
The black revolver with the slightly long barrel recoiled backward as a pale golden beam shot out, heading straight for the spot where the target was about to arrive at.

However, the illusory black threads suddenly stopped as though they were observing something.

From his condition, it didn’t appear like he had sensed the arrival of danger, but he had his attention attracted by something else.

A grayish-white rabbit leaped out the thick grass and fled far away as the tree standing in front of the blob of illusory black threads collapsed due to the gunshot.

At the height of a human, a gigantic and irregular hole and a raging pure fire appeared at the tree’s trunk, directly splitting it from the middle!

Death Knell’s might was equivalent to a small-caliber cannon, and its penetrating powers were even more potent!

The blob of dense, illusory black threads was clearly given a fright as it instinctively disappeared from where it was, appearing on the surface of a nearby puddle of water.

Inevitably, his figure was outlined—he had a pale face with deep recessed eye sockets and light brown eyes. He looked to be in his forties, had a double mustache above his lips, and wore an old triangular hat.

Klein was no stranger to the man, as his bounty notice often appeared before his eyes. Step by step, they were stacked into a clear image: Admiral of Blood Senor!

Just in Loen alone, his bounty was worth 42,000 pounds!

He had long infiltrated Bayam! Was it to take away Turani von Helmosuin? After this scientist passed away due to being discovered, he joined the Rose School of Thought’s mission to target me? I seem to have an additional weakness, but before it’s triggered, I’ve no way of knowing what it is… As his thoughts raced, Klein saw Senor’s figure disappear once again.

However, the traces of Admiral of Blood’s existence was rather obvious. The blob of illusory black threads of his was like a firefly in the darkness. It wasn’t difficult to identify him at all.

The blob of illusory black threads circled around him with the aid of the morning dew, glass fragments, and water puddles that had frozen for some reason. Jumping again and again from one medium to the other, the gap between the two soon narrowed.

Klein didn’t wait on the spot. Instead, he quickly moved but only slightly shifted his position so as to prevent the Rose School of Thought demigod, who was engaged in an intense battle, from attacking him in passing.

Senor’s performance made him understand one thing: A Wraith’s ability to possess someone to directly control their body requires them to enter a certain range. Previously, although the Rose School of Thought demigod was able to accomplish it at further distances, he hadn’t done so, perhaps out of contempt or for fear of any accidents.

It could be confirmed that Senor was a Sequence 5 Wraith! Klein kept changing his location, and he awaited the opportunity when the distance between them was more suitable.

down slightly, and he was about to possess his target from a distance, Klein’s left glove suddenly turned deep black, as though it was formed layer by

word filled with foulness, a word


But everything within an eight-meter radius

an area-of-effect

the real world as Klein raised his iron-black

covered with all kinds of colors that indicated his weakness wasn’t at

any hesitation or delay, Klein pulled

Lethal attack!

moment, a blob of illusory black threads walked to Senor’s side and pulled

moved diagonally as the golden bullet grazed past

neck as it jerked his head up and

entered Klein’s ears, causing his mind to hum as his body

to Senor’s side at some point in time before mixing with cold winds. From the sky and from the ground,

with a


fingers as his body was instantly enveloped by scarlet

his location before the Wraith was able to

a tree that was less than ten meters away, weeds burst into

raised Death Knell again. He aimed towards the spot where he was originally standing still at, and he injected more



swept to the region the gun’s mouth had aimed at. The formless specters and souls seemed to be swept away by a solar

succeed. He immediately flashed into a nearby glass fragment in an attempt to evade the incoming shot, but the bullet hurricane brought

to another mirror surface and appeared on the surface of a rolling drop of dew a distance away. His body had a rotting wound thanks to the purification powers, but it wasn’t anything

right? Indeed, Senor has a mystical item that makes himself lucky… There are only three Purifying Bullets left… Klein frowned as he agilely ran over

knew that he was facing members of the Rose School of Thought, he had changed all the Beyonder bullets in his revolver to Purifying Bullets

shot, he was yanked away by the Rose School of Thought’s demigod who happened to come beside him. In the

wallow in depression. Instead, he turned back into Gehrman Sparrow’s appearance and build. This was for him to immediately throw a bunch of Sea God domain charms to create a certain commotion once things went south, so as to attract the attention of Sea King Jahn

to arrive, he would be facing a Rose School of Thought demigod, a hostile pirate admiral, and an adventurer with a mysterious background who had certain ties with the military. It was quite obvious who he would deal with

Miss Messenger, Klein believed that she could escape into the spirit world in a timely fashion and was free to choose whether to participate in the battle

escape in the middle of the night after receiving the telegram last night

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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