“It’s fine,” Klein replied with a warm smile.

Although he didn’t seem to notice anything, thoughts were flying through his mind. He began considering what the anomaly that happened during that instant meant.

Previously, the Keepers would head upstairs along the nearby staircase. It can be preliminary determined that they live there, coinciding with the area where the anomaly happened… The Keepers aren’t in the best of conditions, so the chances of them losing control are greater than ordinary Beyonders, causing them to suddenly release a sense of an evil and diabolical will?

And this was suppressed and quelled by the core seal deep behind Chanis Gate?

If that’s the case, there are two possibilities. One, the core seal behind Chanis Gate can sense all the anomalies in Saint Samuel Cathedral, and then react instinctively. Second, during the Keeper’s watch over the years, they are constantly corroded by the core seal’s powers. In a certain sense, they are a part of it, or they bear the weight of the corresponding traits. Once any abnormalities happen, their bodies will immediately intervene.

If it’s the former, that means that when I knock a Keeper unconscious and replace him, it will easily be detected by the core seal behind Chanis Gate. It will produce an anomaly like before, causing my plan to fail right at the beginning. If it’s the latter, I’ll definitely be repelled when entering Chanis Gate, even when disguised as a Keeper…

I need to figure out the problem before coming up with a direct countermeasure…

It’s really difficult to steal Sealed Artifacts from the various Churches. It’s no wonder almost no one is willing to do so…

As Klein’s thoughts wandered, he superficially paid attention to Bishop Elektra’s explanation of Saint Samuel’s experiences and letters that he left behind. When it was almost time, he politely bade him farewell.

After returning to 160 Böklund Street, he saw his butler approach just as he handed his hat and cane to Richardson.

“Sir, do you plan on holding a ball or banquet next weekend and invite the neighbors?” Walter wasn’t using a suggestive tone, but a tone of inquiry.

However, Klein knew very well that since his butler had raised the matter, it meant that it was almost time.

He nodded gently and said, “Saturday night then. A ball.

“I’ll have to trouble you and Taneja to make the preparations.

“Is there enough money?”

When saying the last statement, Klein looked to his housekeeper.

Taneja sternly nodded and said, “There’s enough.

your wine cellar is

expenses. From the looks of it, even with the need to replenish fine wine, tea leaves, and coffee beans, it wasn’t something

gold pound is rather strong after all… Klein nodded and

expensive for our first ball. It’s

to run a ball, he still

help, thinking up some small talk for each guest, matching the person’s corresponding status and experience. Second, it’s to order a suit

When greeting Hazel, can I say that the sewers here are cleaner than

“No problem.”

the night, the crimson moon hung high in the sky. The smog

Dwayne Dantès’s master bedroom, Klein set up

confirm that Trissy had left. He then planned on heading for the fork she had described,

in the sewers would pose a hidden risk that would one

it completely erupts. That’s the most effective solution… Of course, I also need to be sufficiently careful. I mustn’t let my exploration end up lighting a fuse… Klein’s Spirit Body tore out of the candlelight, and with Azik’s copper

though the tycoon had dozed off reading the

comparison of the experience and floated to his desk, cleaning up most of the items on the altar and leaving behind the candle that maintained his summoning to

Hunger, and with Azik’s copper whistle, Death Knell, and the Senor gold coin in possession, he flew out of the master bedroom and left 160

moist and dirty environment, he immediately released Wraith Senor and made his marionette

region in the sewers was already stained

Trissy has really left… Klein, who was following far behind, heaved

he need to walk on the ground. Therefore, he didn’t

turn. Klein constantly maintained a distance of fifty meters, perfectly acting the role of

was a corroded wall covered in moss. At a glance, there weren’t any abnormalities to it. If Trissy hadn’t mentioned it, Klein wouldn’t have gotten his marionette to observe every

suddenly straightened his back and walked

1.8 meters high and was about 3 meters wide. The ground was littered with tools like shovels which were wrapped in oilskin and large piles of mud and rubble. Right up ahead were two hidden passageways that extended


arrogant lady of high society, and at night, she’s an excavator in the sewers? Furthermore, she’s moving the dirt and rubble one pail at a time? She was loitering around to find the exact spot, and digging was the subsequent step? That wall must’ve been a secret door… Klein hid himself at the fork’s entrance as

made the Wraith enter the left passage until he reached a completely sealed off

slowly turned faint as it turned incorporeal. In this

he didn’t discover anything of use. All he saw were ordinary

made the marionette switch directions, “swimming” in the sea

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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