Klein’s gaze moved away from Wilma Gladys and looked to the pastries like carrot cake and cream puffs to the side, as well as the roasted poussin, stewed lamb, seared rib-eye, Desi roasted fish, and the other food nearby.

He gulped his saliva slightly and forced himself to retract his gaze as he prepared to invite Ma’am Mary for the second dance.

As the host, he couldn’t skip any of the first three dances; therefore, all he could do was temporarily forget his hunger and the delicacies.

And at this moment, Wilma Gladys, whose pregnant state showed, walked to the spot where there was ice-cream. She reached out her hand before retracting it.

“You want some?” Dr. Aaron hadn’t joined the first dance as he stayed by his pregnant wife’s side.

Wilma Gladys sternly shook her head.

“No, I don’t. I’m pregnant. It’s not good to have ice-cream.

“However, the little fella in my tummy seems to want a little, just a little.”

Dr. Aaron nodded indiscernibly and said, “Then have some. Leave the rest to me.”

Wilma immediately revealed an irresistible smile.

“You spoil him too much!”

She didn’t object to it as she watched her husband pick up a scoop of ice-cream that had been circled with ice.

After taking two bites, Wilma closed her eyes and suddenly shifted her gaze. She looked at a few ladies who hadn’t participated in the first dance. They were chatting about something in hushed tones. They had smiles across their suggestive faces, often covering their mouths and laughing covertly.

What interesting matters are they talking about? Wilma’s curiosity was instantly piqued, and after informing her husband, Aaron, she walked over.

However, the few ladies quickly dispersed as though they were awaiting the second dance.

Wilma was disappointed as she asked the young beautiful lady who remained standing there, “Do you know what they were discussing about?”

“I’m not interested in their topics,” Hazel said as she glanced at the pregnant lady beside her.

She didn’t fault her for being a little impolite because pregnant ladies often had some privileges.

Only then did Wilma notice that Hazel, with her long black-green hair, was holding a cup of champagne. She looked like she had no wish to be invited to a dance.

madams, she will only maintain the most basic courtesy… This is a delightful character, but the problem is that she’s like that to everyone. She’s overly cold and aloof… Perhaps, she’s in the rebellious stage that Emperor Roselle had mentioned before? As a middle-school teacher, Wilma couldn’t help but make comment inwardly. Then, knowing better, she opened up a distance from Hazel and began looking

had a brief reprieve to stuff himself with more food and drink some thirst-quenching sweet ice tea. This

a little too much. After having a short conversation with Bishop Elektra, he

another three more dances. However, he felt that Snake of Fate Will Auceptin might have wanted to communicate with him, judging

stop “His” mother from heading out… In short, it’s

bladder or patiently wait another two minutes, his spiritual perception triggered as he

in time, the mirror had produced a black pram that was covered in shadows that prevented him from seeing any details. The only thing he could discern was that there was a child wrapped

clear voice and said, “Your


scoffed and said,

is that you likely

had a guess. After contemplating for

a few high-level creatures of the spirit world, as well as deities with certain unique authorities or Beyonder who represent fate can discover this point to a certain extent. Of course, close contact has

pram, Will Auceptin sucked at

not, because you aren’t

or your companion

on me, my companions… Klein’s mind raced as he discovered that he might have been psychologically cued in

exploring the primitive island, he had brought Groselle’s Travels

by an ancient god, the Dragon

the opposite, “He” will likely be interested in the notebook. After all, the leader of the organization is the Angel of Imagination, the son of God, Adam! And it’s because of this notebook that I was allowed to take away the Tyrant card while also preventing me and Mr. Hanged Man from continuing the

you are already burdened with so many matters. An additional matter wouldn’t matter. I warned you so that you can take note so as to

debts. Perhaps it might create opportunities and let my debtors end up

wishes to obtain a drop of a Mythical Creature’s blood wishes to

plenty I need. For example, the means to accommodate the Die of Probability, or how to finish off Ouroboros. If it’s possible, you can take as many vials of blood

be easier to just deal with a weak Snake of Fate


and said, “There’s a very arrogant lady at the ball tonight. There’s something wrong with her. If

Dreams? Klein nodded


leave, he hurriedly said, “That paper crane is about to

paper crane for you in my mother’s tummy? Even if I can,

you, and as long as

have any emergency matters, just visit my father directly! After all, don’t you have to wait when

born, I need to have more sleep.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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