You actually know me? This means that Mr. Isengard Stanton often mentions me as a friend, or does it mean that the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom knows that I was embroiled in the Great Smog of Backlund? Klein smiled as he nodded in an unperturbed manner.

“Yes, I’m Sherlock Moriarty.”

The grayish-blue-eyed lad immediately gave way as he warmly gestured him in.

“Mr. Stanton has been worried about you all this time. He was afraid that you met with trouble. He can now be at peace.”

Klein handed him his umbrella as he took off his hat and coat while walking in. At this moment, Isengard Stanton, who had sensed something, had put down his papers and pipe, and he left his reclining chair to take a look.

“Oh my, Sherlock, you’re finally back. It’s been so long, my friend.” The thin Isengard with grayed sides revealed a smile as he came over with welcoming arms in an attempt to give him a greeting hug.

Klein wasn’t used to such a custom, so he forced himself to reciprocate it and smile.

“Mr. Stanton, this isn’t something a believer of Wisdom would do.”

The bishops and priests of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom had their pride, and they seldom gave greeting hugs.

But in fact, apart from the boorish Feysac Empire and the liberal Intis Kingdom, such a manner of etiquette was rare in other countries and regions. It only happened among very familiar friends.

Isengard took two steps back and chuckled.

“No, Sherlock. We’re never stingy with respect and friendliness towards intelligent friends.

“In my heart, you’re one of the top five detectives in all of Backlund.”

I like that! Klein smiled inwardly as he retorted in jest, “So you’re one of the top three detectives?”

To be praised as having true wisdom by a Sequence 7 believer of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom was really delighting.

“I wish that you share the same thoughts as myself,” Isengard skillfully and gently replied. Then, he invited him to the living room and to the sofa.

He leaned into a reclining chair and picked up his pipe. With a deep breath, he exhaled.

“I’m very happy that nothing bad happened to you. You seem especially fine, both in body and mind.

“How was it? Was Desi Bay fun?”


I was previously embroiled in some trouble in Backlund, so I could

had a slight accent. It was a

know,” Isengard replied

with a

stand on ceremony as he immediately said, “The purpose of my visit was first because it’s really has been a while since we last met, and second, I wish that you can sell my shares in the Backlund Bike Company on

not only did he plan on selling items he had little use for, but he also planned on letting go of the last 10% of his shares in the Backlund Bike Company. After all, Sherlock Moriarty wasn’t able to appear

Isengard stroked his pipe and said, “Although I’ve never been a businessman, I can tell that the bike is a product that’s of great value and something that can be promoted on a large scale. Its commercial future is like the newly-risen sun, and it has yet to reach its

willing to raise the price significantly because of this expected value.” Klein chuckled. “I believe the people who can tell the value of the bike and its future aren’t in the minority. And Framis and Leppard are definitely unwilling to reduce any part of their holdings at this stage. There shouldn’t be a problem selling my 10% shares at twice

story for the buyer and investor, and drawing a beautiful future is very necessary! Of course, the value and future of the bike don’t require

future…” Isengard softly repeated Klein’s words, and after a moment he sincerely sighed. “Sherlock, perhaps you should be involved in the business world. However, there will always be many

take risks is equivalent to chivalry in business. Oh well, I admit that I’ve recently

his pipe as

“You’ve convinced me.

I’ll add on an estimate of the expected profits and sell that

your rental contract

present identity. He said, having prepared for it, “You can post news on the Tussock Times, Backlund Daily Tribune, and other newspapers about the sale of the shares to make more people know. Only when there’s competition would there be better price negotiations. When it’s

see that notice,

nodded and said, “No problem. Of course, all expenses will be

main goal accomplished, Klein stood up and reached out his


to leave. We can talk in

as he sent him straight out the

street and took a carriage to the Bravehearts Bar

all the news and resource channels which Sherlock Moriarty used

bar, he didn’t head for the bar counter to order some beer and make inquiries. Instead, he circled around the boxing ring in preparation to leave, so

this moment, the door to a billiard room creaked open. Ian,

He gaped his mouth, but he didn’t say his name. He greeted in pleasant surprise, “Good

now. I’m only here to visit an old friend.”

that the papers in Ian’s hand was News at Sea. On it was a striking headline: “Shocking! Crazy adventurer

it had nothing to do

his gaze and raised the

one of the rare up-to-date reports from News at Sea because the bounties have already appeared in

cult. In this incident, thanks to the Church of Storms and the military, no one from Bayam was injured. But Admiral of Blood Senor, who was involved in the matter, vanished as a result.

how much of a bounty they are

“50,000 pounds!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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