Suddenly, Klein had a familiar feeling. It felt like every tree, every leaf, every rock, every blade of grass wanted him dead.

Upon seeing the rubbish comprising of fragments and paper lunge at him in a strange web, his body suddenly collapsed into a paper figurine.

Sou! Sou! Sou!

The arrow-like branches impaled the paper figurines and landed into the distance. As for the strange net, it immediately enveloped everything within into a ball as it gently squirmed.

Klein’s body appeared to the side about eight meters away. He knew that the attack he was worried about had finally descended upon him.

He didn’t make any observations or show any hesitation. Raising his right palm, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the adventurer’s harmonica.

The situation he had encountered had made him realize that the attacker was likely a demigod from the Rose School of Thought. It was an enemy he was currently unable to defend against!

The one who had been pursuing Sharron back then gave him a similar feeling!

At this moment, the paper figurines in his pocket suddenly flew out as they plastered over his face, one after another, layer after layer!

At the same time, Klein’s sleeves automatically tightened as they bound both his arms, preventing his palms from reaching down.

His Taraba shirt and brown jacket were tightening like a bear giving him a hug!

In seconds, he was bound on the spot by his clothes, trousers, and shoes. His face was covered with paper figurines, as his ribs were on the brink of fracturing. He found it abnormally difficult to breathe.

Klein was mentally prepared and was equipped with rich combat experience, so he didn’t panic. His right thumb and middle finger, which weren’t affected, touched each other as he snapped his fingers.

At his ham, scarlet flames immediately soared up, burning the tightly-bound trousers clean before spreading upwards and downwards.

Seizing this opportunity, Klein bent his knees and jumped up with great difficulty, like a cannonball that weakly fell to the ground moments after being launched, as he lunged to his right.

In midair, he snapped his fingers again. This time, the sleeve by the right arm joint was ignited!

As for the spot where he was originally standing, the green weeds suddenly withered as the blackened ground suddenly turned white as if it had been weathered by the elements.

This attack was silent and deadly, without any forewarning. Klein knew that his enemy was powerful and that staying in the same spot would likely result in him suffering an attack he couldn’t resist; therefore, he first removed the influence on his legs. If he hadn’t done so, he would’ve already been heavily injured and lose his ability to do combat. He might’ve even perished.

With a smacking sound, two spots around Klein’s sleeves ignited. His right palm finally had the freedom to move as he reached into his pocket and grabbed the adventurer’s harmonica.


rolling as he immediately stopped himself with his right hand to bounce up. His left palm which wore a human-skinned glove

the paper figurines that were


the scarlet tongues of

a scene suddenly flashed in

was speeding right for his head like

it was translucent itself, making it

Klein’s danger premonition was triggered, it was a little too late. This was because his clothes were still affecting his mobility. It was too late for

bent his back, his upper torso was bent backward, and he moved quite significantly to his


jacket and white round-collar shirt which were located there

didn’t continue heading forward. This was because in

goatskin, but it didn’t shatter like the

Groselle’s Travels!

the Sea God Scepter’s Lightning Storm imbued with some powers of the mysterious space had

a fright that he undoubtedly reinforced his protective countermeasures. He prepared every

dispel the wall of spirituality,

gods like the

Klein fell to the ground while somersaulting to the side. He

black due to the burning of the paper figurines, but

thighs, neck, and

the harmonica, he quickly activated his Spirit Vision. He saw Miss Messenger walk out of

of the heads grunted as it opened its

cold wind hummed as a figure was forcibly pulled out from a green tree a hundred

maintain his difficult-to-detect state as he rapidly turned half transparent and half

traits of the people of the Southern Continent. Just as his brown eyes reflected Reinette Tinekerr, his brows pricked up. Then, he didn’t hesitate to open his

Reinette Tinekerr was holding had opened its mouth as

nothing happened

look at Klein who had yet to react in time when a figure with white, thin hair

thoughts weren’t impeded, he had lost control over his body. All he could do

its mouth as it drew in air, while the other’s red eyes turned dark as its teeth turned long and

the translucent elder with white, thin hair being forcefully pulled out from his body before Miss Messenger’s head with the long teeth that bit at his shoulder, tearing out an object that appeared both

abruptly vanished as it leaped to a spot with

to be pursued by formless hands and enemies. He kept phasing into shallow puddles of water, the eyes of animals, the dew on plants, etc. Finally, he was able to catch a breather, and still, Klein was feeling a little stiff and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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