expression remained unchanged.


The Hanged Man was briefly at a loss for words. The Sun’s reply was completely out of his expectations.

He had been traveling the seas for years and had experienced numerous encounters. His outlook on things was no longer that of black and white, with it mainly shades of gray. At this moment, he felt a baffling sense of guilt.

“Your character is really worthy of praise,” Alger quickly composed himself and praised Little Sun.

Don’t copy what I said! Can’t you use a different sentence… The World glanced at The Hanged Man as The Fool lamented how wily old foxes were all one and the same.

ass! A dumb sheep! The Moon Emlyn silently condemned

been filled with anticipation for this Tarot Gathering, as he had already advanced

it… I should do something later to let them know

words, Justice Audrey didn’t feel any guilt or anger, as she knew very well that Mr. Hanged Man had been the

become kinder in the future… She watched this scene in delight and didn’t have the urge

and obtained Mr. Fool’s approval and conjured two yellowish-brown

World and took

that can steal the Beyonder powers of others. Extract the mental corruption left behind by a Rampager and concoct the Beyonder characteristic into

Silver. Use its feedback to shatter

to obtain the corresponding ritual’s procedure and was unable to obtain the precise description of the item. Only the elders of the six-member

“The ritual’s procedure is…

as he nearly forgot to control the dummy, The

Blood Vessel Thief, behind the Chanis Gate in Tingen City is able to steal a target’s Beyonder powers. By viewing a mental corruption

corruption inside the All-Black Eye isn’t that of an ordinary Beyonder but from the evil god, True Creator. Regardless of if it’s the Beyonder who’s stealing the power or a mystical item of a similar trait, it will not be able to withstand such mental corruption. The former has a hundred percent chance of losing control, while the latter will

corruption. However, the timing has to be done perfectly without any errors; otherwise, the two items might

viability of the first option. As for the second option, it was similar

a true god’s Sequence 0 remains; otherwise, they wouldn’t be in such a pathetic state in the Forsaken Land of the Gods. Therefore, does it mean that in order to shatter a Beyonder characteristic, one doesn’t need a god’s strength? It’s enough to do it at the level of an angel? According to Little Sun, an angel is equivalent to

can be verified. Sea God Kalvetua only obtained a portion of Calamity Cohinem’s characteristic. The remaining part is in the Book of Calamity… There might even be a third part. I wonder where it’s hidden since it helps this high elf, at the level of an angel, be able to resist death. In short, it can be seen that Cohinem’s Beyonder characteristic was split into at least two parts. This is essentially the same

of a powerhouse at the angel level will

yet. As for Saints, Snake of Fate, Will Auceptin, is

consider how to resolve the problem after

the area and gained an

this, he had a

the method to separate the mental corruption from a Beyonder characteristic is likely

Fool’s strength has only recovered to the level of a Saint and

seven months and Mr. Fool has already recovered to this

will likely be able to escape from his seal. Standing at the pinnacle as an Angel, he will just be one step

Cattleya looked at The Hanged Man

include one of the methods I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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