Desi County, Conant City, 67 Red Indus Street.

Wearing a commonly seen face in the Loen Kingdom, Klein took a step forward and rang the doorbell.

In less than a minute, the door creaked open as a maidservant looked out and asked out of curiosity, “Good evening, who might you be looking for?”

“I’m here to find Ma’am Neelu. I’m a friend of her father, Davy Raymond,” Klein answered calmly.

Derrick Raymond was the Nightmare who he had released from Creeping Hunger. It was a Red Glove from the Nighthawks, and the first thing on his mind before he dissipated was his daughter, Neelu Raymond. He was very apologetic towards her for not spending time with her while she grew up, making her effectively lose her father when she had already lost her mother. Klein had promised him that he would make a visit to the beautiful coastal city if he had the chance to visit his daughter.

Having probed for more information earlier, Klein had gained a general idea about Neelu Raymond’s situation. After this girl graduated from grammar school, she worked at the Women and Children Care Foundation which was run by the Church of the Evernight Goddess. She had a weekly salary of 2 pounds 10 soli and was the target of envy by her neighbors.

She also inherited an inheritance from her “businessman” father. As for how much it was, no one knew. They just knew that she was richer than most people from the middle-class.

Typically speaking, women with such wealth would place great emphasis on their marriage. They would repeatedly select and observe candidates, resulting in their late marriage. However, Neelu had married to a civil servant just a year later.

As both parties were believers of the Evernight Goddess, she didn’t take on her husband’s last name. She continued going by the name Neelu Raymond, and she continued staying at 67 Red Indus Street.

After hearing Klein’s answer, the maidservant quickly requested him to wait as she entered the living room to report to her mistress.

Before long, a woman in a home dress walked to the door. She had black hair and blue eyes. Her face was rather thin, and she was rather pretty. She resembled Davy Raymond.

“Good evening, sir. I’m Neelu, Davy Raymond’s daughter. May I know when you got to know my father?” Neelu Raymond asked politely but warily.

Klein took off his hat and smiled.

“I got to know him at sea. It’s been several years.”

Neelu Raymond swept him with a wary gaze and said, “Perhaps you might not know, but he has already passed away.”

Klein sighed and replied, “Yes, I know. I got to know him through that disaster. He had some words to say back then which I didn’t think too much about. However, the more I thought about it in recent years, the more I felt that I should inform you.”

“Is that so?” Neelu said softly. After some thought, she invited him. “Please come in. Would you mind if my husband listens in?”

“This is up to you to decide,” Klein frankly replied.

Neelu nodded and led Klein into the study. Her husband had the looks of an ordinary civil servant with a gentleman’s bearing. He put down his newspapers and followed them in.

After both parties sat down, Klein looked at the couple on the sofa and deliberated.

“Mr. Davy Raymond once experienced disaster after another. He lost his father, mother, wife, brothers, and sisters.”

Neelu nodded with a deadpan expression.

“I know.”

continued, “He appears to be a merchant, but he was

Neelu didn’t object

he was very regretful that he didn’t manage to spend time with

silent for a second before she rapidly replied,

his gaze to the old

under the witness of the Goddess, to have your own family, and to not be lonely anymore. I believe

gaze slowly moved away from Klein’s face as she turned

“… I know.”

forward slightly as

me to tell you that he died as a result of an accident. All the murderers from before have already been punished. You do not need

that he loves you very much and

turned her head to the side and scoffed

“Got it…”

deep look before getting

on the

silence, Neelu’s husband nodded gently as a

the door of the study. Just as he twisted the doorknob, Neelu Raymond’s voice sounded from behind him, deep

of person do you think he

head, and curled his lips. He said with a smile,

opened the door and walked to

67 Red Indus Street, soft, restrained sobbing suddenly drilled

borough and entered a cathedral

from the back. He faced the crimson half-moon and the black Sacred Emblem filled with resplendent stars. He took off his hat, lowered his head, and held

praying silently in the silence and tranquility, time quickly passed. Klein slowly opened

he left behind an

and left the prayer hall, going straight to the cathedral’s

facing the hall, he wore his hat, raised his right hand,


the priest’s attention. When this gentleman rushed over, the flames had

Although the priest didn’t know what the item was, his spiritual

the other priests rushed outside the cathedral, the gentleman in a tailcoat and

The next morning.

new identity as

documents for himself. He held a black leather suitcase as he stood at the platform with his back straight, awaiting the arrival

slightly more than 180 cm tall, and his black hair had a few silver strands. His deep blue eyes were like

documents, Klein’s eyes reflected his present

laid it

wooden box

train chugged into the station spewing smoke

he examined it in silence. Then, he looked down at his suitcase

belongings, and walked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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