What item would a Snake of Fate be interested in? Klein slowly sat up and leaned against a pillow.

He thought for some time and decided to consider it at a later date. After all, he was still at least a month away from Will Auceptin’s birth. He could also leave the question for The Hermit Cattleya and Queen Mystic Bernadette, who was backing her, to rack their brains over.

Of course, Klein didn’t eliminate the possibility of Will Auceptin’s sudden choice of having an early birth.

He slowly turned his attention into creating a Worm of Time charm. According to Will Auceptin’s explanation, he had most of the conditions required, but he was just short of the corresponding symbol.

Pray to The Fool and use the powers of the mysterious space above the gray fog… I wonder if a symbol corresponding to the Marauder pathway would work… Even if it does, I don’t know what it is. Unless I pull a Marauder above the gray fog and let the high-back chair produce the corresponding pattern… As Klein thought about the details, he suddenly had an idea.

In that case, perhaps he could try the symbol behind The Fool’s chair!

It was the Pupil-less Eye, a symbol representing secrecy, and the Contorted Lines that represented change!

I wonder if it will work… Divination won’t be able to rule it out by elimination, but I can predict if the attempt will be successful. Besides, even if it fails, it shouldn’t be too big a problem. After all, I’m praying to myself. Even if the material were to be wasted in the experiment, it would enter above the gray fog and not be lost… With this in mind, Klein felt pumped. He couldn’t help but get out of bed to try out the experiment that very night!

A material like the Worm of Time that’s left behind by a Marauder demigod at Amon’s level still has its essence and level even if it’s dead. When using it for a charm, it might not reach the level of an angel for various reasons, but it wouldn’t be too far off. It’ll be about the peak strength of a Saint. If Klein succeeded, it would be equivalent to having an additional trump card. At critical points in time, it might give him an additional life. So how could he not be excited and expectant!?

I can only stir some of the powers of the mysterious space above the gray fog. The level of the Worm of Time charm will likely drop a little more. But regardless, it will definitely be like the Ninth Law given to me by Admiral Amyrius… If I used the Blatherer’s aura to create a high-level charm in the Devil domain, it will likely be at the level of the Ninth Law. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t dare to pray to the Dark Side of the Universe… Klein wore his pajamas as he stood barefooted. He walked took four steps counterclockwise on a thick carpet as he chanted the incantation before entering above the gray fog.

Sitting at The Fool’s seat at the end of the long bronze table, he conjured a dark red fortune-teller and yellowish-brown goatskin. He wrote down the corresponding divination statement:

“The charm I’m about to begin making will be successful.”

Unwinding the spirit pendulum from his wrist, Klein held it with his left hand and entered the state of Cogitation.

he opened his eyes and saw

succeed… But that begs the question, will it successfully verify that the symbol I use is effective, or successfully verify that it doesn’t work? As an

was no way for


assassination of Mr. X this

spinning clockwise at a faster frequency

will soon be led out of Backlund… This means that the danger itself is a result of Mr. X and his subordinates. It’s within the limits of what I can handle… As long as I don’t make a mistake, the chances of success are pretty high… Klein made a judgment, put down the pen and paper, and returned to

that, he set up a simple altar against the glow of dusk. He then used a piece of silver

would similarly satisfy the rules of mysticism, but the corresponding

and used his spirituality together with a container, and he then poured the mercury out and filled the carved out

then summon himself and respond to himself. He would then bring the worm with the twelve translucent rings back

the altar and took two steps back. He then

After imbuing himself with

He saw the altar had turned dark and gloomy, as though there were countless secrets hidden here. And the silver sheet had already floated up,

took two steps forward, flipped the silver sheet around, and he filled the carved symbol on the

lines lit up, they effused

the luster grow richer. He then enveloped the

distorted as the entire

charms filled with strange patterns slowly landed on the desk. It was entirely translucent in color and was dark black.

as he hurriedly picked up the charm. He found it cold to the touch

charm, just its formation

obtained a high-level charm

completed item above the gray fog.

the shape of a black crystal card had only one effect, but it was highly potent. It was to siphon off the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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