Amidst a soothing melody, Klein and Hazel began dancing with their backs straight. One was tall and slim, and apart from the clear difference in age, their movements, demeanor, and looks were highly compatible. It was a beautiful sight to behold, one that could almost be used as a prime example for dancing.

Klein took the initiative to break the silence. As they twirled, he casually said, “I often had nightmares some time ago, but thankfully I had the Goddess’s blessings. I prayed a few times at the cathedral and drank a few cups of holy water, and after that, I stopped jolting awake.”

Hazel silently looked up and, after two seconds, asked, “What kind of nightmare?”

To think you will be interested in such a topic… Will Auceptin was right after all… Klein replied with a smile, “I was being pursued by all kinds of monsters inside an abandoned, dilapidated cathedral.

“But you probably know, it’s almost impossible to remember the details in a dream. I find it difficult to describe those monsters.”

Hazel didn’t say a word, but her bright, brown eyes were colored with dissent.

That also meant that she believed that dreams weren’t necessarily impossible to recall.

Klein took a step diagonally with her in his arms as he said with a smile, “Indeed, I’ve had a very clear dream in the past.

“Back then, I was still in the Southern Continent. I dreamed of an inverted mausoleum. It was constructed from pitch-black stone columns that extended underground. There were zombies covered in white feathers that appeared from them in a bid to pull me in.

“I had such dreams for several days, and it’s really quite embarrassing. I was very afraid back then, so I frantically went to a nearby city and found a divination club. I got them to interpret my dream, and I received the conclusion that during one of my purchases of local goods, I had offended the faith of a tribe that believed in Death.

“Strangely, when I went to the tribe to apologize, gave them gifts, and participated in their celebrations, I never had that dream again.”

He had fabricated the story from his experience as a Seer. His goal was to pique Hazel’s interest to see if she would unknowingly reveal something. At the same time, this was a suggestion with a deeper meaning, one that wouldn’t garner suspicion. The deeper meaning was that Hazel could find a divination club member or a cathedral’s priest to interpret her dream if she was troubled by it. It was best not to make rash choices while blindly believing the contents of the dream.

When Will Auceptin mentioned that there was something wrong with Hazel and suggested chatting about dreams, Klein suspected that her dilemma stemmed from a dream that kept happening. Otherwise, it was hard to explain how, despite being at least a Sequence 8, she had a severe lack of knowledge towards the mysterious world with her blind arrogance. Furthermore, she was a lady from high society who had been educated at home. Thus, it made it difficult for her to make contact with unaffiliated Beyonders or those without clear intentions. After all, her father was a Member of Parliament who was definitely protected. She likely had no lack of Beyonders around her.

Therefore, Klein believed that Hazel might have made contact with something or had caught the fancy of some powerful Beyonder due to her personality. Through dreams, she was slowly guided to become a Beyonder, without giving her the necessary knowledge. At the same time, the entity enticed her to dig in the sewers to search for something.

There were two reasons that solidified his theory. Firstly, it was because of Will Auceptin’s words. Secondly, Sequence 5 of the Marauder pathway was Dream Stealer. It was impossible that it only had the one Beyonder power of stealing the intent behind an action!

Hazel quietly listened to Dwayne Dantès’s description as her mouth subconsciously gaped before closing again. After nearly ten seconds, she asked, “Why didn’t you head to the Goddess’s cathedral?”

As expected, she’s reacting to topics about dreams. However, she’s quite careful and doesn’t divulge anything… Klein smiled wryly and said, “There weren’t any cathedrals of the Goddess around. It was a region that held faith in the God of Steam and Machinery.”

Hazel didn’t continue the topic as she focused her attention back onto the dance, as though she was fully immersed in the music.

he swirled around in

Hazel back to where she was standing, and then he headed for the long table due to his thirst, hoping to get a

Bishop Elektra enjoying some red wine

Church of Storms and the Church of the God of Combat, clergymen of the Evernight Goddess were prohibited from excessive drinking. They needed to reject distilled spirits,

should be your first time holding such a grand ball,

also, hmm… The biggest problem is that having so many dances in a row is exhausting. I kept sweating and wanted

slack on any physical exercise. At times, the social scene is

with a jibing smile, “Ma’am Oria has endorsed you, believing that your

unable to find the words to reply with as he

a smile that all men understood, he switched to saying, “Your Excellency, I’ve recently involved myself in

was referring to the Coim Company and

a sip of red wine and said, “Don’t worry. Backlund follows the rule of law.

relieving. Praise the Lady!” Klein seriously drew the crimson moon

Elektra headed for the dance floor, his

the reason, they had provided him plenty of help to the point of providing him some protection. Yet, he was planning to deal with the Keepers, as well as contemplating how to steal something from

takes too long to complete, I’d really need periodic psychological treatment. Otherwise, I’ll

an apartment in Cherwood

on the

up a pie

figure is a necessity.” Xio hesitated

Fors scoffed.

hunter. There’s no

result. Oh right, I heard that the Warrior pathway has an effective way of raising a person’s height. It’s obvious just from looking at those barbarians from

taken aback as

a half-Arbiter. I have no way of becoming a

had seriously considered it in the

as though she hadn’t

up, Fors pulled Xio into her bedroom and cleared her

I plan on giving

with this time?” Xio

Fors blinked as she suddenly reflected

dryly and said, “This

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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