As the captain of the Future, Cattleya knew of the latent dangers that Frank Lee had better than anyone else. She knew that this first mate’s strange ideas would at times be about truly terrifying and crazy developments. If it wasn’t because those “creations” had yet to be proliferated and lacked the necessary elements, Cattleya believed that the world would be different.

Of course, if there came such a day, she would finish off Frank Lee ahead of everyone else by feeding him to the fishes!

With him lacking godhood, many things will be limited in scope even if they’re considered a success. It’s impossible to distribute out and bring about a greater disaster… Just advancing to Sequence 5 wouldn’t result in any qualitative changes, and Frank has been holding back greatly in recent times. He’s been focused on researching plants that can survive and grow through the absorption of monster corpses in the darkness… As her thoughts swirled and changed in her mind, Cattleya finally made a decision.

“How much do you wish to get for it?”

She had a vague feeling that The World Gehrman Sparrow was recently in need of money.

“8000 pounds. If you can replace it with large sums of gold coins, you’ll receive a discount.” Klein secretly heaved a sigh of relief as he answered using The World.

At the thought of how Frank Lee could be able to afford this sum, and how he wouldn’t reject a Druid’s Beyonder characteristic, Cattleya pondered for two seconds and said, “Deal. Give me a week to gather the amount.”

“No problem.” Klein got The World Gehrman Sparrow to retract his gaze.

After the trip to the primitive island, if not for having garnered the attention of the existence hidden in the depths of the cathedral, he would’ve given himself a perfect score. In less than half a night, he had obtained an invaluable Card of Blasphemy, a mystical item with not less than 10,000 pounds, as well as a possible total of 16,000 pounds. Furthermore, no taxes needed to be paid. It was faster than robbing a bank!

Unfortunately, that primitive island has vanished. Otherwise, I can always pay a visit when I’m lacking money… Klein’s thoughts wandered as he watched Miss Justice look at Mr. Hanged Man and ask with a tone of anticipation, “Do you have the fruits of the Illusory Chime Tree?”

Audrey actually had some inkling to the answer. This was because Mr. World had obtained so many Sequence 5 Beyonder characteristics recently, and Mr. Hanged Man was suspected to have had a private partnership with him in the past week. It was unlikely that he had obtained nothing.

I can figure out certain clues from Mr. Hanged Man’s satisfied and confident state… Audrey felt increasingly confident in her ability to observe others.

Alger chuckled and said, “I was just about to tell you that I’ve already obtained the fruit.”

Excellent! Audrey held back and didn’t act overly agitated.

This meant that she had gathered all the ingredients for Hypnotist. All she needed to do was wait for her Psychiatrist potion to completely digest before she attempted the advancement.

And it wouldn’t take too long! Having already become an “Aunt Agony” in the aristocrat circles in East Chester County, Audrey thought with great certainty.

To be frank, if she hadn’t deliberately guided the topic of conversation, Audrey wouldn’t have imagined that the aristocrats that all looked beaming with decent demeanors suffered immense stress. They had pains that others would find impossible to imagine. The changes of the times and the trends of society made them worried about the futures of their families and self. Of course, this was also related to them not being powerful aristocrats, as well as the limited resources they held on hand.

concept of a facade. She understood that faced with different targets, everyone wore a different

instantly digested a significant amount of

should be able to become a

“key” to the door of demigods, as well as being about to possess a potent mystical item, Alger was lacking in money the

Audrey agreed with relatively great

didn’t need a reimbursement for she could

sigh of relief. She finally didn’t feel like she was falling behind in

their corresponding Beyonder characteristics again and again. Yet, she remained as a Psychiatrist, a Sequence 7 Beyonder. She couldn’t help but feel stressed as she became a little anxious. She relied solely on Placating herself, and Susie’s counseling, to prevent any emotional problems from

the delighted Audrey increasingly enjoyed the gathering, she heard Ma’am Hermit say to Mr. World, “I can provide


it’s solely an exchange of information, I’ll make a killing out of

seconds of thought, she shook her head and said, “There’s no

a single glance at the Wheel of Fortune card. I believe you know what this Card of Blasphemy that was

Angel, and ask if ‘He’ is satisfied with such

the Snake of Fate? That doesn’t make sense. An

one look at the Wheel of Fortune card would be an irresistible temptation. However, it’s unlikely. “He” has lived for so long, and he’s a Sequence

card… It has a snake with the

transaction is ultimately made, you will


to meet Queen Mystic. Don’t worry. The matter is very simple. There’s

of silence, Cattleya said, “I can only try my best to facilitate it, but I can’t give any

conversation, Audrey suddenly


mysticism and Sequence 9 potion formulas, it has developed into transactions involving Cards of Blasphemy

hadn’t even

As Audrey sighed, The Hermit Cattleya continued looking at The World Gehrman

help to conjure an item that

grayish-white in color, as though they were formed from two finger

Broken Finger. It can enhance the stability and agility of your wrist and fingers. It allows you to easily steal items in the pockets of your target without being discovered. The negative effect is kleptomania when worn.

involved… Klein considered for a moment

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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