9:30 a.m., Backlund Bridge area, Iron Gate Street, Bravehearts Bar.

Emlyn White stood rooted to his spot after he got down from the carriage. He stared ahead in a daze, nearly forgetting to avoid the sunlight.

At that moment, the bar’s main door was shut with no signs of it opening.

As a Sanguine who seldom left his home and only went to places like bars at night, Emlyn never expected the bar to be closed in the morning. He had left the Harvest Church in a rush via the transportation system after seeing the paper slip, hoping to obtain any first-hand intelligence.

To save time, he even tolerated the cramped environment and stench of the metro.

At that moment, Emlyn was somewhat peeved, but he knew that he had made the mistake. All he could do was pull a face and circle around Iron Gate Street to not waste his trip.

Just as he was about to approach a rental carriage that stood along the street, he caught sight of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

The person was wearing a brown rounded top hat and an old coat while carrying a ragged haversack. He was none other than Ian, the underground arms dealer and intelligence merchant.

Hehe, I have quite good intuition. I knew he would appear early! Emlyn was delighted as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and leisurely walked over, blocking Ian’s way as he chuckled.

“Good morning.”

Ian looked up and glanced at the handsome man before him, replying in puzzlement, “Good morning, Mr. White. You should’ve come in the evening.”

“It seems to be a suitable time now,” Emlyn said with a smile, clearly in a good mood. “Ian, why do you always wear the same clothes and outfit every time I see you?”

Ian answered without minding the question, “This can make me appear more mature while allowing me to keep a low profile.

“Of course, the main reason is that I lack money.”

The final sentence was added with a joking tone.

“I look forward to your attire in summer,” Emlyn said with a scoff.

“I’ll take off my coat,” As Ian spoke, he took out two pieces of paper from his ragged haversack. They were the bounty notices that Emlyn had previously given him. “Someone in East Borough saw this person.”

He handed over one of the papers to Emlyn, and on it was the name, Argos.

there really were clues to the Primordial Moon believers, Emlyn asked

reply as he looked at him with

Emlyn immediately took out his wallet and

“That’s your reward.”

“There’s still

wanted to let this merchant in front of him know the prowess of a Sanguine. This was because an effective clue cost 20

he quickly read between the lines as he asked in pleasant surprise, “Another

Argos and confirmed his residence, it was discovered that he had met with this person named Galis Kevin. Therefore, I’ve obtained the

Emlyn emptied his wallet and gave another 150 pounds to

because there were only five targets, and he had successfully hunted one. Now, with two additional clues, all he needed to do was succeed in order to declare himself victor regardless of what the other Sanguine

with a suppressed voice, “Argos is on the third story of the apartment block at East

Kevin is similarly in East Borough. He stays in the room beside the staircase on the first

abandon your business for a mere 300 pounds.” Emlyn nodded gently

bounty hunters are my friends. They have many informants in East

Despite being in East Borough, they wore very different attire from the people around them. If they were willing to wear more ragged clothes and did more than twelve hours of labor

difference in environment when hiding oneself… Emlyn muttered silently to himself, feeling as

heading to East Borough immediately. This was because even if he took action in the day, it would be very difficult to escape without causing a commotion. It was a rather dangerous act in Backlund, as it meant that

situation and taking action between eight to nine in the


County, Stoen

been brought from the family castle in suitable

items that have been tainted with Beyonder effects… As Audrey’s mind wandered, she couldn’t help but smile. She was proud of

the time on the wall clock, she hurriedly reined in her thoughts and turned to return to her

slumped in a corner of the bedroom. Its front paws were crossed, giving it a sense

it was an opened book. There were dense lines of text written

to time to flip the

mustn’t slack off on your education! Audrey encouraged herself in silence as she approached, planning to get Susie to head outside

Audrey before standing straight

it briskly ran out the bedroom without closing the

haven’t said anything.” Audrey blinked

many times. To prevent Susie from detecting that she wanted to be alone in the room from 3 to 3:30 p.m. on Mondays, forbidding humans and dogs from coming close, she had

Susie’s existence has effectively raised my motivation to learn, as well as how strictly I handle matters… I can’t be inferior to a dog! But, being better than this dog doesn’t seem to be something worthy of praise… Audrey puffed her cheeks with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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