Phew. What exactly are Amyrius and Aston Rieveldt scheming about? To attract a warning from the Twilight Hermit Order… Unless it can truly change the times and influence the direction of history, this ancient and secretive organization wouldn’t even show itself or reveal its identity… Klein stood by the side of a magnificent castle in his dream, thoughtfully watching the spot where the blurry figure had disappeared from.

Amidst his thoughts, he suddenly snapped awake and was no longer as certain about his theory.

The ploy which Admiral Amyrius and his brother are planning might not really influence the trends of the times!

Although the Twilight Hermit Order only involves itself in important matters, as a leader of another secret organization, Klein clearly knew that apart from carrying out the organization’s own mission and values, it also provided help among members.

From Emperor Roselle’s diary, I can tell that the Twilight Hermit Order has members from different domains, standings, and Sequences. Apart from a number of them fervently believing in the original Creator as they await the coming of twilight and the awakening of the true god, the rest are only seeking to benefit themselves. Under such circumstances, as long as the organizer doesn’t strictly implement order, there would naturally be missions entrusted between one another.

Perhaps, the matter Aston Rieveldt is planning affects a particular member of the Twilight Hermit Order who was made aware of it ahead of time. He entrusted the matter to another member and used the excuse of “the trend of the times” to warn Amyrius Rieveldt…

Working from this logic, the concealed matter is rather interesting… With the level of the Twilight Hermit Order, Law Weaver Amyrius, who’s likely only a Sequence 4, isn’t too difficult a target to eliminate. I even suspect that they can mobilize up to three or more angels in a manner that’s far superior to the seven Churches…

Then, why didn’t they take action directly and instead gave an advanced warning?

Back in Backlund, if an angel were to appear, who knows if some true god would descend upon the land. Therefore, the Twilight Hermit Order had no choice but to use a more roundabout and discreet method to deal with Duke Negan. But this is the Oravi Island. Even High-Sequence Beyonders aren’t stationed here…

The warning is because the Twilight Hermit Order advocates secrecy and doesn’t wish to expose itself, so they’re trying not to use overly intense methods, or is it the case that the member who assigned the mission doesn’t wish to see Amyrius killed? To “him,” this admiral is still of use, so he’s unwilling to give up on him; even if Amyrius might be involved in something disadvantageous towards him?

Then, his true identity seems to be confined to certain circles…

Klein made a bold assumption, but with no way of verifying it, he could only temporarily put the matter aside and throw it to the back of his mind.

It has nothing to do with me since it’s the Twilight Hermit Order who’s warning Admiral Amyrius… As long as I don’t involve myself with anything for the next few days, I should be able to last until the mission is completed. Everything else that develops afterward has nothing to do with me! With my present status, I’m still far from investigating the Twilight Hermit Order. I don’t even have the right to probe deeper… Klein kept to his beliefs and turned his sights to his Tarot Club.

Heh, I just discovered a problem. Other secret organizations have their own aims and values at their core while mixing in the aid that members provide each other. As for our Tarot Club, it’s more impressive. There are only missions given to each other, without any aims or values… No, there are aims and values among some of the members. For example, my dear Moon believes that this is an organization borne to save the world… The Fool Klein gave a self-deprecating laugh before exiting the dreamscape.

He rubbed away the fake eyes and moved his real eyes back to their original position in a very fluid motion when he suddenly paused.

simple dream infiltration! Klein frowned slightly

first attempted to

a Nightmare can directly see a dream, so it’s impossible to commit such a mistake… Therefore, the visitor hadn’t used the Beyonder powers of a Nightmare, but something else… He located me via the spirit world? Or after he knew my location, he used the sea of collective subconscious, as described by Ma’am Daly, to

Roselle’s diary that during his participation in the suspected Twilight Hermit Order,

and chuckled silently

expect the

were anyone else, the stand-in would’ve already been exposed! That Ninth Law charm was

the spire, in the room belonging to

saw the grizzled, scarred Demon

sized him


time moved away

would’ve directly answered “no,” but the present him was used to

Chief might ask me to use it to exchange for items so as to

point of view, experience could be

as if nothing

you. The team will secure the route and ruins we found with the help of Jack before we make

will receive

as Derrick answered, he

of Cynthia, enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast, and took

companionship of the rear admirals and colonels, he inspected the conditions of the ships, ordnance stores, the newly built training grounds, and the bathroom which had been renovated twenty

mess hall, Klein followed the schedule and summoned all officers above the rank of major to

black-bound notebook placed in front of him. Inside were

had seventeen revolts by the lower ranks. After the passing of the Imperial Navy Latest Act, and thanks to Your Excellency’s guidance, we’ve already had such deep-seated cultural

discovered that he was listening very seriously while taking notes. The scribbling sounds made none of the officers dare to not be at their best. Similarly, they took note of

who received a positive response unknowingly

fountain pen and had randomly drawn creatures

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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