Inside Odora’s villa, Emlyn saw Cosmi, who was also a Baron like he was.

This Sanguine who seemed like a man in his prime was Nibbs Odora’s spokesperson.

I’m also a Baron, and one that recently achieved adulthood at that… Emlyn mumbled inwardly. He got up from the sofa in the activity room and bowed.

“Good evening, My Lord.”

Cosmi was just about to say something when his nose twitched. He then cast his gaze towards the wooden chest beside Emlyn’s feet.

“The smell of fresh blood?”

As he asked in puzzlement, he seemed to connect the dots and added after a second of thought, “You killed another target?”

Emlyn curled his lips and shook his head.


Then, before Cosmi could ask further, his smile turned profound.

“Not one, but two.”

Two? The middle-aged gentleman was taken aback as he watched Emlyn bend down to open the lid.

During this process, Emlyn’s facial muscles winced a little as this series of actions had touched the wound on his right hand.

Holding back the change in his expression, Emlyn allowed his arm to hang down slightly, allowing the chest to tilt and reveal its contents to the Sanguine Baron opposite him.

Two charred, bloody heads were stuffed inside a pile of old newspapers. By the side were two transparent objects which resembled hearts—one red with vitality, and the other nearly black.

This impactful scene was reflected in Cosmi’s eyes as he looked up in surprise, staring at Emlyn blankly as he blurted, “You did this?”

Although he had only managed to recognize one head being Galis Kevin’s, but the two Vampire Beyonder characteristics couldn’t be faked!

Emlyn put down the wooden chest and allowed his right hand to hang down naturally. Surreptitiously, he flicked his right hand very slightly along the corners of his trousers as he replied with a smile, “Of course.

“This is the thing: After receiving the 7,000-pound reward back then, I bought a particular Baron’s legacy at a particular Beyonder gathering. With it, I advanced.

Sanguine, but I didn’t wish for this legacy to land in the hands of others; besides, the seller wasn’t necessarily the

had already become a Baron.

technique he had learned from the

it weren’t because of certain factors, we would’ve questioned you long ago… What I’m surprised about is your combat ability. You don’t even have a single mystical item, and with you only wishing to buy dolls, it’s not easy to hunt two artificial vampires without causing a commotion, even for a Baron… Even I would need to make plenty of preparations and acquire detailed intelligence before it’s possible… Without

“So that’s the reason…

you hide it from us? Don’t you wish to be

at the Sanguine’s expression and tilted his

everyone, but since there was the hunting competition, I decided

the Primordial Moon believers, and you

form of

eyelids twitched

to Rus Báthory and the rest. This way, they might still be eligible for a

a little too cold, so he

Emlyn raised his right arm and

teleported out of East Borough. He had ripped apart

didn’t develop the topic as he said

on being the victor of this hunting competition. You will receive

a Viscount in the future, you will enter the final list of candidates, receiving free help for the

doesn’t contain any godhood, it possesses potent and very mystical powers. As the Ancestor didn’t name it,

these two Beyonder characteristics will belong to the entire Sanguine race. This way, we might be able to have two more newborns, and you would receive 3,000

wasn’t a Viscount’s Beyonder characteristic, with it only being candidature and a free ritual, the ring

with a sense of racial superiority,

Emlyn, who had participated in several Tarot Gatherings and had completed two

much of a coincidence? Emlyn thought for a moment

that Emlyn’s joy had subsided and that he had remained silent for more than ten seconds, Cosmi cleared his

ring and the cash will be given

the time comes, I’ll summon Rus Báthory and company, officially announcing your victory in this hunting competition. Then, the ring will

in such matters, he knew that “rewards” couldn’t be given in private. It needed to be given

and left

which was hanging silently in the sky. His mind gradually calmed as he couldn’t help but recall everything that happened that very day. From that, he concluded lessons

how many Beyonder powers he needed to record onto

one Astromancy… A total of eight times. In addition to that, I

that probably can’t be recorded; for example, my self-recovery powers… I can only repeat them… Heh,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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