Under a persistent rain, mingled with the thin fog, the rows of street lamps tried their hardest to shine through the mist. The occasional horse carriage that proceeded down the streets was a common evening sight in Backlund.

Apart from these, Klein noticed a few gratifying changes while standing behind the window.


A crisp sound echoed in the air as a two-wheeled mechanical device rushed down the side of the street to the other end of the street. Its frame was black in color, with some parts revealing grayish-white steel. Under the illumination of the street lamps and rain, it sparkled with the beauty of metal.

On this device sat a man dressed in a postman’s uniform. He kept pedaling with his legs, apparently using a great deal of strength. Behind him was a wooden box that had been painted in green.

It’s been promoted very well… The white-shirted, black-vested, mature-looking Klein sighed inwardly when he saw this scene.

In a few hours within his return to Backlund, he noticed many similar mechanical devices, and they were none other than the bicycles that he had promoted and invested in!

From the newspapers, Klein knew that the Backlund Bike Company had done tons of s. It even held a bicycle competition in boroughs like Cherwood and Backlund Bridge so as to garner the attention of others. Apart from that, they also actively promoted it to the government departments such as the postal service and the police departments. The results were said to be pretty good.

Their pricing strategy had followed Klein’s original suggestion, avoiding the middle-upper class who often used horse carriages. Instead, they aimed their target audience at those with weekly salaries of 1 pound 10 soli and above, such as technical workers, students with a decent family background, and clerical employees that often needed to travel outside. Therefore, a bike worth 3 to 5 pounds was affordable for the people in this demographic if they bit the bullet a little. And at the same time, they could flaunt it to the masses who had incomes that were lower than them.

The current issue is that Backlund often rains. It’s difficult to hold an umbrella while riding a bicycle… The next step should be a raincoat. Klein retracted his gaze, shook his head, and chuckled.

The place he stayed at was a high-end hotel in the Hillston Borough. It cost him 10 soli a night, making him feel quite the pinch. However, to match his persona, all he could do was bite the bullet and put up with it.

His idea of Dwayne Dantès was that he was a believer of the Evernight Goddess and a mysterious tycoon that came from Desi Bay. He had sold his original land and mines, planning to seek out brand new opportunities in Backlund. He had a certain level of interest in obtaining an aristocratic title, but he didn’t have the abundant wealth to do so. He had to first expand his social circle and begin making some investments.

the middle-upper class, especially members of the military officers club and the Backlund diocese bishops of the Church of the Evernight Goddess. It made it convenient for Klein to continue his investigations into the Great Smog of Backlund while gathering intel before he made detailed plans to steal the Antigonus

the notice of the Nighthawks and Mandated Punishers, so there was a certain level

the official Beyonder organizations under the premise that nothing important had happened. It could also be handed over to the police department, but in summary, not too much effort would be put

disguises, had prepared a second layer to his identity as

for some particular reason. He had used a nickname, and he spent more than ten years in that

Desi Bay, and he forged a new identity. He had planned on beginning a new life in Backlund and gradually legalize

for an investigation. For this

Balam to Conant City, habits as a result of living in the Southern Continent

believed that as long as Dwayne Dantès didn’t involve himself in any serious Beyonder matters, preparations such as this

identity layer. It was that

arrested, but the level of attention placed on him wouldn’t be too great. This allowed Klein to

Backlund, the creation of a three-layered identity shows how I’ve really matured significantly… Klein slowly

experiences had left indelible marks on his face. He was a charming

Dwayne Dantès’s identity wasn’t difficult for the present Klein. However, stealing the Antigonus family’s notebook from behind Saint Samuel Cathedral’s Chanis Gate was practically an impossible task for any external Beyonder. Even a

Klein had two advantages. First, he was once a Nighthawk. He had quite a good understanding of the internal procedures they followed, and he knew which matters

for the captains and deacons. Something had to happen first before they received the corresponding authority. Furthermore, Chanis Gate had its Keepers inside. Randomly entering or taking things would result in an attack on him, causing a battle to break out. Klein didn’t wish for his theft to result in any deaths or injury to the members of

careful consideration, he placed his sights on

They were in charge of watching the Sealed Artifacts, and they were from a different department from the Nighthawks.

They had cold auras and had deadpan expressions. Their skin was pale, and they resembled monsters from the deep darkness who were on the border of life and death. Klein believed that it wasn’t difficult

a valet, a maidservant, a gardener, a chef, and a carriage driver to have a front as a tycoon.

would choose two or three targets and observe their habits. When the opportunity arises, he would imprison one of them, change into his appearance or directly possess him,

very crude plan that was merely a train of thought. It needed to be perfected according to the intelligence Klein would slowly

think of. Furthermore, he could consider extending the recruitment of a Backlund diocese Nighthawk or Keeper into the Gathering. He could then complete the theft through this traitor, just like how Emperor Roselle was used to obtain the Antigonus family’s notebook by

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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