Klein had already walked through Bishop Elektra’s last question before, so he said with a sigh, “It was my father. He was a truly wise elder. Unfortunately, he passed away many years ago during an accident.”

When he said that, he infused the original Klein’s emotions of losing his parents, him being in an alternate world with no home to return to, as well as the scars that resulted from his time in Tingen City. He sounded calm and wore a slight smile, but there was a sorrow that lasted forever that remained hidden deep inside.

“I’m sorry for your loss. He must’ve entered the holy residence of the Goddess, sleeping peacefully under ‘Her’ watch,” Bishop Elektra answered sincerely as he formed the sign of the crimson moon on his chest.

Without waiting for Dwayne Dantès to respond, he looked at him and invited him:

“There will be a Moon Mass the day after tomorrow for the deceased. It will help him sleep in the Goddess’s nation and receive eternal peace. I wonder if you’re interested in participating?”

The Church of the Evernight Goddess didn’t have many festivals, and the most important one was Winter Gifts Day. The second most important was the Mass held during the full moon, also known as the Moon Mass. The rest were just normal Masses and prayers on weekends. However, different dioceses and different cathedrals had their own patron saints and angels which would have a corresponding special festival for them.

“I would love to.” Klein stood up and bowed, saying it from the bottom of his heart.

This gave him the perfect excuse to interact with the bishops and priests of Saint Samuel Cathedral, or even the diocese bishop. He had a firm foundation for entering particular regions in the cathedral.

Meanwhile, he came to realize why the Evernight pathway was interchangeable with the Death pathway.

Both wielded the authorities of serenity, eternal sleep, and darkness. It represented the end and a destination!

Following that, Maury Macht didn’t continue the topic regarding Dwayne Dantès’s identity and background. It appeared as though he had only been asking in passing. He and his wife, Riana, began idly talking about their vacation experience in Desi Bay last year. Having filled the gaps on this by staying there for two days, Klein replied with a native tone as he shared his thoughts on the Desi specialty, roasted fish.

During this process, he also pretended to unintentionally mention his hunting activities while he was doing business in West Balam, and how he was extremely familiar with the primitive forest over there.

This was to build up the necessary foundations for the second layer to Dwayne Dantès’s identity. Furthermore, West Balam was different from East Balam. The colonial factions from Loen and Intis were on par, allowing for frequent conflicts. Even the actively controlled regions would experience changes from time to time. To investigate the activity trajectories of a merchant or adventurer wasn’t easy at all. This was even more so the case when Dwayne Dantès was likely using a fake name.

As for his hunting experience in West Balam’s primitive forest, Klein didn’t randomly fabricate stories, nor did he plagiarize articles from the magazines or newspapers. He used what the Fog Sea’s Strongest Hunter, Anderson, had previously mentioned regarding his glorious deeds as a blueprint. He drew on the details and abandoned the main storyline. What he fabricated was partially true and fake as well.

Upon hearing the thick anacondas, man-eating fishes, and flowers which could capture their own prey in the forests, Riana would let out gasps from time to time, looking afraid but also eager to know more. As for the member of parliament and bishop, they were equally interested. They often had to force themselves to interrupt Dwayne Dantès’s description to ask about the details.

“You really are an excellent hunter! Back when I was serving in East Balam, I never had the chance to enter the forest. I never expected it to be this dangerous.” After this extremely dignified middle-aged gentleman finished his tales, Maury Macht picked up a tiny piece of velvet cake and praised sincerely. “I wish to invite you to go hunting if there’s a chance in the future.”

they conversed, a maid had delivered the afternoon tea pastries. A male servant served them

Klein replied with a smile, “I’m

they take their leave. As they had only acquainted themselves and weren’t considered familiar with each other, Klein didn’t retain them. He sent

bishop, member of parliament and his wife leave, Klein’s smile slowly disappeared until

was rather pleased with the progress he had made. Bishop Elektra was directly related to the Church of the Evernight Goddess, which was the main goal for him to return to Backlund. Maury Macht was a discharged soldier and a member of parliament at present. Without a doubt, he belonged to certain military

Klein returned to the small living room and saw that the maid

on having

pastries and desserts in Loen, especially Backlund, were outstanding. As for the cook which Dwayne Dantès had hired, he was skilled in that. Even Ma’am Riana was filled with praise about it. Klein also agreed from the bottom of his

say a word as he steadily walked to

and briefed him on the situation regarding the 10%

hired a professional lawyer and accountant to investigate the situation of the Backlund Bike Company, and they had offered a price to the seller before the

to wait for the investigation report.

and asked without hiding anything, “What’s the current

had offered 6,000 pounds with a bottom-line price of 7,000 pounds. The seller didn’t divulge the

the other party just gives up, wouldn’t it be awkward? Klein nodded slightly

flipping through the report and having dinner to accentuate his extravagant but brilliant image as someone who did solid work, Klein turned his

him in surprise. A two-wheeled carriage didn’t seem befitting enough, but

inwardly as he waited for Richardson to

“Let’s circle around the Backlund Bridge area and East

and just got the coachman to

the carriage passed through Cherwood Borough, it arrived in the

he only got the coachman to meander through the nearby

carriage wall, looking out at the streets. He saw pedestrians in old clothes, walking along with tired faces as though they were in a rush to return home for dinner after a hard day’s work. Occasionally, there would be the ringing of a bike

difference between a technical worker and an ordinary worker, with the difference in weekly salaries of one to two pounds to those

but the smog wasn’t too serious. One could see through

day… However, the situation with the lower-class workers in the East Borough hasn’t significantly improved. Although their salaries might be higher, and their working hours have improved, due to the large number of people surging in, prices have risen across the board, reducing the effects of the salary hike. The improvement in working hours

problems that didn’t rear their ugly heads, they’re neglected… Yes, the kingdom is still undergoing reforms. Many things

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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