Loen Kingdom, East Chester County, Stoen City.

Having left the manor, Audrey moved into a villa. After she finished engaging in social gatherings with the local nobles, she sent her servant to the Varvat Bank to withdraw a sum of cash.

She didn’t need to worry about this any further. She could easily pay off the 2,000 pounds she owed Mr. Fool’s Blessed, and she could also pay the 1,800 pounds she owed Mr. World for the Psychiatrist characteristic.

Fifteen minutes later, Audrey opened the room to her bedroom and glanced at her personal maidservant, Annie, who was monitoring the servants while they did their work. She looked down at the golden retriever who was sitting by the side of the wall and smiled. With a smile, she suppressed her voice and asked with shining eyes, “Susie, you’ll receive a gift in a while. Are you looking forward to it?”

If it were in the past, Audrey would’ve definitely said, “Susie, your present is here,” making the golden retriever realize that she could find the actual item in the room as well. Otherwise, it was very easy for Susie, who had been studying the basics of mysticism, to guess that Audrey had used ritualistic magic.

With this new sentence structure, the situation could have Audrey receive a mysterious letter or news in her bedroom to confirm that the gift was about to be delivered. There would be too many possibilities as a result of this.

Susie could read the joy and sincere attitude deep inside Audrey’s heart as she subconsciously opened her mouth, hoping to stir the air to produce a voice. She had wanted to inquire about the gift, but she sharply sensed that Audrey’s personal maid, Annie, was approaching. The alert Suzie abandoned her original thoughts.

She returned to the state of being an ordinary dog as she slowly wagged her tail to express her joy and anticipation.

After making an excuse to head out, Audrey entered a “chemistry laboratory” that she had specially marked out for herself. She placed the Psychiatrist characteristic and supplementary ingredients on the table.

“Susie, do you still remember the potion-concocting process?” She cleared her throat and straightened her back as she excitedly played the role of a teacher.

“Woof, I remember!” Susie already knew what her present was. In her joy, she barked.

Audrey added, “Try to concoct it by yourself.”

Susie looked down at her paws and suddenly fell silent.

Audrey was taken aback before a brief silence ensued.

A few seconds later, before the golden retriever could speak, Audrey covered her mouth without any atypical response and giggled.

“Alright, Susie, there’s no need to say a word. I know what you wish to say. You wish to express the fact that you’re only a dog and am unable to concoct the potion, right?”

How embarrassing… At the same time, Audrey, who wore a charming and graceful external bearing, facepalmed herself inwardly.

“Woof!” Susie nodded forcefully.

Audrey took the opportunity and turned around. Soon, she finished concocting the Psychiatrist potion.

She had previously asked Susie and learned that she had already finished digesting the potion on Wednesday.

That’s less than two months… Yes, a large reason has to do with how Susie isn’t being noticed. She can run about anywhere in the manor or villa and eavesdrop, allowing her to read the true thoughts of the maidservants… That’s good as well. She will always share the tidbits with me. If not for her, I wouldn’t have known of the dark sides of many people who appear normal and kind usually… Audrey poured the potion into a bowl and placed it on the floor.

She watched as Susie went over and began licking the potion as she couldn’t curb the anticipation in her heart.

might be influenced by the potion and

Placate at any moment! Yes,

vertical. Dark gold scales seemed to grow beneath her thick fur, and the spirituality that belonged to

Audrey scrutinized Susie’s state. As long as something abnormal happened to

voice sounded

“Audrey, I’m done!”


a loss

and to the old apartment she

saw her mother,

and was just about to join them. She was

this moment, she heard knocking

and realized that the visitor was a young man in

had black hair and green eyes, with a somewhat blurry face. He held a notebook and fountain pen as

Daisy answered in

his notebook and said,

which were hung

described all sorts of trivialities. In the end, she said, “… After I was abducted, my mother and sister had hired a private detective to search for me. His name is Mr. Sherlock Moriarty. He’s a good man. Although he didn’t find me directly,

and glanced at Daisy before

good. Your answer is

remember the

Without any alarm, she saw Mr. Sherlock Moriarty standing

glasses. It was almost identical

up the image a few times, he seemed to vanish at some point in

she ultimately woke up from her depression and sorrow. When she saw

make a sound as she turned her

the corners of the pillow, a wet

none other than Leonard Mitchell. Although his investigation of the commonalities of the two cases was to give him time to deal with matters

of this matter, it’s also a direction for the investigation. heh, that Sherlock Moriarty looks somewhat familiar. Which fugitive is he? Leonard recalled what he had seen in the dream as he wore his red glove and entered the

a partner approach and hand him two thin

man from the Harvest Church is all

to have lunch together?” Leonard asked with a

long as you stop making

Leonard smiled as he received

there without being in a hurry to sit down as he

a period of time. His parents

as his expression turned

this name in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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