Oravi was situated northeast of the Rorsted Archipelago. The straight-line distance wasn’t too great, but the safe sea route had required ships to take many twists and turns, causing the distance traveled to increase by several hundred nautical miles.

It was originally a primitive island that harbored many kinds of Beyonder creatures without any humans inhabiting it. After the hunting era came to an end, the Loen Kingdom banished certain criminals there, causing Oravi Island to gradually have villagers and towns.

When more eastern islands were discovered and colonized, the area attracted many new immigrants due to the convenience of the sea route and its rich natural resources, making it a rather thriving port city.

The light from the lighthouse tower appeared so warm in the dark environment as it led liners towards the harbor for them to dock.

“We’ve finally arrived. My gratitude to the crimson moon and fate for blessing me.” Darkwill jumped off the last gangway and stepped onto solid cemented ground.

To be precise, apart from fate, you should thank The Fool and Sea God for their blessings… Klein held his leather suitcase with one hand as he tapped his cane.

Darkwill properly put away the ring box which contained the Die of Probability, and he didn’t delay in asking where the bellman, Carnot, stayed. He rented a carriage and went straight for St. Draco Cathedral. He then entered the magnificent bell tower which boldly used the colors of red, blue, and yellow.

Inside the bell tower, Carnot had a cramped room he could call his own.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Darkwill knocked on the door thrice, eager to hand over the item on his person.

With a creak, the brown wooden door opened and out came a large man who was slightly hunched.

He looked to be in his forties, and individually, there was nothing strange about his facial features, but when put together, it was filled with an unharmonious vibe.

Klein only took a glance and discovered that his eyes weren’t leveled. His nostrils were of different sizes, and his left facial muscles were slightly loose, causing the corner of his mouth to droop slightly. It was the complete opposite for the right side of his face.

Carnot’s legs were obviously of different lengths, and one of his arms was thick, while the other was thin. His entire body was highly disproportional, making him extremely ugly.

“Who are you?” Dressed in a black robe, Carnot glanced at the duo.

“Are you the bellman, Carnot?” Darkwill asked cautiously.

Carnot chuckled with one corner of his mouth raised while the other stayed low.

“There shouldn’t be a second person as ugly as me.”

“Indeed.” Darkwill nodded very honestly before laughing. “I can tell that you have quite a good state of mind. To be honest, looks don’t matter for a man. What’s important is their skills in bed.”

Tsk, that’s because you haven’t seen ladies who only have fetishes for good looks… Having experienced the era of celebrities of the masses, Klein scoffed from the side.

Carnot’s expression darkened as he said, “I don’t wish to discuss such matters.”

“You have problems in that area? No problem. I have different kinds of medicine that can treat all your problems…” Before Darkwill finished his sentence, Klein took a step forward, afraid that he would end up being beaten to death.

He put half his body between them as he said in a deep voice, “He’s Roy King’s student.”

King once described his traits.” Carnot made way

be used as a dining table. The washroom was at the bottom

box and handed it to

to hand this

to Darkwill, “You aren’t as unreliable as your teacher described you to be. I can


red as he honestly said, “That’s because it’s relatively quiet now. In another one to two hours, it will automatically roll

Carnot’s face twitched.


wanted to glance at his owl, Harry, but he realized that it hadn’t followed him in. It was perched outside

widened as his


student should’ve long

thanks to this gentleman. He’s a

method was it?” Carnot

laughed and replied, “Trade

he pressed his hand

for your help on

mystical item with powerful offensive traits but without

about 300 pounds, so that was all I could pay. I’ll

fell silent as the corners of his lips


room. The wind from outside blew through the cracks and brushed across the three

Finally, Carnot spoke again.

the money. I’ll

us. After all, a Fate Councilor is in no way comparable to a Die of Probability. If there were really problems with us, there would be no need for us to bring the die over to prevent any accidents and snatch away the Uniqueness… Klein watched

his Spirit

sight. This was because Carnot’s

body appeared unnatural. His heart was green,

the same time, Carnot’s soul also gave the same

up internally? Klein made a rough judgment based on what he

the lantern, he turned his head to glance at the adventurer, Gehrman Sparrow, and said without much of an expression, “I’m very sensitive to Spirit

Mother’s attempts to refine the human body. I’m considered a failed specimen, which is why I do not have

final sentence was directed

robe. He hunched his huge body and used the dim light to walk down the stairs

of the Life School of Thought? This is understandable. Both the Church of Earth Mother and the Life School of Thought hold the Apothecary pathway, and they will definitely have some overlapping… But why would the Life School of Thought send this fellow, that doesn’t seem simple to be a

the left side of the bridge, Klein suddenly

owl, Harry, had flown out as well and


great difficulty did it fly up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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