As a Sanguine who liked to stay home, the number of battles Emlyn had involved himself in could be counted on one hand. Furthermore, he had never attempted fighting in the state of a numbers disadvantage.

Be it his attack on the previous Primordial Moon believer, or resisting Bishop Utravsky from the Harvest Church, he basically had the numerical advantage in being the worst at one-on-one fights.

Thinking back to the failure of his family of three attempting to defeat the half-giant bishop, Emlyn’s expression turned livid as though he had recalled the torture he suffered back at the Harvest Church.

As there weren’t many residents living here, and with Galis Kevin having sharp senses as an artificial vampire, he didn’t dare stay outside the door for too long. He quickly walked past the area and walked to the end of the corridor and hid in the shadows.

What should I do next… Emlyn leaned against random objects that blocked the crimson sunlight as his thoughts rapidly whirled in an attempt to find a solution with his pitiful amounts of experience.

Gradually, the words which The Hanged Man had taught The Sun surfaced in his mind:

“Patience is an important premise when dealing with many situations…

“Only by being able to curb your urges and irascibility will you be able to avoid danger to the greatest extent…

“At times, tolerance is very important…”

Tolerance… Emlyn nodded indiscernibly and knew what he needed to do.

He planned on laying in ambush until Argos left!

As this wasn’t the artificial vampire’s residence, it was certain that he would leave. When the time came, Emlyn could deal with a one-on-one situation.

Patience, tolerance, waiting… Emlyn repeated these words inwardly so as to resist the damage the surroundings were dealing to him.

The air wafting through the first floor of the condominium was filled with the stench of piss, rotting moisture, the unflushed smell of feces, the odor of some of its residents, as well as all kinds of nauseating, unpleasant, and disgusting smells. Mixed together, they were like a poison that ate at Emlyn’s senses.

For the first time in his life, Emlyn wished that he could slice off his nose. He had the feeling as though he was stuck in an abyss or was in hell suffering torture.

Patience… Tolerance… Waiting… he mechanically chanted the principles, finding each second that passed excruciatingly long.

Finally, he saw Galis Kevin’s door open. A thin dark-brown figure walked out. His cheekbones protruded, and he had a high, sharp, and crooked nose. He was none other than the Primordial Moon believer, Argos.

At that moment, his face had patches of swollen festering that looked disgusting.

Indeed, as that young boss, Ian, said, these fellows wear clothes that are clean and tidy, completely unlike the residents of East Borough… Emlyn became spirited as he watched Argos leave the condominium.

After patiently waiting for nearly five minutes, he stood up and decided to take action.

vampire, Emlyn was rather aware of his opponent’s strengths and traits. Hence, he had made

isn’t weaker than mine when I just came of age. Heh, this actually cannot be confirmed. For him to stay in such an environment, he might’ve already lost his nose and brains… Besides, his spirituality can’t be weak, and he has an innate instinct that’s geared towards danger… His vision and hearing can’t be too bad either… As Emlyn viewed

that, by consuming the potion and spraying it on like last time, he hid his body and attire, disappearing as though he had been

bronze-green in color had suddenly appeared out of

flipping itself almost silently before fixing onto a white page that

these symbols vanished, the surroundings brightened

the disruption ability of an

retracted, disappearing inch by inch

his plans. He lightened his footsteps and silently arrived outside Galis

appeared out of thin air once again before being flipped

in Emlyn’s mind as it “prompted” him to reach out a hand towards

time, Emlyn cautiously pulled back Leymano’s Travels into his clothes, using his invisible coat

ghostly-blue, incorporeal, blurry door appear before his eyes.

sniff of the air before taking a step forward. He then passed through the ghostly-blue door as if he was passing

was filled with walls covered in stains and three wooden beds on the side, a worn-out cupboard, and all kinds of miscellaneous

was the inside of

Emlyn, it had long vanished as if it

caught sight of

and his eyes were a little red, as though he didn’t fully acquire the eyes of

the side of the bed, staring at the door; his

his side without causing a commotion. He took out Leymano’s Travels which he ensured was in a blind spot, and he flipped to a page that left his fingers

The surface was filled with all kinds of ancient and distorted

Emlyn slid

lightning illuminated the room

head, charring the Primordial

of lightning continued snaking around while Emlyn’s figure surfaced behind the frozen target’s back.


head and tossed the body away, eliminating the possibility of letting his opponent heal himself with his strong


collapsed to the

artificial vampire lost its

He realized that Galis Kevin didn’t realize what was happening even upon death. Fixed in his eyes

like a breeze? Although Emlyn was proud, he didn’t believe that he could finish off an artificial vampire that easily. However, reality told him that

to instantly kill my target… Heh, the premise is that he’s weak to lightning, allowing him to be easily paralyzed… Also, I had interfered with his spiritual intuition ahead of time and avoided attacking him head-on by passing through the wall. Those were key to my success… After

of matching Beyonder powers, as

Man was the first one to have thoughts of renting it… Emlyn reined in his thoughts and looked at the blood that gushed out of Galis Kevin. His throat couldn’t help

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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