Mr. X is looking for people with abnormal luck? Above the gray fog, Klein ruminated over the information Miss Magician had provided, in an attempt to analyze anything of use.

After thinking to no avail, he decided to approach it from another angle. He first recalled the people who had abnormal luck around him to see if there were any connections.

Hmm… The Fog Sea’s Strongest Hunter Anderson Hood counts as one… Dr. Aaron Ceres is another… Hmm, both of them were affected by one of the Snakes of Fate… Angel of Fate Ouroboros was one of the creators of Rose Redemption. This secret organization supports and believes the True Creator… The Aurora Order is equivalent to the True Creator’s Church… A series of circumstances surfaced in Klein’s mind as he quickly came to a conclusion.

This is Angel of Fate Ouroboros’s attempt to search for Snake of Fate Will Auceptin!

“He” is driving the members of the Aurora Order to help “Him” find Snake of Mercury Will Auceptin!

And this implies that behind Mr. X, there’s a King of Angels existing somewhere in Backlund!

Under such circumstances, assassinating Mr. X will be equivalent to having a death wish… It’s no wonder Mr. X doesn’t care about the uniqueness of Backlund… The official factions would at most imagine that he has a saint backing him. Hmm, in the official dossiers, the Aurora Order only has five saints. This way, they will respond in the wrong manner… After Klein made the judgment, the first thought he had was to decline Miss Magician’s request, and also to warn her not to provoke Mr. X.

If it wasn’t because sounding the alarm might affect Snake of Mercury Will Auceptin, while the Church of the Evernight Goddess clearly had records of Dr. Aaron Ceres’s bout of bad luck, Klein would’ve gotten Miss Magician to report both the Angel of Fate Ouroboros and Mr. X to a particular Church!

He calmly thought for another few seconds and conjured The World Gehrman Sparrow, making him pray in the gray fog.

“…I’ll confirm the situation and give you a reply tomorrow.”

He didn’t directly reject her commission, as he planned on first asking Snake of Mercury Will Auceptin!

He then immediately returned to the real world, and he carefully took out the extremely fragile paper crane from his wallet before gently unfolding it.

Klein wasn’t in a rush to write anything. Instead, he first recalled the various questions he needed to consult Will on. After thinking up a draft, he got out a pencil and sharpened it with a blade.

After stretching his muscles, Klein wrote:

“The members of the Aurora Order are searching for people with abnormal luck.

“I wonder if you know how to use the Worm of Time to create charms.

does, I hope to obtain one drop.

all, the Church’s information indicated that there had been no public faith in the Snake of Fate. However, he ultimately curbed himself from doing that, afraid that Will Auceptin in “His” infant state replied, “How did you

he had no idea if Will

areas that believe in the God of Luck; it’s considered a traditional custom… Perhaps “They” are an alternative identity of Will Auceptin or Ouroboros… Klein mumbled silently and used

had the time to calculate how

still very far from being a top tycoon. To reach them, one’s overall assets need to be a

mouthful of water, got into bed, and covered himself with a light

suddenly snapped awake and saw the desolate

the chaotic and abnormal layout before coming deep into the steeple. Like before, there was a circle of tarot cards on

the middle of the

a black baby pram roll out of the shadows. In it was an infant whose looks were indiscernible while it


in a clear voice, “What makes you so

your name? Don’t mind such details! Klein lampooned and

may I address

tersely answered as it said,

so as to maintain a good mental state. A child should act like a child while they’re

heart stirred when

way the Monster pathway maintains its

it still needs certain anchoring from

compared to before, you’re becoming more and

that… Mr. Azik is constantly losing

Will Auceptin scoffed.

restarts, ‘He’ grows up beside the True Creator. ‘He’ lacks the psychological experience of the different stages in life, causing ‘Him’ to be very crazy at times, but


there’s still chance of assassinating Mr. X… Yes, when the time comes, I’ll divine the level of danger above the gray fog… Klein didn’t continue on this topic as he asked,

returned with a question, “You

you know?” Klein was

the Marauder pathway who could create avatars—but why hadn’t ‘He’ assumed that it was Blasphemer Amon?

to parasitize your former colleague. Ah right, your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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