Grimm, who got infected on the nameless island and was undeniably deceased, appeared once again on the nameless island? Emperor, when did you start writing horror stories? Also, where’s the rest? Klein’s gaze froze onto the last line of the third diary page, and he discovered that there wasn’t any new information.

Apart from that, he was similarly alarmed by Emperor Roselle’s description of the Beyonder creatures strange gathering and their worship of an unknown entity. One had to understand that not all Beyonder creatures had intelligence and could be communicated with. Many of them were monsters who had lost control or had madness as an innate property.

And these monsters that had lost control were gathered together, worshiping some unknown existence!

Unfortunately, the emperor didn’t leave behind the coordinates of the nameless island… However, even if he had recorded it, I wouldn’t dare to head over, for fear of any infection. If I were to die only to be revived on the island, that would be troublesome… I’ll need to be at least a Sequence 4 or even a Sequence 3 before I’ll have what it takes to explore it… As Klein thought, he made the diary in his hand vanish. He then turned to look at Cattleya and asked with a smile, “What’s your request?”

Cattleya asked without even thinking, “Honorable Mr. Fool, I wish to know if Emperor Roselle once participated in a very secretive and very ancient organization.”

Very secretive and very ancient… Twilight Hermit Order? Emperor Roselle used to be a member of it? Audrey suddenly recalled Mr. Fool’s previous mention of that organization.

Alger recalled the corresponding matter and remembered that in Miss Justice’s description of the Desire Apostle case in Backlund, there was a mysterious organization mentioned. Back then, Mr. Fool had told the members not to say the organization’s name in the outside world, because “any mention of it will be known!”

Such an organization does match Emperor Roselle’s status… Alger nodded inwardly.

As for Klein, he thought of something else.

Queen Mystic’s choice of diary pages are vague. She isn’t able to accurately and precisely ask questions based on the content. It also means that she roughly knows that diary pages from certain periods are very important with key information within them, or she is able to discern Roselle’s emotions from when it was written.

As for Ma’am Hermit’s question, it didn’t pose any problems for Klein. He smiled and said, “Yes.”

At the same time, he silently warned himself, In the future, I need to be careful that Queen Mystic’s questions might be completely unrelated to the diary pages she hands over… Thankfully, I’ve read quite a number of Roselle’s diary, and I have quite a good understanding of the emperor…

After saying that, he added and said with a smile, “It’s your turn.”

He didn’t directly mention the Twilight Hermit Order, wishing that he could answer another question based on this topic in the future.

Cattleya bowed and expressed her gratitude before looking at The Magician.

to obtain clues regarding the direct descendants of the

burden when it came to offering a price, as Queen Mystic could

nothing surprising. This was because this matter wasn’t a secret to the other members of the Tarot Club apart from Ma’am Hermit. It was very normal for them to mention it

information on her teacher. In all her life, there were only a handful of people who had been truly sincere to her; therefore, she

asked, “Why are you

can provide a reason, I can pass the message. As for any further developments, it will depend on them. I have no say on

but she actually conceals many secrets. She’s a lady who’s cautious and meticulous… Cattleya sighed inwardly as she said with

obtaining information on Mr. Door. Pass

on the message, I’ll pay you 350 pounds. If they’re willing to

held back for a full second before answering,

saying that, she came to realize the hidden meaning behind

can only casually mention it in my letters that someone was searching for the direct

for her friend, sensing

caught up to me. I have to become a Hypnotist as soon as possible… As she had such thoughts, she glanced at the Tarot Club members, wishing

because she had yet

Audrey, Alger thought for two seconds and said, “I have clues, but it will

strength, he didn’t attempt to approach it. And now, he had the chance of advancing to Sequence 5. He

When the time came, he and The World would explore together. It was best to decide

it was likely that Gehrman Sparrow would idly stand at the side without

delighted, and she didn’t even ask for a

already beginning to consider finding an excuse or a reason to directly buy it from the Psychology Alchemists after

being, Cattleya repeated her search for the blood of a Mythical Creature and Emlyn once again mentioned that he was searching for the remaining four believers of the Primordial Moon. Then, the Tarot Gathering

very naturally said, “I’ve already become

notarization of a power is valid, you’ll have them temporarily enhanced. If the notarization is invalid, the Beyonder powers will be forcefully

the basics for him to know the strengths and weaknesses of the Sun pathway; therefore, Alger carefully explained the exact situation for Little Sun. He also reminded him to select a mystical item that was good at controlling a target. If there wasn’t any, it was best to select something

you, Mr. Hanged Man,” Derrick thanked him from

the most impressive person to strive for as a role model was Mr. World. And the most reliable and kind person was none other than

has actually caught up to me. No, I can’t be surpassed

and after receiving Mr. Fool’s permission, he conjured the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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