The bathroom was partitioned inside. The emanating steam covered the entire bathtub.

Apart from his head, Klein’s entire body was soaked in the hot water. He lay there in such great comfort that he didn’t even wish to move his toes.

What a beautiful night… If only there was no Cynthia outside. I still have to deal with her later… Klein sighed as he considered what excuse to use to avoid being intimate with her.

In accordance with Admiral Amyrius Rieveldt’s traits, he decided to first use work as an excuse. After that would be the excuse of him not feeling well, him losing the ability to have sex, him needing some time to digest any medicine he had just taken, and how he had suddenly realized his true sexual orientation, making him find curly-haired baboons extremely attractive.

As for whether this would damage the admiral’s image, Klein didn’t feel the slightest bit of pressure. As long as he prevented Cynthia from suspecting that he was a fake Amyrius Rieveldt, he would’ve perfectly completed his mission.

The subsequent explanations for those excuses and how he finds an excuse to explain his recovery would all be Admiral Amyrius’s problem. What has that got to do with me, Gehrman Sparrow? And what has Gehrman Sparrow’s ruined reputation have to do with me, Sherlock Moriarty? Klein stood up in satisfaction as he walked out to the dry partition while dropping wet. He got a bath towel and dried himself.

After changing into a hanging bathrobe, Klein inhaled silently as though he had unlocked a major enemy in his quest—he opened the door to the bathroom.

Seeing the corridor empty, with only the light from the wall lamps on both sides illuminating the darkness, Klein felt slightly relieved and was no longer as tensed.

This is almost the same feeling as challenging a pirate admiral… As he mumbled, he realized a serious problem. He had no idea which of the rooms was the master bedroom or study.

Regardless, I have to inform Cynthia; otherwise, it would make Admiral Amyrius appear strange… Klein recalled the layout of similar houses in an attempt to accurately find the master bedroom.

At this moment, the door to the room diagonally across him creaked open. Cynthia, who was draped in a silk nightgown, walked over.

Her blonde hair appeared wet and messy as they cascaded down. There were even a few strands of hair fluttering in front of her blue eyes and bright-red lips. It hid the glow in her eyes as her lips were somewhat closed. She appeared extremely alluring under the dim environment.

The neckline of the silk nightgown was very open, as snow-whiteness and a deep cleavage was reflected in Klein’s eyes.


Klein nearly raised his head to look at the ceiling to avoid the intense stimulation.

Calm down, calm down. You are Amyrius Rieveldt… Besides, you’ve seen a half-naked Demoness before… Compared to an Ailment Maiden, this lady’s charms are clearly insufficient. Wait, why am I thinking about Demonesses? Who knows if they were formerly men or women… Klein maintained his gaze as he sized her up and down with a “teasing” tone.

In that instant, he could sense that primal desire, but there was no response from his nether regions…

This is the result of the temporary contract? In fact, Admiral Amyrius didn’t need to go through the trouble. Even if I have the urge, I’ll be able to control myself… What kind of situation haven’t I encountered before?

she became Amyrius’s mistress about one to two years ago? With them not being able to meet each other most of the time, the Admiral has to coax her each time as she hadn’t had her pent-up desires

his mistress unstable, or has she been switched? Ever since Klein became a Faceless, he felt that

she had mustered disappeared bit by bit under Amyrius’s scrutiny. Her face

she heard him calmly instruct, “Help me prepare some coffee and place

with tonight.


raised her head suddenly, her embarrassed blushing

momentarily failed to understand what Admiral Amyrius had

forward to hug her before kissing her gently

with you

from the provided information, but he had slightly

Admiral Amyrius would wear the same stoic face while spending time with his mistress, even when having sex.

For a Faceless to pull off a true disguise, they had to do meticulous investigations and have ample comprehension of the target. This was just like how

a clear look of disappointment, but she quickly restrained those feelings as


the room. A bathrobe isn’t

to be understanding… Klein watched as Cynthia turned and entered the room. She pulled at the bell. As for him, he took this opportunity to take off his bathrobe and change into a

and tidied up the slightly messy desk. Later, she waited for the maidservant to finish making the coffee

he had little idea about the data and designs

all he knew were carriers, air domination,

behind her from the corner of his eye,

the necklace under her pillow and

more alluring, allowing Admiral Amyrius to be even more

handling methods according to what the information indicated—he chose the simple ones and signed Amyrius Rieveldt’s name on them. The reason why he could mimic his signature was because Faceless allowed him to remember a target’s unique traits, while Clown gave

ones he couldn’t understand had notes written with

reached out to

do. I need to sleep. I have plenty of challenges tomorrow. I have to maintain sufficient strength

his half-closed eyes. He pulled them down and moved his eyes to

up two slits where Klein’s eyes originally were and used his flesh to produce a pair of fake

I had such a godly technique back in school… He sighed silently. He half leaned his body as he kept his real eyes closed while his fake eyes were

maintain his balance. He remained motionless like a stone

from his dream. He sensed that there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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