It comes from a curly-haired baboon… Audrey was momentarily unsure if Mr. World was referring to a real curly-haired baboon or someone who couldn’t be considered human.

In the Loen Kingdom, curly-haired baboons were a common term used to mock others, often used as a joke for low intelligence.

From the looks of it, Mr. World doesn’t wish to provide any further explanation. Alright then, I’ll just treat its origins as that of a real curly-haired baboon… Audrey didn’t ask further as she said, “Didn’t I visit a place that had the tradition of worshiping dragons while seeking out the traces of a mind dragon?”

“But didn’t you discover that the mind dragon lived in the sea of collective subconscious in the local residents? And to ensure your safety, you chose to leave?” Cattleya replied.

“You went back?” Fors asked with a guess.

Audrey shook her head.

“No, I’ve long left the area. I’ve only heard of a rumor recently.

“An archaeological team entered one of the villages in that area. A member suddenly went mad at night, and the mental illness seemed contagious. The other members went mad in turn as they killed each other or themselves. Eventually, not a single member survived.”

Alger was just about to say something when Cattleya said, “This matches the traits of a mind dragon.”

“I have no doubts about that. I’m just curious if the mind dragon will remain in that region,” Audrey expressed her thoughts.

“No,” Alger and Cattleya replied in unison.

Sitting at the long mottled table, The Fool Klein made a connection to something else.

The “anchor” of the deities!

He suspected that the region’s tradition of dragon worship was an “anchor” to stabilize the mind dragon’s state!

Before such traditions ceased its practice, that mind dragon likely doesn’t need to worry about the problem of an “anchor.” Therefore, after it leaves, it can hide in a new region’s sea of collective subconscious. It doesn’t need to take risks to enter the different dreams to create faith. This way, the three Churches will lack clues to finding it. After all, they aren’t experts in this domain. Even with the corresponding Sealed Artifacts, they will, at best, only be capable of entering the sea of collective subconscious or force the mind dragon out… Instead, the Psychology Alchemists might be able to figure something out… As Klein thought casually, he made The World say, “The tradition of dragon worship is very beneficial in stabilizing the mind dragon’s condition. You can get people to take note of such matters. If large-scale changes occur, then it means that the mind dragon is creating similar traditions in other places.”

He originally wanted to mention that he suspected the mind dragon to be an angel, one at Sequence 2, but on careful thought, he found it impossible to determine that.

creature. It has the

folk tradition is beneficial in stabilizing the dragon’s

The World didn’t give an explanation aside from providing an affirmative

long bronze table. She began considering

a chuckle, “Why do you think the various deities

it because God loves the world so much… This standard and orthodox answer surfaced in

the other

“Stabilization of one’s condition!”

brain lacking. No matter how good she was at coming up with

possibility that Mr. Fool is only mentioning one of the possible reasons. “He” is secretly eroding away the Lord of Storms’s authority… This is related to godhood? I should consult Her Majesty about this in the future… Cattleya nudged the heavy glasses on her nose bridge as she made

trembling sense of paralyzing fear. Instead, he began seriously considering why faith

horrified. They felt that what they had

Creator. It had an intimate connection

Klein didn’t say anything further as he allowed

seconds, Audrey forced a smile and said, “That’s all

was all from her,

to the others. They shook

actually wished to flaunt his victory of the

moment and looked at Gehrman

be shared with

directly connected with certain matters that happened in Afternoon Town and the Giant King’s Court. It gave The Sun some prior knowledge of what would be discovered or encountered if the City of Silver were to continue exploring. From that, he would be prepared ahead of time, allowing him to avoid danger. And it was because of this that sharing was a better choice than keeping it to

don’t mind.” Klein had similar considerations as he made The

very important… This is a picture Mr. Hanged Man and Mr. World saw during their partnership in finding the Tyrant card?

Fool’s approval as he conjured the picture

and dark picture instantly left the Tarot Club members stunned. Even the knowledgeable Cattleya momentarily lost her ability

Sanguine no longer do such things ever since the Fourth Epoch… We respect life and only drink blood… Emlyn was quite stunned by what he saw. As he had never seen the six statues in the

shared the images of the six statues, he had yet to join the

legendary ancient sun god. In a

the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Lord of Storms, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom who Mr. World once presented? Why are “They” eating a human. No, “They” are feasting on the ancient sun god, the Creator of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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