Knowing that the diary pages specially selected by Queen Mystic contained rather important information, The Fool Klein focused his attention and cast his eyes on the yellowish-brown goatskin in his hand.

“11th September. Ever since I became an angel, I’ve had the feeling that I’ve had my identity disassociated. In my heart, in my soul, and in the depths of my mind, there’s ultimately a voice urging me, influencing me and creating an uncontrollable sense of coldness, bloodthirstiness, cruelty, and craziness.

“This doesn’t stem from the external world or an influence from a god of the same pathway. I can clearly sense that it comes from one’s genes, the collective subconsciousness of humanity from generation after generation. It stems from the Beyonder characteristic itself, and not from the remnants psychological influences.

“It makes me have a strong desire to hunt and kill. It makes me want to devour all the living beings around me with Beyonder characteristics. It requires me to spend a lot of effort to resist it. Even if I’ve already acted and digested the potion, it doesn’t seem to improve.

“It’s no wonder that Mr. Door said that rationality is temporary, but madness is eternal.”

“28th September. I haven’t written a diary entry in ages. In the past half a month, I seemed to see myself being replaced by a stranger. Bit by bit, I turn cold and terrifying. Even my daughter, Bernadette, can only allow me to show her minute amounts of fatherly love. Very, very tiny amounts.

“Just as I was about to go mad, I seemed to hear countless praises. They were from my subjects, people who had benefited from my reformations. They are the believers who view me as the Son of Steam. They praise me with great acclaim. They erected statues of me, write stories for me, and have created songs and poems for me.

“Their voices seem like a ship’s anchor that helps me ‘secure’ myself in place.

“I began to have the ability to resist that desire and that roar within me. Bit by bit, I walked out of it as I once again possessed the normal feelings of a father, a husband, and a man.

“Just Sequence 2 alone causes such changes. At Sequence 0, at the level of a true god, how terrifying would it be to resist that madness?

“Perhaps ‘They’ also need an anchor so as to resist the Beyonder characteristics and the strong inclination to lose control, the urges buried deep in the collective subconscious.

“I probably understand why ‘They’ establish Churches and why they want to spread their faith, to write stories for their faction’s saints and leave legends for their corresponding angels…

“But why do ‘They’ not have any anthropomorphic form other than symbols?

“I can’t understand it.

to know a lot in regards to the domain of deities. If ‘He’ had been released back then, there might

and Sequence 2. They clearly had hints of madness and cruelty, akin to the kinds held by

Sequence pathway might very well be a path destined to

the only path for humans to obtain extraordinary

laughable and ironic it

save ourselves, only

who had become an angel, someone who had joined the Twilight Hermit Order, and someone who had seen the Blasphemy Slate. His understanding of the mysterious world and Beyonder characteristics far exceeded him, but he was even more pessimistic than him. He seemed to believe that the world’s origins were

“Their” rationality. Ordinary humans aren’t without any use. Their cognition and their spirituality put together can help a deity “anchor” “Their” original image, retaining their memories and reason that they had accumulated for years… This can be inferred from Roselle’s own experiences… However, why would the seven deities abandon “Their” anthropomorphic images and use Sacred Emblems as a form of abstraction? This

the Blood Moon.

request to get me to help ‘Him’ return to the real world, but ‘He’ doesn’t overly insist on it. Furthermore,

to raise my affection

Angels, I mainly asked Mr. Door about the level of strength that the Kings of Angels have, knowing the fact

that some of the Kings of Angels accommodated the Uniqueness, while others had consumed two sets of Sequence 1 potions; it could

about it, but Mr. Door didn’t directly answer me. All ‘He’ said was that if one was unable to ‘accommodate’ the Uniqueness, then the Uniqueness was a burden instead of an aid to a Sequence 1 angel

It’s akin to using a Grade 0 Sealed Artifact. The negative effects are often terrifying, and

Adam make all the angels feel a sense of envy, because ‘They’ were born with a Uniqueness and didn’t need to consider the problem

ancient sun god was actually so powerful that ‘He’ could pass on a Uniqueness to each of ‘His’ two sons, as well as

possibly have even consumed two Sequence

not to directly say out Adam’s full name; otherwise, it would be detected and the conversation would be

had an inkling why as I laughingly asked ‘Him’ that didn’t ‘He’ just

Secrets Sorcerer. It has the meaning of maintaining secrecy, and although it’s inferior to the Servant of Concealment, it’s enough

was that when I had the ability and opportunity, I could head above

some of my previous thoughts, but I’m suspecting if ‘He’ is luring me there to get a chance to return to the real world. After all, ‘His’ appearance each time is

Mr. Door appears, there will be plenty of information, usually covering an entire page… Hmm, his explanation of the level

to reach the level of a Sequence 0. This includes accommodating the Uniqueness or consuming additional Sequence 1 potions. The simplified meaning of King of Angels will point out to the Creator who the City of Silver worships—the eight kings of all the angels that are ruled by the ancient sun god. Of course,

agreement. He believed that the Creator who the City of Silver worshiped had reclaimed too many authorities of the ancient gods, causing

times, “He” has been interfering with the direction of the times in order to revive “His” father… I wonder if “He” has advanced to Sequence 0… Even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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