He received a letter? Didn’t he say that something happened at home? Walter’s family lives in Backlund, so if there really is anything wrong, then they can directly come over via public carriage or a rental carriage. Wouldn’t that be faster than sending a message by mail? With his salary and land in the countryside, he can definitely afford it… Klein nodded without a word as though he had just asked in passing.

He slowly returned to the reclining chair, sat down, and began to seriously read the papers.

Upon seeing this, Richardson didn’t say a thing as he silently retreated out of the room and quietly closed the wooden door.

After hearing the light click, Klein cast his gaze away from the papers and towards the door. He thought, I’ve discovered another advantage of Richardson. He enjoys observing his surroundings, and he’s able to notice information of value. Back when Bishop Elektra was a guest at Member of Parliament Maury Macht’s place, he was the first one to notice it from the balcony.

However, this is different from a Spectator. The focus is more on the event rather than the details…

Walter’s matter seems a little abnormal. Could this be the additional development Arrodes mentioned?

Regardless, I’ll first divine the matter. I don’t want danger to come to me without me realizing it…

With this in mind, Klein immediately entered the bathroom, took four steps counterclockwise, and arrived above the gray fog. Every time he appeared as The Fool, his inner shell beneath the gray fog would wear Klein Moretti’s appearance. It wouldn’t overlap with Sherlock Moriarty, Gehrman Sparrow, or Dwayne Dantès.

Due to the lack of necessary information, he could only divine about any danger that targeted himself; therefore, he didn’t use dream divination. He removed the spirit pendulum around his wrist and wrote the corresponding divination statement: “Walter’s abnormality will bring me danger.”

Holding the spirit pendulum in his left hand, Klein closed his eyes and entered Cogitation as he muttered the sentence he had just said.

After repeating it seven times, he opened his eyes and saw the topaz spinning counterclockwise at a rather ordinary speed and amplitude.

This also meant that Walter’s abnormality wouldn’t bring him any danger.

But this can only mean that I might not encounter any dangerous trouble through this problem. In addition, there’s also another possibility. The danger depends on whether I make the appropriate choice. If I were to rashly get myself involved, something that isn’t dangerous might become dangerous… Klein interpreted the matter with his rich experience.

Just as he put this matter on hold, he suddenly saw the crimson star that represented The Hermit coruscate as it burgeoned and shrank.

Does this mean that the payment for Scales of Luck is here? Klein was delighted as he immediately emanated his spirituality.

Mr. Fool to pass on a message to The Hanged Man. She didn’t mention when she would close

lucky. At least he isn’t like me, needing to enter the ruins of the battlefield of gods…

help find the direct descendants of the Abraham family… This means that Queen Mystic is rather aware of Mr. Door’s origins… The emperor had mentioned it to

finished his reports and had passed the examination, allowing him to return to

he saw the endless gray fog and heard The Hermit’s words, he walked to

the door, he came in front of an alcohol cabinet, took

cup to his mouth and

process, he kept his eyes half-closed as

drinking half a cup of Lanti Proof, Alger put down the

This might be very difficult for others, with almost zero clues, but I can ask Miss Magician. Her teacher

emotions and paced about, finally giving up on his idea and responded

won’t only ask for my help. At the Tarot Gathering next week, she might announce this mission to everyone, and the others know that Miss Magician’s teacher is a member of the Abraham family… There’s no point lying about matters that can be easily exposed. I shouldn’t jeopardize the possible transactions in the future just for some petty gains… At times, honesty is the best policy… Alger stopped walking as he reverently bowed his head

ask Miss Magician for clues

Moon, and he inquired to Mr. Fool about whether the item that resonated with the Ocean Songster’s Beyonder characteristic was the Book of Calamity, and if the female holding the

“She” had split her Beyonder characteristic, splitting them into the Book of Calamity and the one in the undersea ruin. Yes, there might even be a third or fourth portion, but I’ve no idea where they are…

intuition, but a

Queen Cohinem loved, and a similar

strongly implied that she was an elf that attended to Cohinem. It was completely understandable that the Beyonder characteristic she left behind resonated with the Book of Calamity on the night of the Blood

Cohinem’s beloved golden cup to Vice Admiral

of mutation to the corpses of any elves close to her? Klein did a count of the time, and he discovered that he couldn’t be certain if the Golden Dream had

he calmly replied to The Hanged Man, “That’s

message to

all of this, Klein conjured The World Gehrman Sparrow and made

to pass on a message to Vice Admiral Iceberg Edwina Edwards about the existence of any abnormalities between Elvish

the corresponding image to the specially labeled point of light beside him. He then returned to the real world

the corners of his lips. He knew that he had returned from being

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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