Not good! Emlyn White traced Argos’s gaze and realized that he had forgotten to deal with the old newspapers and the tiny wooden chest.

Although they were part of the room, they were placed in different parts of the room. Now, they were put together, making it appear rather odd. It was as though someone had wanted to do something with them before having to give up for the time being.

Then, why would there be a need to give up? Was the person alarmed by the knocking of the door? That means that the murderer hadn’t left and is hiding in a particular corner of the room? Similar thoughts flashed in Argos’s and Emlyn’s mind at the same time. However, one of them was feeling perplexed, while the other was reverse-inferring the other party’s thoughts.

No good!

The two vampires reacted at the same time as Argos lunged to the side as he emitted thick black gases that resembled a bat’s wing. As for Emlyn White, his finger quickly swiped across the opened Leymano’s Travels.

Suddenly, a silver hue appeared, illuminating the room again.

The Lightning that branched out didn’t hit Argos and ended up hitting the ground beside the bed. It broke up into countless thin bolts that snaked towards conductive materials.

Here, the wing which Argos used thick black gases to create seemed to attract the lightning. It was pursued by the snaking lightning as they struck him, spreading across his body.

Argos became numb for a second and crashed down to the ground before he could leap up.

Emlyn hurriedly flipped through Leymano’s Travels and once against slid his finger across a Lightning Strike page.

Although he didn’t know why there were so many pages of Lightning Strike, with them taking up nearly half of the yellowish-brown goatskin, he was overjoyed that he could keep using them.

The silver bolts of lightning crashed down, smiting Argos, causing his body to emit black smoke despite having just recovered from his numbed state. Failing to leap away, his body began to convulse uncontrollably.

Seizing this opportunity, Emlyn White bent his knee and leaped forward with his feet, approaching Argos with afterimages trailing behind him. Then, he wrapped his right arm around target’s head, easily flashing behind him.


Argos directly saw his back.

His eyes filled with blood as the few festering parts on his face burst open as deep and illusory darkness poured out from inside.

Emlyn had no idea what had happened. He slid backward instinctively as he kept changing his positioning.

Argos didn’t pursue him as his eyes lost their rationality. All that was left was pure malicious intent, madness, and clear blankness.

He raised his hands and pressed them against his head before forcefully twisting it, allowing it to return to its normal orientation with a crisp crack.

And around this artificial vampire, the darkness surged as though it wanted to devour everything.

his neck from side to side as his body swelled and

suddenly came to a realization that perhaps the harsh

that moment, he completely broke down with the shadow of death hanging over him.

that he had encountered trouble again as he couldn’t help but curse the Primordial Moon’s believers for often making themselves

for two reasons. First, there wasn’t any time as his opponent was about to launch an attack. Second, in a one-on-one situation, Emlyn believed that it wasn’t too

by flipping through Leymano’s Travels quickly, letting it land on the page with Lightning


lightning smote down heavily as it flailed

shatter the surging darkness, but it also seemed to be devoured by it. The two vanished at the same time, leaving behind Argos who had finally locked

who had lost control produced afterimages as

down and rolled, dodging the lethal

reached his free right hand into his pocket and took out a


quickly turned around, he instantly appeared

cover, Emlyn clenched his fingers, pinching open a crack

pure and radiant

Water which he had concocted with his spirituality.

the preparation that a Potions Professor had


splashed by the liquid, Argos let out a blood-curdling scream. Wisps of

to make him lose his balance. Emlyn tumbled twice

his right hand which had made contact with


of silver lightning smote down, causing Argos’s tragic cries to

had lost control had appeared to be suffering the radiance of the sun

opportunity and took out another bottle of Sun

manage to let out a cry. His body began

relief. He then conjured a thick black fog behind him, turning it into illusory bats the size of a palm as they swarmed towards his

completely. Following that, they separated and flew back to

noticeably, and he finally couldn’t hold out any longer. In his half-melted

to check on the remnant pain. He saw that his

the flesh inside was rapidly

him… Emlyn retracted his gaze and

downs, he hadn’t encountered any real danger the entire time. This made him realize that the existence of the Tarot Club made

definitely would’ve figured out that I possess Beyonder powers like Lightning Strike. He wouldn’t have used Wings

made any evasive maneuvers ahead of time. My Lightning Strike would’ve struck him directly and things would’ve been

angle, no matter what happened, I would be able to kill him as long as I didn’t make a mistake in my handling of matters… They’re really weak… So I’m already

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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